B2BITS FIX Antenna C++ 2.33.0
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Engine::FixEngine Class Reference

FIX Engine interface. More...

#include <B2BITS_FixEngine.h>


struct  InitParameters
 FixEngine::init parameters. More...

Public Member Functions

FixEngineImpl * _impl ()
void backupLogFile (const std::string &backupFilePath)
 Backups engine's log file under the given name and opens a new one.
bool cancelScheduledSessionRestart (const SessionId &sessionId)
 Cancels a scheduled by the SessionsManager::onSessionTerminated() callback restart of a session with given SessionId.
SessioncreateAcceptor (int port, Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, ParserID scpID, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX acceptor.
Bats::ApplicationcreateBatsApplication (const Bats::ApplicationOptions &options, Bats::ApplicationListener *listener)
 Creates an instance of the Bats Market Data Adapter.
Bovespa::BovespaApplication * createBovespaApplication (Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams const &params, Bovespa::BovespaApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the Bovespa FIX/FAST adapter.
Bovespa::BovespaApplication * createBovespaApplication (Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Bovespa::BovespaApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
b2bits::CBOE::CMi2::Initiator * createCboeCmi2Initiator (b2bits::CBOE::CMi2::SessionParameters const &params)
 Creates instance of the CBOE CMi2 Initiator.
Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplication * createCboeCsmApplication (Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationParams const &params, Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CBOE CSM adapter.
Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplication * createCboeCsmApplication (Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplication * createCboeMarketDepthApplication (Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationParams const &params, Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CBOE Market Depth adapter.
Cme::Mdp::MarketDataService * createCmeMdpMarketDataService (const std::string &name, const Cme::Mdp::MarketDataServiceOptions &options)
 Creates an instance of the CME MDP3 Market Data Adapter.
Cqg::MDApplicationcreateCqgMDApplication (Cqg::MDApplicationListener *listener, Cqg::MDApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CQG FIX/FAST Market Data adapter It is user's responsibility to call Cqg::MDApplication::release method.
FastCodercreateFastCoder (std::string const &template_fn, Engine::FIXVersion appProtocolVersion, Engine::FIXVersion scpProtocolVersion)
 Creates FastCoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastCoder instance.
FastCodercreateFastCoder (std::string const &template_fn, Engine::FIXVersion protocolVersion)
 Creates FastCoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastCoder instance.
FastDecodercreateFastDecoder (std::string const &template_fn, Engine::FIXVersion appProtocolVersion, Engine::FIXVersion scpProtocolVersion)
 Creates FastDecoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastDecoder instance.
FastDecodercreateFastDecoder (std::string const &template_fn, Engine::FIXVersion protocolVersion)
 Creates FastDecoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastDecoder instance.
SessioncreateFastSession (std::string const &templateFn, Application *pApp, const SessionId &sessionId, FIXVersion appVer, const FastSessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.
SessioncreateFastSession (std::string const &templateFn, Application *pApp, const SessionId &sessionId, FIXVersion appVer, FIXVersion scpVer, const FastSessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.
SessioncreateFastSession (std::string const &templateFn, Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, FIXVersion appVer, const FastSessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.
SessioncreateFastSession (std::string const &templateFn, Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, FIXVersion appVer, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType)
 Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.
SessioncreateFastSession (std::string const &templateFn, Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, FIXVersion appVer, FIXVersion scpVer, const FastSessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.
ParserID createFixParser (DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, DictionaryID const &appProtocol)
 Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.
ParserID createFixParser (DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, FixVersionToProtocolName const *appProtocols)
ParserID createFixParser (DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, nullptr_t appProtocols)
ParserID createFixParser (DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, ProtocolNames const *appProtocols=NULL)
 Creates protocol using loaded protocol definition files.
ParserID createFixParser (ParserName const &parserName, DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, DictionaryID appProtocol)
 Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.
ParserID createFixParser (ParserName const &parserName, DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, FixVersionToProtocolName const *appProtocols)
ParserID createFixParser (ParserName const &parserName, DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, nullptr_t appProtocols)
ParserID createFixParser (ParserName const &parserName, DictionaryID const &scpProtocolName, ProtocolNames const *appProtocols)
 Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.
Forts::FortsApplication * createFortsApplication (Forts::FortsApplicationParams const &params, Forts::FortsApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the MOEX RTS FORTS FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Forts::MDApplication::release method.
Forts::FortsApplication * createFortsApplication (Forts::FortsApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Forts::FortsApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the MOEX RTS FORTS FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Forts::MDApplication::release method.
Globex2::GlobexApplication * createGlobexApplication (Globex2::GlobexApplicationParams const &params, Globex2::GlobexApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter v.2 It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.
Globex2::GlobexApplication * createGlobexApplication (Globex2::GlobexApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Globex2::GlobexApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter v.2 It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.
GlobexSbe::GlobexApplication * createGlobexSbeApplication (GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationParams const &params, GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
