B2BITS FIX Antenna C++ 2.33.0
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Engine::FAProperties Class Reference

FixEngine's configuration parameters. More...

#include <B2BITS_FAProperties.h>

Public Types

typedef std::map< std::string, CronSessionsScheduleParametersConfiguredSchedulesMap
typedef std::vector< SessionIdConfiguredSessionsList
typedef std::map< SessionId, SessionExtraParametersConfiguredSessionsMap

Public Member Functions

bool existsProperty (const std::string &propertyName) const
 Returns true if property is exists.
ForceSeqNumResetMode forceSeqNumResetMode () const
 An option to automatically reset sequence number of the unregistered acceptors.
bool getBinaryProperty (const std::string &propertyName) const
 Returns bool value of given property.
bool getCheckOutgoingMsgsVer () const
 Returns true if it is necessary to check that the version of outgoing messages is equal to the version of the session otherwise false.
bool getCheckRequiredGroupFields () const
 Returns true if it is necessary to check that the version of outgoing messages is equal to the version of the session otherwise false.
ConfiguredSchedulesMap getConfiguredSchedules () const
 Returns map of configured schedules parameters.
ConfiguredSessionsMap getConfiguredSessions (const SessionRole filterInRole=NA_SESSION_ROLE) const
 Returns map of configured sessions parameters that can be used during sessions creating with createSession() routine.
ConfiguredSessionsList getConfiguredSessionsList () const
 Returns ids of configured sessions.
std::string getConnectAddress () const
 Returns engine's local IP address to send from.
SessionExtraParameters getDefaultSessionParameters () const
 Returns 'Default' session configured parameters.
int getDeliveryTriesInterval () const
 Returns the time interval between tries to deliver application message (in milliseconds).
std::string const & getDictionariesFilesList () const
 Returns value of "DictionariesFilesList" property.
int getFailOverCommandPort () const
 Returns Failover Command Port.
int getFailOverDataPort () const
 Returns Failover Data Port.
std::string getFailOverHost () const
 Returns the stand-by node address.
FAIL_OVER_ROLE getFailOverRole () const
 Returns the current failover role.
bool getGatherSessionStatistic () const
int getIntegerProperty (const std::string &propertyName) const
 Returns int value of given property.
std::string const & getLicenseFileName () const
 Returns the license file name.
std::string getListenAddress () const
 Returns engine's local IP address to bind to.
int getListenPort () const
 Returns engine listen port number.
ListenPorts getListenPorts () const
 Returns engine listen ports.
std::string const & getLogDir () const
 Returns log directory's name.
std::string const & getLogFileName () const
 Returns engine's log file name.
bool getLogIncomingMessages () const
 Returns true if the incoming messages from a remote FIX Engine must be logged, otherwise false.
int getLogonTimeFrame () const
 Returns the logon time frame.
int getLogoutTimeFrame () const
 Returns the logout time frame.
int getMaxDeliveryTries () const
 Returns the maximum number of tryes to deliver application message.
size_t getMaximumParsersAllowed () const
 Returns the number of parsers the engine can have.
int getMaxReconnectTries () const
 Returns the maximum number of tries to to restore the telecommunications link.
bool getMessageMustBeValidated () const
 Returns true if the validity of the input message must be checked, false otherwise.
int getNumberOfWorkers () const
 Returns the number of workers.
int getOutgoingMessagesStorageSize () const
 Returns the maximum number of outgoing messages that can be retransmitted in case of Resend Requests.
int getReasonableTransmissionTime () const
 Returns reasonable transmission time - in % from HeartBeat value.
int getReconnectInterval () const
 Returns the time interval between tries to restore the telecommunications link (in milliseconds)
unsigned int getResendMessagesBlockSize () const
std::string const & getRoot () const
 Returns the top of the directory tree under which the engine's configuration, and log files are kept.
