Supported operating systems: Any OS with JRE 5.0 or above installed.
FIX Antenna requires a license file (fixaj2-license.bin) for its work. If you have no license, please contact us at If you have the FIX Antenna license, put it please into one of the following places:
- in application CLASSPATH;
- in application working directory;
- in user home directory.
A set of FIX Antenna related libraries for converting FIX to FIXML and back.
The package includes a top-level directory fixaj-fixmlconverter-N.N.N with the following content:
- benchmarks - performance tests for simple and advanced usage
- docs - this manual and API documentation
- converter-tools - command line tools for FIX to FIXML (and back) conversions
- examples - samples of simple and advanced usage
- generate-tools
- lib - libraries required in runtime
- apache-license-2.0.txt, CDDL-license.txt, license.txt - licenses for runtime libraries and for third-party libraries used in samples and benchmarks
- VersionHistory.txt - change list for the whole set of FIX Antenna Java products
- readme.html - readme document
Samples is a set of small applications accompanied with sources that demonstrate the usage of the core FIX Antenna functionality.
This sample demonstrates a simple way of converting a string with FIX message into its FIXML representation.
- src\com\epam\fixml\converter\examples\ - source code
- bin\fix2fixml.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fix2fixml.bat
- the application will print converted FIXML message to console
This sample demonstrates how to convert a string with FIX message into its FIXML representation with custom XML processing.
- src\com\epam\fixml\converter\examples\ - source code
- bin\fix2fixmlWithCustomSerializer.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fix2fixmlWithCustomSerializer.bat
- the application will print a converted FIXML message to console
This sample demonstrates a simple way of converting a string with FIXML message into its FIX representation.
- src\com\epam\fixml\converter\examples\ - source code
- bin\fixml2fix.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fixml2fix.bat
- the application will print a converted FIX message to console
This sample demonstrates how to convert a string with FIXML message into its FIX representation with custom XML processing.
- src\com\epam\fixml\converter\examples\ - source code
- bin\fixml2fixWithCustomParser.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fixml2fixWithCustomParser.bat
- the application will print converted FIX message to console
FIXML benchmarks have 2 tests. They are similar from the first sight and differ only in FIX version of used protocol. This is because FIXML convertor has 2 different implementations for FIX 4.1-4.3 and for later versions. Such behaviour is predicted by means of FIXML description. Earlier versions descriptions are different and the converter was adopted to work with both meta-descriptions.
This benchmark sample measures the time FIX message conversion into FIXML and back. The benchmark uses FIX 4.1 messages.
- src\com
- - generic code with a set of tests
- - source code which init tests for conversion of FIX 4.1 messages
- bin\fixml41.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fixml41.bat
- the application will start and provide 100000 rounds of test and after some time it prints measured values to console.
This benchmark sample measures the time of FIX message conversion into FIXML and back. The benchmark uses FIX 4.4 messages.
- src
- - generic code with a set of tests
- - source code with init tests for FIX 4.4 messages conversion
- bin\fixml44.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fixml44.bat
- the application will start and provide 100000 rounds of test and print the measured values to console after some time.
Tool for converting FIX to FIXML.
- bin\fix2fixml.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fix2fixml.bat and pass path FIX version as a first parameter (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.0SP1 or 5.0SP2).
- the application will read data from standart input stream and print result to standart output stream.
Tool for converting FIXML to FIX.
- bin\fixml2fix.bat - running script
- etc\ - logging configuration
- lib
How to run:
- make sure your license file is correct and properly installed for running this sample (Application license installation.)
- run the script bin\fixml2fix.bat and pass path FIX version as a first parameter (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.0SP1 or 5.0SP2).
- the application will read data from standart input stream and print result to standart output stream.
FIXML Generator Tool is a utility for generating sources and package with dictionary dependent code for FIXM Converter. It is used for prepearing a customized FIXML Convertor Model.
- bin
- build.xml, – Apache Ant build configuration
- generate – Linux startup script
- generate.bat – Windows startup script
- doc
- FIX_FIXMLDicsCutomizationGuide.doc – Manual which describes the required changes for customizing convertor dictionaries
- FIXML Generator User Guide.doc – user guide
- fix-spec – dictionaries with FIX description in XML format
- fixml-spec – schemas with FIXML descriptions
- lib
- transform-xslt – auxiliary XSLT transformations for generating converter sources.
To get a customized FIXML Converter, follow the steps below you should:
- Customize FIX and FIXML description from fix-spec and fixml-spec directories according to rules, described in FIX_FIXMLDicsCutomizationGuide.doc
- Start generation of a FIXML Convertor Model by runing script bin/generate.bat (or bin/generate for Linux). When the script is done you can find a new model package in build directory (build/fixaj-fixmlconverter-model-X.Y.Z.jar)
- Replace the model package in FIXML Convertor libraries with a generated one from build/fixaj-fixmlconverter-model-N.N.N.jar
To uninstall FIX Antenna simply remove the FIX Antenna directory from disk. It is recommended to keep the license file though.
Base common classes for FIX Antenna.
FIX Messaging API and related utils for FIX Antenna.
FIX Antenna FIXML Converter library.
Benchamarks for FIXML Converter
Exaples of FIXML Converter
Data for FIXML Converter
Utils classes for FIXML Converter
Tools for converting FIX to FIXML and FIXML to FIX.
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