GlobexSbe::GlobexApplication * createGlobexSbeApplication (GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
SessioncreateInitiator (Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, ParserID scpID, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL)
 Creates FIX initiator.
Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplication * createMarketDepthApplication (Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
Globex::MDApplicationcreateMDApplication (Globex::MDApplicationParams const &params, Globex::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Globex::MDApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.
Globex::MDApplicationcreateMDApplication (Globex::MDApplicationParams const &params, Globex::MDApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.
Mit::Application * createMitApplication (Mit::ConnectionManager *connectionManager, const std::string &configurationFilename)
 Creates an instance of the MilleniumIT Market Data Adapter.
Mit::Application * createMitApplication (Mit::ConnectionManager *connectionManager, const std::string &name, const Mit::ApplicationOptions &applicationOptions)
 Creates an instance of the MilleniumIT Market Data Adapter.
ParserID createProtocol (std::string const &name, FIXVersion baseVer, std::string const &additionalXml)
 Register new custom FIX Protocol and returns its identifier.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const SessionId &sessionId, FIXVersion appVer=NA, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, UnderlyingProtocol underlyingProtocolType=FIX_TCP)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const SessionId &sessionId, ParserID scpID, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, ProtocolIndex defaultAppProtocol=NA)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const SessionId &sessionId, ParserName const &parserName, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, FIXVersion defaultAppProtocol=NA)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, FIXVersion appVer=NA, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, UnderlyingProtocol underlyingProtocolType=FIX_TCP)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, ParserID scpID, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, ProtocolIndex defaultAppProtocol=NA)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
SessioncreateSession (Application *pApp, const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID, ParserName const &parserName, const SessionExtraParameters *pParam=NULL, const MessageStorageType storageType=default_storageType, FIXVersion defaultAppProtocol=NA)
 Creates a new FIX Session.
Spectra::SpectraApplication * createSpectraApplication (Spectra::SpectraApplicationParams const &params, MarketData::DataReaderAbstract *dataReader, Spectra::SpectraApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the MOEX RTS SPECTRA FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Spectra::MDApplication::release method.
Spectra::SpectraApplication * createSpectraApplication (Spectra::SpectraApplicationParams const &params, Spectra::SpectraApplicationListener *appListener=NULL)
 Creates instance of the MOEX RTS SPECTRA FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Spectra::MDApplication::release method.
ParserID findParser (const ParserDescription &parserDescription) const
 Finds registered parser id by partially filled parser desription.
AdminApplicationgetAdminApplication ()
 Returns administrative application.
DictionaryID const * getAppProtocolName (ParserID parserID, ProtocolIndex protocolIndex) const
 Returns application protocol name for given parser and protocol.
FIXVersion getBaseProtocol (ParserID parserID) const
 Returns base FIX protocol version.
FixDictionary2::Dictionary const * getDictionary () const
 Returns reference to protocol dictionary.
std::string getLicenseExpirationDate ()
 Returns license expiration date in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
int getListenPort () const
 Returns engine listen port number.
ListenPorts getListenPorts () const
 Returns engine listen ports.
ParserDescription getParserDescription (Engine::ParserID parserID) const
 Returns parser description for given parser id.
ParserID getParserID (ParserName const &name) const
 Returns unique parser ID.
ParserName const & getParserName (ParserID parserID) const
 Returns unique parser name.
ParserIDToParserNamePtr getParsers () const
 Returns set of registered parsers include custom parsers.
const FAPropertiesgetProperties () const
 Returns settings.
FixDictionary2::ProtocolT::CPtr getProtocol (std::string const &protocolName) const
 Returns registered protocol by protocol name.
FIXVersion getProtocolBaseVersion (std::string const &protocolName) const
 Returns base version of registered protocol by protocol name.
ParserID getProtocolID (const std::string &name) const
 Returns unique parser ID.
Engine::AsciiString getProtocolName (ParserID parserID) const
 Returns unique parser name.
ProtocolIndexToProtocolName const * getProtocols (ParserID parserID) const
 Returns set of application level protocols for given parser.
System::SchedulerPtr getScheduler () const
 Returns engine's scheduler used to run cobfigured schedules.
DictionaryID const * getScpProtocolName (ParserID parserID) const
 Returns transport protocol name for given parser.
SessiongetSession (const SessionId &sessionId)
 Searches for a session by sessionId consisting of senderCompID, targetCompID and session qualifier.
SessiongetSession (const std::string &senderCompID, const std::string &targetCompID)
 Searches for a session with given senderCompID/targetCompID with empty session qualifier.
Engine::SessionsManagergetSessionsManager ()
 Returns the current SessionsManager.
void getStatistics (Statistics *apS)
 Returns the statistical information.
MessageStorageType getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType () const
 Returns the default unregistered session's storage type.
FixDictionary2::Dictionary::DictionariesInfo loadProtocolFile (std::string const &fileName)
 Loads protocol definition/customization file.
void registerAdminApplication (AdminApplication *app)
 Register administrative application.
void registerEventListener (Engine::EventListener *apListener)
 Registers the given EventListener with FixEngine.
void registerSessionsManager (SessionsManager *apManager)
 Registers SessionsManager with the engine.
void setUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType (const MessageStorageType type)
 Sets the default unregistered session's storage type.
void startListeningIncomingConnections ()
 Makes the engine listen to incoming connections.
void stop ()
 Stops the engine's worker threads.
void stopListeningIncomingConnections ()
 Pauses the engine listen to incoming connections.
bool unregisterEventListener (Engine::EventListener *apListener)
 Unregisters the given EventListener.