std::string const & getSlicedStorageBackupDir () const
 Returns path to SlicedPersistentMsgStorage backup directory.
std::size_t getSlicedStorageSliceSize () const
 Returns max slice size for SlicedPersistentMsgStorage.
std::string getSSLCACertificatePath () const
 Returns SSL CA certificates path.
std::string getSSLCertificatePath () const
 Returns SSL certificate path.
std::string getSSLCiphersList () const
 Returns configured SSL ciphers list.
System::SSLClientContext getSSLClientContext (const System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr &configurator=System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr()) const
 Returns client specific SSL context populated with properties configured values.
std::string getSSLPrivateKeyPath () const
 Returns SSL private key path.
System::SSLServerContext getSSLServerContext (const System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr &configurator=System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr()) const
 Returns server specific SSL context populated with properties configured values including certificate and private key data using getSSLCertificatePath() and getSSLPrivateKeyPath() respectively.
int getSSLUseProtocols () const
 Returns SSL protocols value acceptable by SSLClientContext.
std::string getStringProperty (const std::string &propertyName) const
 Returns std::string value of given property.
TimezoneConverterPtr getTimezoneConverter () const
 Returns Timezones converter instance created using Timezones definition file configured.
const std::string getTimezoneDB () const
 Returns path to Timezones definition file.
MessageStorageType getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType () const
 Returns storage type of the unregistered sessions.
bool isAllowEmptyFieldValue () const
 Returns true when "AllowEmptyFieldValue" defined and true, false otherwise.
bool isAllowZeroNumInGroup () const
 Returns true when "AllowZeroNumInGroup" defined and true, false otherwise.
bool isCreateUnregisteredAcceptorSessionMode () const
 Returns true if "CreateUnregisteredAcceptorSession" mode must be used, false otherwise.
bool isExtraSafeMode () const
bool isFailOverMode () const
 Returns true if the automatic failover mechanism is on.
bool isIgnoreseqNumTooLowAtLogon () const
 Returns true if "UnregisteredAcceptor.IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon" mode must be used, false otherwise.
bool isIntradayLogoutToleranceMode () const
 Returns true if the Intraday Logout Tolerance mode is active, otherwise - false.
bool isRebuildIndexEnabled () const
bool isRejectFlagSupportRequired () const
bool isResetSeqNumAfter24hoursMode () const
 An option to send a Logon message with the ResetSeqNumFlag set after each 24 hour period of session's activity to establish a new set of sequence numbers (starting with 1).
bool isSSLValidatePeerCertificate () const
 Returns is SSL sould validate peer certificate.
bool isThirdPartyRoutingEnabled () const
 Returns true if the third-party routing is enabled, false otherwise.
bool isTimestampsInLogsMode () const
 An option to write timestamps in the log files.
int messageTimeToLive () const
 Returns value of the "MessageTimeToLive".
bool receiveTimestampsEnabled () const
 Returns true if receive timestamps are enabled.
bool unregisteredAcceptorMessageRejectingEnabled () const
 Returns true if "UnregAcceptorsRejectMessageWhileNoConnection" contains true.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool checkTagsDelimiterValue (unsigned char value)
 Returns True if tags delimiter value is allowed.
static System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr getSSLContextConfiguratorInstance (int protocols, const std::string &ciphersList, const std::string &caFile, const std::string &certificateFile, const std::string &privatekeyFile, const std::string &certificatePassword, const std::string &privateKeyPassword, bool validatePeerCertificate)
 Returns SSLContextConfigurator instance to use as configuration source in for SSLContext server specific SSL context (call to getSSLClientContext() for example).


