EPAM B2BITS C++ Bovespa MarketData handler  1.29.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CConsoleConsole manipulations
 CcolorColor manipulator change color for the next << operations
 CendlEndl manipulator - replacement for std::endl
 CflushFlush manipulator - replacement for std::flush
 CsetwWidth manipulator
 CDecimalEncapsulates float type
 CFIXFieldValueIt is used for storing the Contents information (data + length)
 CHRClockHigh resolution clock
 CLocalMktDateEncapsulates LocalMktDate FIX type
 CMonthYearEncapsulates MonthYear FIX type
 CStringRefString reference type
 CUTCDateOnlyEncapsulates UTCDateOnly FIX type
 CUTCTimeOnlyEncapsulates UTCTimeOnly FIX type
 CUTCTimestampEncapsulates UTCTimestamp FIX type
 NBovespaFAST/FIX Bovespa namespace
 CBovespaApplicationRepresents Bovespa application
 CBovespaApplicationParamsStartup parameters
 CBovespaChannelInfoInformation about Channel/Feed IDs
 CBovespaSubscriptionItemInformation for/about subscription
 CBovespaThreadManagerRepresents Bovespa thread manager
 CChannelConnectionRepresents Bovespa channel connection
 CFeedListenerReceives Security Definition messages
 CInstrumentListenerReceives instrument related events
 CSecurityDefinitionListenerReceives Security Definition messages
 CTCPReplayParamsRepresents TCPReplay params