Static Public Member Functions

static void clearAdditionalFields ()
 Destroys the additional fields.
static void destroy ()
 Destroys the instance of this class.
static const EngineProperties getEnginePropertiesDefaults ()
 Retrieves properties defaults.
static std::string getEngineVersion ()
 Returns version of the FixEngine.
static FixEngineinit (const EngineProperties &engineProperties, const std::string &licenseKey="", bool initUtilsLogger=true, const SSLCustomContextProperties &customSSLContextProperties=SSLCustomContextProperties())
 Initializes the Engine.
static FixEngineinit (const std::string &propertiesFileName="", int listenPort=-1, const std::string &engineRoot="", const std::string &additionalFields="", const std::string &licenseKey="", bool initUtilsLogger=true, const SSLCustomContextProperties &customSSLContextProperties=SSLCustomContextProperties())
 Initializes the Engine.
static FixEngineinit (InitParameters const &params)
 Initializes the Engine.
static bool initialized ()
 Returns true if FixEngine was initialized; false otherwise.
static void reset_revision (const char *r)
 Using by FA to log real revision number, to avoid static relink.
static void setAdditionalFields (const std::string &propertiesFileName="", const std::string &engineRoot="", const std::string &additionalFields="")
 Initializes the additional fields.
static FixEnginesingleton ()
 Returns an instance of this class.

Detailed Description

FIX Engine interface.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _impl()

FixEngineImpl * Engine::FixEngine::_impl ( )

◆ backupLogFile()

void Engine::FixEngine::backupLogFile ( const std::string & backupFilePath)

Backups engine's log file under the given name and opens a new one.

backupFilePaththe current engine's log will be moved to this path.

◆ cancelScheduledSessionRestart()

bool Engine::FixEngine::cancelScheduledSessionRestart ( const SessionId & sessionId)

Cancels a scheduled by the SessionsManager::onSessionTerminated() callback restart of a session with given SessionId.

sessionIdSessionID of the session
true if there was a restart scheduled for the session and it was successfully canceled and false otherwise.

◆ clearAdditionalFields()

static void Engine::FixEngine::clearAdditionalFields ( )

Destroys the additional fields.

Do not use it with destroy() method.

◆ createAcceptor()

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createAcceptor ( int port,
Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
ParserID scpID,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX acceptor.

This session is experimental.

portListen TCP port
pAppSession event listener
senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
scpIDFIX session control protocol identifier.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
This session is experimental.

◆ createBatsApplication()

Bats::Application * Engine::FixEngine::createBatsApplication ( const Bats::ApplicationOptions & options,
Bats::ApplicationListener * listener )

Creates an instance of the Bats Market Data Adapter.

The application should be destroyed with Application::release().

◆ createBovespaApplication() [1/2]

Bovespa::BovespaApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createBovespaApplication ( Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams const & params,
Bovespa::BovespaApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the Bovespa FIX/FAST adapter.

◆ createBovespaApplication() [2/2]

Bovespa::BovespaApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createBovespaApplication ( Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Bovespa::BovespaApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )
For testing purposes only.

