CME MDP 3.0 Market Data Adaptor |
MDP 3.0 is a new binary interface to CME Group services. More detailed description you can obtain at CME Group MDP 3.0 Wiki page.
This topic contains the following sections:
There is full set of API for effective listening CME Globex market data. Like in CME FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptor, but adopted to new SBE protocol, and supporting all major features of MDP 3.0.
You can work with MDP 3.0 platform via classes contained at com.b2bits.FIXAntenna.Cme.Mdp namespace. Start point for new MDP 3.0 market data service instance is FixEngine.CreateCmeMdpMarketDataService(String, MarketDataServiceOptions).
For succesfull quick start with CME MDP3 market data processing you should be able to follow such steps:
Execute the following instruction to initialize FIX engine.
// Initialize engine
The file is required to read the engine configuration parameters. It must, by default, be present in the current directory. If the file is located elsewhere or has a different name specify the properties file name and path explicitly.
// Initialize engine FixEngine.Create("");
If an error occurs during initialization (the properties file is not found, a required property is missing etc.) the exception will be thrown.
// Initialize engine FixEngine engine = null; try { engine = FixEngine.Create(""); } catch (System.Exception err) {
You can create an MarketDataService in these steps:
//... using com.b2bits.FIXAntenna.Cme.Mdp; //... static void Main(string[] args) { // Configuration parameters MarketDataServiceOptions options = new MarketDataServiceOptions(); // will be felt with default values options.ConfigXmlFileName = "config.xml"; options.TemplateFilename = "templates.xml"; // Create MarketDataService object with specified parameter MarketDataService service = engine.CreateCmeMdpMarketDataService("SampleInstance", options); // Initialize just created service instance service.Open(); // Thats all, next do your stuff... } //...
To get market data for interested Instrument follow these steps:
When Market Data Service receives a message with market data, it calls one of the callback functions of the Listener object. A class should implement InstrumentListener interface to be used as InstrumentListener:
class InstrumentListener : com.b2bits.FIXAntenna.Cme.Mdp.InstrumentListener { public void OnEvent(Instrument instrument, InstrumentEvent instrumentEvent) { //... } public void OnMessage(Instrument instrument, Message message, ref PerformanceIndicator performanceIndicator) { //... } }
//... InstrumentListener instrumentListener = new InstrumentListener(); InstrumentOptions options; options.Group="ES"; options.MarketDepth=1; options.ImpliedMarketDepth=1; UInt64 securityID = 12345678;// Value of the SecurityID(48) field of the Security Definition(d) message. Channel channel = marketDataService.GetChannel(310); Instrument instrument = channel.AddInstrument(securityID, options); instrument.Subscribe(instrumentListener); //...
You can subscribe to instrument by Symbol/SecurityGroup/Asset/etc
// ... class ResolverListener : com.b2bits.FIXAntenna.Cme.Mdp.ResolverListener { // ... public void OnMessage(Resolver resolver, Message message) { // Filter messages by Symbol, SecurityGroup, Asset, etc.. // assumes user-defined function someCheckingFunction() return true on interested tag values. if (someCheckingFunction(message)) { // Instrument found InstrumentListener listener = new InstrumentListener(); Instrument instrument = resolver.GetChannel())->AddInstrument(message); instrument.Subscribe(listener); } } } //... ResolverListener resolverListener = new ResolverListener(); Channel channel = marketDataService->GetChannel(310); Resolver resolver = channel->AddResolver("my_resolver"); resolver->Start(resolverListener); //...
CME MDP3 uses event driven messaging system. Learn more about event driven messaging system on official CME site
See also reference to Resolver and Instrument events:You can find CME MDP3 Sample in package at this path: installation_dir/samples/CmeMdpClient/