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Log files
A file system is used to log messages for FIX Antenna recovery.
Log files are created in the directory specified in the configuration parameters (the "storageDirectory" property).
Files with the *.properties extension (properties files) contain basic session information.
- Port
- InitialIncomingSeqNumber
- Host
- InitialOugoingSeqNumber
- Sender SenderCompID
- Target TargetCompID
- FIX Protocol version
Incoming messages are stored to files with the .in extension.
Outgoing messages are stored to files with the .out extension.
Some tag values in both the .in and .out log files are masked with asterisks. This is done to obfuscate sensitive information (such as logins and passwords) by applying masks. The tag values are obfuscated with asterisks. The number of asterisks depends on the field length.
NOTE: Session logins are not obfuscated by default, but this option can be configured.
When a row with the text "Password=<quoted value>" is added to the application log file, the "quoted value" is obfuscated with three asterisks.
When a message in the application log includes a FIX message, the Engine obfuscates sensitive field values in the FIX message with the corresponding number of asterisks. Files related to the same session have the same basic part of name (the one before a point). Writing information about FA operations into log files could be configured via file targets of Log files are used during automatic session reestablishment. Thus, to
ensure a "clean" run of FIX Antenna, it is necessary to remove all the files from
the log directory (the "storageDirectory" property). Starting from version 0.9.3, FIX Antenna .NET Core is compatible with Log Replicator. The Replication tool determines a type of session logs automatically and does not require any additional configuration. However FIX Antenna .NET Core must be configured in a particular way having the following properties with certain values for the Replication tool to operate correctly: Resetting of sequence numbers in a session isn't supported, you must create a new session instead. Yes, it is possible to create many instances of FIX Antenna as long as they use different listening ports.
FIX Server instances are pretty lightweight, so there is no limit on the number of servers, but rather on the number
of simultaneous sessions. Yes. However, it is recommended to set different logging files. Otherwise different instances will put logging data into the
same file and it will be difficult to distinguish records made by different instances. Yes. FIX Antenna loads all session information at session creation time. It is enough to just clean the logging directory before creating a new instance of FIX Antenna. User Defined Fields (the tag numbers 5000 to 9999) are handled like ordinary fields. Example: Solution:
The source of this problem cannot be detected easily. The required fields of both the FIX message itself and
the group (AdditionalFields) must be filled out with corresponding values, and any gap or change in the tag order
leads to the error (it is true for both standard and custom messages). Therefore, both standard and additional group fields
must be checked for validity and then processed again. Extra attention must be paid to the order of fields in the repeating
FIX group.
For this particular example: The tag 290 is placed before the tag 269 (wrong tag order). To solve the problem: place the tag 290 and its value after tag 269 and process the message again. The FIX session has two parameters for FIX version control: FixVersion and AppVersion.
FixVersion resents data, which will be put to BeginString(8) tag of each message.
AppVersion is used only if FixVersion contains a marker for FIX Session Protocol FIXT11).
In this case, the AppVersion parameter will contain the ApplVerID(1128) tag value.
If you want to create a FIX 5.0 session, add the following strings to your code: Unfortunately, FIX Antenna does not have this function so far. We plan to include it in future releases. If you'd like, you can implement it in your code: To send a login/password via a Logon message, use To verify a login/password on server side: FIX specification allows shutting down the connection without sending Logout here:
"If authentication fails, the session acceptor should shut down the connection after optionally sending a Logout message to indicate the reason of failure. Sending Logout in this case is not required because doing so would consume a sequence number for that session, which in some cases may be problematic." But if a Logout message is required in your environment, you need to write a custom handler with authorization for Logon messages. It is possible to send a Logout message without Logon from the handler. Antenna receives all required information about a FIX version from FIX dictionaries. They contain meta-data in the XML format, which helps FIX Anttenna validate messages. There are several ways to customize FIX Antenna behaviour: This error means that you have some problem with a license file. Possible cases: Make sure that the license file (fa-net-license.bin) can be accessed by FIX Engine. Typicaly, the engine searches for the license in the following way: If the license is located in the right place, send the logs and license file to sales@btobits.com. It's possible your license has become invalid or corrupted. This error means that the application memory could not hold a memory-mapped file of such a size.