◆ createCboeCmi2Initiator()

b2bits::CBOE::CMi2::Initiator * Engine::FixEngine::createCboeCmi2Initiator ( b2bits::CBOE::CMi2::SessionParameters const & params)

Creates instance of the CBOE CMi2 Initiator.

◆ createCboeCsmApplication() [1/2]

Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createCboeCsmApplication ( Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationParams const & params,
Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CBOE CSM adapter.

◆ createCboeCsmApplication() [2/2]

Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createCboeCsmApplication ( Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Cboe::Csm::CboeCsmApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )
For testing purposes only.

◆ createCboeMarketDepthApplication()

Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createCboeMarketDepthApplication ( Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationParams const & params,
Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CBOE Market Depth adapter.

◆ createCmeMdpMarketDataService()

Cme::Mdp::MarketDataService * Engine::FixEngine::createCmeMdpMarketDataService ( const std::string & name,
const Cme::Mdp::MarketDataServiceOptions & options )

Creates an instance of the CME MDP3 Market Data Adapter.

The adaper should be destroyed with MarketDataService::destroy().

◆ createCqgMDApplication()

Cqg::MDApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createCqgMDApplication ( Cqg::MDApplicationListener * listener,
Cqg::MDApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader = NULL )

Creates instance of the CQG FIX/FAST Market Data adapter It is user's responsibility to call Cqg::MDApplication::release method.

◆ createFastCoder() [1/2]

FastCoder * Engine::FixEngine::createFastCoder ( std::string const & template_fn,
Engine::FIXVersion appProtocolVersion,
Engine::FIXVersion scpProtocolVersion )

Creates FastCoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastCoder instance.

◆ createFastCoder() [2/2]

FastCoder * Engine::FixEngine::createFastCoder ( std::string const & template_fn,
Engine::FIXVersion protocolVersion )

Creates FastCoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastCoder instance.

◆ createFastDecoder() [1/2]

FastDecoder * Engine::FixEngine::createFastDecoder ( std::string const & template_fn,
Engine::FIXVersion appProtocolVersion,
Engine::FIXVersion scpProtocolVersion )

Creates FastDecoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastDecoder instance.

◆ createFastDecoder() [2/2]

FastDecoder * Engine::FixEngine::createFastDecoder ( std::string const & template_fn,
Engine::FIXVersion protocolVersion )

Creates FastDecoder It is user's responsibility to destroy FastDecoder instance.

◆ createFastSession() [1/5]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createFastSession ( std::string const & templateFn,
Application * pApp,
const SessionId & sessionId,
FIXVersion appVer,
const FastSessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

◆ createFastSession() [2/5]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createFastSession ( std::string const & templateFn,
Application * pApp,
const SessionId & sessionId,
FIXVersion appVer,
FIXVersion scpVer,
const FastSessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

◆ createFastSession() [3/5]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createFastSession ( std::string const & templateFn,
Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
FIXVersion appVer,
const FastSessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

◆ createFastSession() [4/5]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createFastSession ( std::string const & templateFn,
Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
FIXVersion appVer,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType )

Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

This version of the method is deprecated. Use another overloads.

◆ createFastSession() [5/5]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createFastSession ( std::string const & templateFn,
Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
FIXVersion appVer,
FIXVersion scpVer,
const FastSessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX-over-FAST session It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

◆ createFixParser() [1/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
DictionaryID const & appProtocol )

Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.

[in]scpProtocolNameProtocol name (attribute 'id' in the XML file) to create parser for. Must be FIXT 1.1 or it's customization
[in]appProtocolApplication level protocol name.
unique parser ID.

◆ createFixParser() [2/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
FixVersionToProtocolName const * appProtocols )

◆ createFixParser() [3/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
nullptr_t appProtocols )

◆ createFixParser() [4/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
ProtocolNames const * appProtocols = NULL )

Creates protocol using loaded protocol definition files.

[in]scpProtocolNameProtocol name (attribute 'id' in the XML file) to create parser for.
[in]appProtocolsSet of application level protocols. Used if SCP protocol is FIXT 1.1 or it's customization.
unique parser ID.

◆ createFixParser() [5/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( ParserName const & parserName,
DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
DictionaryID appProtocol )

Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.

[in]parserNameUnique parser name that will be assigned to the new parser.
[in]scpProtocolNameTransport protocol name (attribute 'id' in the XML file) to create parser for. Must be FIXT 1.1 or it's customization
[in]appProtocolApplication level protocol name.
unique parser ID.

