Startup parameters.
#include <B2BITS_BovespaApplication.h>
Type of transport layer.
Enumerator |
Sockets |
standard IP sockets
SocketsIGMPv4 |
standard IP sockets with support ICMP v.4
MyricomDBL |
Myricom datagram kernel bypass Layer.
Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::BovespaApplicationParams |
( |
| ) |
inline |
List of channel connection to use; empty means all connections are allowed. Default value is empty (all connections from configXml are used)
u32 Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::arbitralCacheSize_ |
Maximum number of messages allowed to be stored per channel during a/b arbitrage Default value is 500
bool Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::bindToInterface_ |
bool Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::checkUDPSender_ |
Pass true to check the UDP packet sender's IP address Default value is true
std::string Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::configXml_ |
Path to the configuration file.
u32 Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::delayedPacketMaxInterval_ |
Maximum interval allowed between last received and last processed message When reached, missing packets are considered completely lost. Default value is 200
u32 Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::delayedPacketTimeout_ |
Timeout in ms to wait for delayed packets before considering packets completely lost. Default value is 20ms
bool Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::forwardInstrumentFeedsToAppListener_ |
size_t Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::incomingUdpBufferSize_ |
UDP incoming buffer size. Should be tuned in case of UDP message miss
std::string Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::incrementalProcessorInterfaceIP_ |
IP of network interface to listen on for separate "X" processing; nullptr or empty std::string means all interfaces. Default value is null (all interfaces)
Transport Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::incrementalProcessorTransportType_ |
Transport layer for data reading by separated "X" threads Default value is Transport::Sockets
size_t Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::incrementalProcessorWorkerCount_ |
Number of separate threads to decode incoming "X" messages. (0 - disable separate processing of "X" Default value is 0
size_t Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::incrementQueueSize_ |
Maximum number of messages allowed to be stored per channel while waiting for snapshot Default value is 2000
std::string Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::listenInterfaceIP_ |
IP of network interface to listen on; nullptr or empty std::string means all interfaces Default value is null (all interfaces)
bool Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::logIncomingMessages_ |
Pass true to write out to the log file incoming FIX messages Default value is false
bool Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::logIncomingUdpMessages_ |
Pass true to write out to the binary log file incoming FAST messages Default value is false
size_t Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::numberOfWorkers_ |
Number of threads to decode incoming data Default value is 4
Params for TCPReplay recovery mode.
std::string Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::templatesFn_ |
Path to the templates file.
Transport Bovespa::BovespaApplicationParams::transportType_ |
Transport layer for data reading Default value is Transport::Sockets