Make sure your application targets x64 architecture. Make sure that this port is not in use by some other application. Try NLog
.Compatibility with Log Replicator
Property Name
Prohibited Value(s)
Allowed Value(s)
Is it possible to create more than one instance of FIX Antenna?
Is it possible to create more than one instance of FIX Antenna using the same logging directory?
May I put session log files to the log directory and expect that FIX Antenna will analyse them when a new session with the same parameters is created?
FIX Antenna was incorrectly terminated. I don't want the session to be restored on the next start. What should I do for a clean start?
How can I do the customization (add user-defined fiels, messages, or change fields and messages definition)?
How can I fix the "Repeating group fields out of order" error?
8=FIX.4.3 | 9=285 | 35=X | 49=FIXERBRIDGETRD1 | 34=1 | 57=B2BTEST1 | 52=99990909-17:17:17 | 268=4 | 269=2 | 270=9539.500000 | 271=1 | 272=20041208 | 273=13:34:10.000 | 290=1 | 269=4 | 27 0 =9539.500000 | 271=4294967295 | 272=20041208 | 273=13:34:10.000 | 290=1 | 269=Z | 270=9528.000000 | 271=401 | 290=1 | 269=Y | 270=0.000000 | 271=0 | 290=1 | 10=019 |
[ERROR] Repeating group fields out of order [RefSeqNum: 1, RefTagID: 269, RefMsgType: X]
How to create a FIX 5.0 session?
SessionParameters details = new SessionParameters();
How to reset seqeuence numbers on logon?
class MyServerListener : IFixServerListener {
public void NewFixSession(IFixSession session) {
SessionParameters sessionParameters = session.GetSessionParameters();
sessionParameters.SetOutgoingSequenceNumber(1); //reset outgoint sequnce number to 1
sessionParameters.SetIncomingSequenceNumber(1); //reset outgoint sequnce number to 1
//send this flag to other side to notificate tat thay should reset sequence too.
sessionParameters.AddOutgoingLoginField(Fixt11.Logon.ResetSeqNumFlag, "Y");
How do I implement a basic authorization process?
to set additional tags before session connect:details.AddOutgoingLoginField(Fixt11.Logon.Username, "user");
details.AddOutgoingLoginField(Fixt11.Logon.Password, "pass");
public void NewFixSession(IFixSession session)
SessionParameters parameters = session.GetSessionParameters();
//get username(553) and password(554) tags from incomming login
string username = parameters.GetIncomingLoginFixMessage().GetTagValueAsString(Fixt11.Logon.Username);
string password = parameters.GetIncomingLoginFixMessage().GetTagValueAsString(Fixt11.Logon.Password);
//check that this user has access to the system
if (!IsAuthorized(username, password))
// terminate session
//accept this session
session.SetFixSessionListener(new MyFixSessionListener(session));
How do I use a customized FIX version with Antenna?
SessionParameters details = new SessionParameters();
//replace standard FIX 4.4 dictionary with custom for concrete session
FixVersionContainer fixVersion = new FixVersionContainer("CustomFIX44", FixVersion.Fix44, "custom/fixdic44.xml");
IFixSession session = details.CreateNewFixSession();
//replace standard FIX 4.4 dictionary with custom
ValidationEngine.PreloadDictionary(FixVersion.Fix44, "custom/fixdic44.xml", true);
FixVersionContainer fix44Version = FixVersionContainer.GetFixVersionContainer(FixVersion.Fix44);
FixVersionContainer customFix44Version = new FixVersionContainer("CustomFIX44", fix44Version, "custom/additional44.xml");
I get an "ERROR: Error: License is not valid. Please contact us at sales@btobits.com for further assistance." error message right after start.
I get a "System.IO.IOException : Not enough memory resources are available to process this command." exception when using storages based on memory-mapped files)
FIX Antenna cannot create a listen port on start
netstat -a
to get the list of used ports.