◆ createFixParser() [6/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( ParserName const & parserName,
DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
FixVersionToProtocolName const * appProtocols )

◆ createFixParser() [7/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( ParserName const & parserName,
DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
nullptr_t appProtocols )

◆ createFixParser() [8/8]

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser ( ParserName const & parserName,
DictionaryID const & scpProtocolName,
ProtocolNames const * appProtocols )

Creates FIXT11 protocol using loaded protocol definition files.

[in]parserNameUnique parser name that will be assigned to the new parser.
[in]scpProtocolNameTransport protocol name (attribute 'id' in the XML file) to create parser for. Must be FIXT 1.1 or it's customization
[in]appProtocolsSet of application level protocols.
unique parser ID.

◆ createFortsApplication() [1/2]

Forts::FortsApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createFortsApplication ( Forts::FortsApplicationParams const & params,
Forts::FortsApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the MOEX RTS FORTS FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Forts::MDApplication::release method.

◆ createFortsApplication() [2/2]

Forts::FortsApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createFortsApplication ( Forts::FortsApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Forts::FortsApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the MOEX RTS FORTS FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Forts::MDApplication::release method.

For testing puproses only

◆ createGlobexApplication() [1/2]

Globex2::GlobexApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createGlobexApplication ( Globex2::GlobexApplicationParams const & params,
Globex2::GlobexApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter v.2 It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.

◆ createGlobexApplication() [2/2]

Globex2::GlobexApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createGlobexApplication ( Globex2::GlobexApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Globex2::GlobexApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter v.2 It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.

For testing purposes only.

◆ createGlobexSbeApplication() [1/2]

GlobexSbe::GlobexApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createGlobexSbeApplication ( GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationParams const & params,
GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex SBE adapter It is user's responsibility to call GlobexSbe::MDApplication::release method.

paramsapplication parameters
appListenerapplication observer
Globex SBE application instance

◆ createGlobexSbeApplication() [2/2]

GlobexSbe::GlobexApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createGlobexSbeApplication ( GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
GlobexSbe::GlobexApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex SBE adapter It is user's responsibility to call GlobexSbe::MDApplication::release method.

paramsapplication parameters
appListenerapplication observer
Globex SBE application instance

◆ createInitiator()

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createInitiator ( Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
ParserID scpID,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL )

Creates FIX initiator.

This session is experimental.

portListen TCP port
pAppSession event listener
senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
scpIDFIX session control protocol identifier.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
This session is experimental.

◆ createMarketDepthApplication()

Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createMarketDepthApplication ( Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Cboe::MarketDepth::CboeMarketDepthApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )
For testing purposes only.

◆ createMDApplication() [1/2]

Globex::MDApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createMDApplication ( Globex::MDApplicationParams const & params,
Globex::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Globex::MDApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.

For testing purposes only.

◆ createMDApplication() [2/2]

Globex::MDApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createMDApplication ( Globex::MDApplicationParams const & params,
Globex::MDApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the CME Globex FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Globex::MDApplication::release method.

◆ createMitApplication() [1/2]

Mit::Application * Engine::FixEngine::createMitApplication ( Mit::ConnectionManager * connectionManager,
const std::string & configurationFilename )

Creates an instance of the MilleniumIT Market Data Adapter.

The application should be destroyed with Application::release(). connectionManager should stay alive until Application::release() is called. connectionManager can be 0 to create and use the default implementation.

◆ createMitApplication() [2/2]

Mit::Application * Engine::FixEngine::createMitApplication ( Mit::ConnectionManager * connectionManager,
const std::string & name,
const Mit::ApplicationOptions & applicationOptions )

Creates an instance of the MilleniumIT Market Data Adapter.

The application should be destroyed with Application::release(). connectionManager should stay alive until Application::release() is called. connectionManager can be 0 to create and use the default implementation.

◆ createProtocol()

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::createProtocol ( std::string const & name,
FIXVersion baseVer,
std::string const & additionalXml )

Register new custom FIX Protocol and returns its identifier.

nameUnique name of the protocol
baseVerBase FIX Version
additionalXmlFIX Protocol customization file
Utils::ExceptionIf protocol with given name already exists or additionalXml points to default additional.xml file.
Unique FIX protocol identifier
Use Engine::FixEngine::loadProtocolFile and Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser methods.

