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Getting Started

This topic contains the following sections:

Welcome to FIX Antenna .NET Programmer's Guide. This set of documentation helps you understand how to develop your .NET applications and tools for working with the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol. To learn more, click the following links.

Note  Note

A recent version of this help file can be downloaded and installed from this link.

To learn aboutRead
What is FIX Protocol

Fix Protocol Concepts

FIX Messages

FIX Sessions

Quick start with FixAntenna .NET

"Hello, World!" Sample Walkthrough

FixAntenna.NET Basic Development Concepts

Quick Samples


Using Decorators

FixAntenna .NET installation, configuration and deployment

Installing and Configuring FixAntenna.NET

System and Software Requirements

FixAntenna Configuration

Sample Configuration File

FIX Protocol Customization and Validation


FixAntenna .NET advanced development topics

Advanced Development and Administration Topics

Advanced Samples

Complete API reference: com.b2bits.FIXAntenna

Trademarks and Servicemarks
"F.I.X. Protocol", "FIXimate", "FIXML", "F.I.X.", "INDUSTRY DRIVEN MESSAGING STANDARD", "FAST PROTOCOL", "FIX ADAPTED FOR STREAMING" are trademarks or servicemarks of FIX Protocol Limited. The marks "F.I.X. Protocol""FIXML" and "F.I.X." are registered trademarks in the European Community and Canada.
See Also