◆ createSession() [1/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const SessionId & sessionId,
FIXVersion appVer = NA,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
UnderlyingProtocol underlyingProtocolType = FIX_TCP )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
sessionIdSession Identifier
appVerApplication FIX protocol version or default application FIX protocol in case of FIXT 1.1 session.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageType- type of the message storage
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSession() [2/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const SessionId & sessionId,
ParserID scpID,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
ProtocolIndex defaultAppProtocol = NA )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
sessionIdSession Identifier
scpIDFIX session control parser identifier.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageTypeMessage storage type
defaultAppProtocolDefault application FIX protocol version. Required if scpID points to FIXT 1.1 protocol.
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSession() [3/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const SessionId & sessionId,
ParserName const & parserName,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
FIXVersion defaultAppProtocol = NA )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
sessionIdSession Identifier
parserNameName of the parser or parser template string,
See also
Engine::FIXPropertiesNames::PARSERS_NAMES_LIST FIX Parser for this should be created.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageType- type of the message storage
defaultAppProtocolDefault application FIX protocol version. Required if underlyingProtocolType equals FIXT11_TCP or parserID points to FIXT 1.1 protocol.
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSession() [4/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
FIXVersion appVer = NA,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
UnderlyingProtocol underlyingProtocolType = FIX_TCP )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
appVerApplication FIX protocol version or default application FIX protocol in case of FIXT 1.1 session.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageType- type of the message storage
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSession() [5/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
ParserID scpID,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
ProtocolIndex defaultAppProtocol = NA )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
scpIDFIX session control parser identifier.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageTypeMessage storage type
defaultAppProtocolDefault application FIX protocol version. Required if scpID points to FIXT 1.1 protocol.
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSession() [6/6]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::createSession ( Application * pApp,
const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID,
ParserName const & parserName,
const SessionExtraParameters * pParam = NULL,
const MessageStorageType storageType = default_storageType,
FIXVersion defaultAppProtocol = NA )

Creates a new FIX Session.

It is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

pAppa pointer to the Application that will process the incoming messages.
senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
parserNameName of the parser or parser template string,
See also
Engine::FIXPropertiesNames::PARSERS_NAMES_LIST FIX Parser for this should be created.
pParaman option session parameters, can be NULL.
storageType- type of the message storage
defaultAppProtocolDefault application FIX protocol version. Required if underlyingProtocolType equals FIXT11_TCP or parserID points to FIXT 1.1 protocol.
Do not delete the Application while the session is not terminated.
two sessions with the same values of senderCompID and targetCompID can not be created.
a pointer to the created session.

◆ createSpectraApplication() [1/2]

Spectra::SpectraApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createSpectraApplication ( Spectra::SpectraApplicationParams const & params,
MarketData::DataReaderAbstract * dataReader,
Spectra::SpectraApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the MOEX RTS SPECTRA FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Spectra::MDApplication::release method.

For testing puproses only

◆ createSpectraApplication() [2/2]

Spectra::SpectraApplication * Engine::FixEngine::createSpectraApplication ( Spectra::SpectraApplicationParams const & params,
Spectra::SpectraApplicationListener * appListener = NULL )

Creates instance of the MOEX RTS SPECTRA FIX/FAST adapter It is user's responsibility to call Spectra::MDApplication::release method.

◆ destroy()

static void Engine::FixEngine::destroy ( )

Destroys the instance of this class.

Must be called after the using of FIX Engine to free the allocated resources.

◆ findParser()

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::findParser ( const ParserDescription & parserDescription) const

Finds registered parser id by partially filled parser desription.

[in]parserDescriptionpartially filled parser desription
parser id or Engine::INVALID_PARSER_ID.

◆ getAdminApplication()

AdminApplication * Engine::FixEngine::getAdminApplication ( )

Returns administrative application.

If there is no registered custom application, embedded is returned.

◆ getAppProtocolName()

DictionaryID const * Engine::FixEngine::getAppProtocolName ( ParserID parserID,
ProtocolIndex protocolIndex ) const

Returns application protocol name for given parser and protocol.

[in]parserIDUnique parser ID
[in]protocolIndexprotocol index in the parser
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given ID or protocol in the parser is not found.
Application protocol name.

◆ getBaseProtocol()

FIXVersion Engine::FixEngine::getBaseProtocol ( ParserID parserID) const

Returns base FIX protocol version.

Utils::ExceptionIf protocol with given ID is not found.
base FIX protocol version.

◆ getDictionary()

FixDictionary2::Dictionary const * Engine::FixEngine::getDictionary ( ) const

Returns reference to protocol dictionary.

◆ getEnginePropertiesDefaults()

static const EngineProperties Engine::FixEngine::getEnginePropertiesDefaults ( )

Retrieves properties defaults.

FIX Engine configuration parameters

◆ getEngineVersion()

static std::string Engine::FixEngine::getEngineVersion ( )

Returns version of the FixEngine.

version of the FixEngine

◆ getLicenseExpirationDate()

std::string Engine::FixEngine::getLicenseExpirationDate ( )

Returns license expiration date in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.

license expiration date

◆ getListenPort()

int Engine::FixEngine::getListenPort ( ) const

Returns engine listen port number.

if the value is 0 then the communication level must be disabled.

◆ getListenPorts()

ListenPorts Engine::FixEngine::getListenPorts ( ) const

Returns engine listen ports.

if the number of the ports is 0 then the communication level must be disabled.

◆ getParserDescription()

ParserDescription Engine::FixEngine::getParserDescription ( Engine::ParserID parserID) const

Returns parser description for given parser id.

parserIDunique parser id

◆ getParserID()

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::getParserID ( ParserName const & name) const

Returns unique parser ID.

[in]Uniqueparser name
unique parser ID or INVALID_PARSER_ID if not found.

◆ getParserName()

ParserName const & Engine::FixEngine::getParserName ( ParserID parserID) const

Returns unique parser name.

[in]parserIDUnique parser ID
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given ID is not found.
unique parser name.

◆ getParsers()

ParserIDToParserNamePtr Engine::FixEngine::getParsers ( ) const

Returns set of registered parsers include custom parsers.

set of parsers.

◆ getProperties()

const FAProperties * Engine::FixEngine::getProperties ( ) const

Returns settings.

◆ getProtocol()

FixDictionary2::ProtocolT::CPtr Engine::FixEngine::getProtocol ( std::string const & protocolName) const

Returns registered protocol by protocol name.

protocolNamename of protocol
Utils::Exceptionif protocol for given name is not found.
pointer to protocol

◆ getProtocolBaseVersion()

FIXVersion Engine::FixEngine::getProtocolBaseVersion ( std::string const & protocolName) const

Returns base version of registered protocol by protocol name.

protocolNamename of protocol
Utils::Exceptionif protocol for given name is not found.
base version of registered protocol

◆ getProtocolID()

ParserID Engine::FixEngine::getProtocolID ( const std::string & name) const

Returns unique parser ID.

[in]Uniqueparser name
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given name is not found.
unique parser ID.
Use Engine::FixEngine::getParserID().

◆ getProtocolName()

Engine::AsciiString Engine::FixEngine::getProtocolName ( ParserID parserID) const

Returns unique parser name.

[in]parserIDUnique parser ID
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given ID is not found.
Use Engine::FixEngine::getParserName().
unique parser name.

◆ getProtocols()

ProtocolIndexToProtocolName const * Engine::FixEngine::getProtocols ( ParserID parserID) const

Returns set of application level protocols for given parser.

[in]parserIDUnique parser ID
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given ID is not found.
set of application level protocols.

◆ getScheduler()

System::SchedulerPtr Engine::FixEngine::getScheduler ( ) const

Returns engine's scheduler used to run cobfigured schedules.

◆ getScpProtocolName()

DictionaryID const * Engine::FixEngine::getScpProtocolName ( ParserID parserID) const

Returns transport protocol name for given parser.

[in]parserIDUnique parser ID
Utils::ExceptionIf parser with given ID is not found.
Transport protocol name.

◆ getSession() [1/2]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::getSession ( const SessionId & sessionId)

Searches for a session by sessionId consisting of senderCompID, targetCompID and session qualifier.

Session can be found after Session::connect call. Calls addRef before returning the pointer, it is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

sessionIdSession Identifier
a pointer to the session or NULL if session was not found.

◆ getSession() [2/2]

Session * Engine::FixEngine::getSession ( const std::string & senderCompID,
const std::string & targetCompID )

Searches for a session with given senderCompID/targetCompID with empty session qualifier.

Use overloaded method with SessionId parameter to get session with qualifier. Session can be found after Session::connect call Calls addRef before returning the pointer, it is user's responsibility to call Session::release method.

senderCompIDSenderCompID of the session.
targetCompIDTargetCompID of the session.
a pointer to the session or NULL if session was not found.

◆ getSessionsManager()

Engine::SessionsManager * Engine::FixEngine::getSessionsManager ( )

Returns the current SessionsManager.

◆ getStatistics()

void Engine::FixEngine::getStatistics ( Statistics * apS)

Returns the statistical information.

[out]apSInstance of Statistics to store result.

◆ getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType()

MessageStorageType Engine::FixEngine::getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType ( ) const

Returns the default unregistered session's storage type.

type storage type that will be used in new sessions.

◆ init() [1/3]

static FixEngine * Engine::FixEngine::init ( const EngineProperties & engineProperties,
const std::string & licenseKey = "",
bool initUtilsLogger = true,
const SSLCustomContextProperties & customSSLContextProperties = SSLCustomContextProperties() )

Initializes the Engine.

enginePropertiesEngine parameters. List of parameters can be find in the B2BITS_FAProperties.h file.
licenseKeyLicense key
initUtilsLoggerSpecifies either FixEngine should initalize LogSystem. Pass true to force FixEngine to initialize LogSystem; false otherwise.
customSSLContextPropertiesSSLCustomContextProperties interface used to custom SSL configuration if any.
pointer to an instance of this class.
Must be called before any other method of this library.
See also

◆ init() [2/3]

static FixEngine * Engine::FixEngine::init ( const std::string & propertiesFileName = "",
int listenPort = -1,
const std::string & engineRoot = "",
const std::string & additionalFields = "",
const std::string & licenseKey = "",
bool initUtilsLogger = true,
const SSLCustomContextProperties & customSSLContextProperties = SSLCustomContextProperties() )

Initializes the Engine.

propertiesFileNamethe FIX Engine configuration parameters file name. If it is equal to "", then "./engine.properties" is used.
listenPortEngine's listen port. Overrides the value from the properties file. If it is equal to -1 then the value from the properties file is used.
engineRootThe top of the directory tree under which the engine's configuration, and log files are kept. Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path. Overrides the value from the properties file. If it is equal to "", then the value from the properties file is used.
additionalFieldsSpecifies additional messages fields.
licenseKeyLicense key
initUtilsLoggerSpecifies either FixEngine should initalize LogSystem. Pass true to force FixEngine to initialize LogSystem; false otherwise.
customSSLContextPropertiesSSLCustomContextProperties interface used to custom SSL configuration if any.
pointer to an instance of this class.
Must be called before any other method of this library.
See also

◆ init() [3/3]

static FixEngine * Engine::FixEngine::init ( InitParameters const & params)

Initializes the Engine.

paramsEngine parameters.
pointer to an instance of this class.
Must be called before any other method of this library.

◆ initialized()

static bool Engine::FixEngine::initialized ( )

Returns true if FixEngine was initialized; false otherwise.

◆ loadProtocolFile()

FixDictionary2::Dictionary::DictionariesInfo Engine::FixEngine::loadProtocolFile ( std::string const & fileName)

Loads protocol definition/customization file.

[in]fileNamePath to the protocol file

◆ registerAdminApplication()

void Engine::FixEngine::registerAdminApplication ( AdminApplication * app)

Register administrative application.

appcustom administrative application.
Utils::Exceptionif administrative application already registered.

◆ registerEventListener()

void Engine::FixEngine::registerEventListener ( Engine::EventListener * apListener)

Registers the given EventListener with FixEngine.


◆ registerSessionsManager()

void Engine::FixEngine::registerSessionsManager ( SessionsManager * apManager)

Registers SessionsManager with the engine.

apManagerInstance of SessionsManager.

◆ reset_revision()

static void Engine::FixEngine::reset_revision ( const char * r)

Using by FA to log real revision number, to avoid static relink.

◆ setAdditionalFields()

static void Engine::FixEngine::setAdditionalFields ( const std::string & propertiesFileName = "",
const std::string & engineRoot = "",
const std::string & additionalFields = "" )

Initializes the additional fields.

propertiesFileNamethe FIX Engine configuration parameters file name. If it is equal to "", then "./engine.properties" is used.
engineRootThe top of the directory tree under which the engine's configuration, and log files are kept. Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path. Overrides the value from the properties file. If it is equal to "", then the value from the proterties file is used.
additionalFieldsSpecifies additional messages fields.
Do not use it with init() method.

◆ setUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType()

void Engine::FixEngine::setUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType ( const MessageStorageType type)

Sets the default unregistered session's storage type.

typestorage type that will be used in new sessions.

◆ singleton()

static FixEngine * Engine::FixEngine::singleton ( )

Returns an instance of this class.

pointer to an instance of this class.
See also

◆ startListeningIncomingConnections()

void Engine::FixEngine::startListeningIncomingConnections ( )

Makes the engine listen to incoming connections.

See also

◆ stop()

void Engine::FixEngine::stop ( )

Stops the engine's worker threads.

◆ stopListeningIncomingConnections()

void Engine::FixEngine::stopListeningIncomingConnections ( )

Pauses the engine listen to incoming connections.

◆ unregisterEventListener()

bool Engine::FixEngine::unregisterEventListener ( Engine::EventListener * apListener)

Unregisters the given EventListener.

true if the EventListener was found, otherwise false.