class FixEngine
class FixEngineImpl

Detailed Description

FixEngine's configuration parameters.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConfiguredSchedulesMap

◆ ConfiguredSessionsList

◆ ConfiguredSessionsMap

Member Enumeration Documentation



Member Function Documentation

◆ checkTagsDelimiterValue()

static bool Engine::FAProperties::checkTagsDelimiterValue ( unsigned char value)

Returns True if tags delimiter value is allowed.

◆ existsProperty()

bool Engine::FAProperties::existsProperty ( const std::string & propertyName) const

Returns true if property is exists.

◆ forceSeqNumResetMode()

ForceSeqNumResetMode Engine::FAProperties::forceSeqNumResetMode ( ) const

An option to automatically reset sequence number of the unregistered acceptors.

◆ getBinaryProperty()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getBinaryProperty ( const std::string & propertyName) const

Returns bool value of given property.

◆ getCheckOutgoingMsgsVer()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getCheckOutgoingMsgsVer ( ) const

Returns true if it is necessary to check that the version of outgoing messages is equal to the version of the session otherwise false.

◆ getCheckRequiredGroupFields()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getCheckRequiredGroupFields ( ) const

Returns true if it is necessary to check that the version of outgoing messages is equal to the version of the session otherwise false.

◆ getConfiguredSchedules()

ConfiguredSchedulesMap Engine::FAProperties::getConfiguredSchedules ( ) const

Returns map of configured schedules parameters.

◆ getConfiguredSessions()

ConfiguredSessionsMap Engine::FAProperties::getConfiguredSessions ( const SessionRole filterInRole = NA_SESSION_ROLE) const

Returns map of configured sessions parameters that can be used during sessions creating with createSession() routine.

◆ getConfiguredSessionsList()

ConfiguredSessionsList Engine::FAProperties::getConfiguredSessionsList ( ) const

Returns ids of configured sessions.

◆ getConnectAddress()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getConnectAddress ( ) const

Returns engine's local IP address to send from.

◆ getDefaultSessionParameters()

SessionExtraParameters Engine::FAProperties::getDefaultSessionParameters ( ) const

Returns 'Default' session configured parameters.

Please note that these perameters may be incomplete since 'Default' session is just a default set of parameters and not a real session.

◆ getDeliveryTriesInterval()

int Engine::FAProperties::getDeliveryTriesInterval ( ) const

Returns the time interval between tries to deliver application message (in milliseconds).

◆ getDictionariesFilesList()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getDictionariesFilesList ( ) const

Returns value of "DictionariesFilesList" property.

◆ getFailOverCommandPort()

int Engine::FAProperties::getFailOverCommandPort ( ) const

Returns Failover Command Port.

◆ getFailOverDataPort()

int Engine::FAProperties::getFailOverDataPort ( ) const

Returns Failover Data Port.

◆ getFailOverHost()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getFailOverHost ( ) const

Returns the stand-by node address.

◆ getFailOverRole()

FAIL_OVER_ROLE Engine::FAProperties::getFailOverRole ( ) const

Returns the current failover role.

◆ getGatherSessionStatistic()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getGatherSessionStatistic ( ) const

◆ getIntegerProperty()

int Engine::FAProperties::getIntegerProperty ( const std::string & propertyName) const

Returns int value of given property.

◆ getLicenseFileName()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getLicenseFileName ( ) const

Returns the license file name.

◆ getListenAddress()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getListenAddress ( ) const

Returns engine's local IP address to bind to.

◆ getListenPort()

int Engine::FAProperties::getListenPort ( ) const

Returns engine listen port number.

if the value is 0 then the communication level must be disabled.

◆ getListenPorts()

ListenPorts Engine::FAProperties::getListenPorts ( ) const

Returns engine listen ports.

if the number of the ports is 0 then the communication level must be disabled.

◆ getLogDir()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getLogDir ( ) const

Returns log directory's name.

◆ getLogFileName()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getLogFileName ( ) const

Returns engine's log file name.

◆ getLogIncomingMessages()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getLogIncomingMessages ( ) const

Returns true if the incoming messages from a remote FIX Engine must be logged, otherwise false.

◆ getLogonTimeFrame()

int Engine::FAProperties::getLogonTimeFrame ( ) const

Returns the logon time frame.

◆ getLogoutTimeFrame()

int Engine::FAProperties::getLogoutTimeFrame ( ) const

Returns the logout time frame.

◆ getMaxDeliveryTries()

int Engine::FAProperties::getMaxDeliveryTries ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of tryes to deliver application message.

◆ getMaximumParsersAllowed()

size_t Engine::FAProperties::getMaximumParsersAllowed ( ) const

Returns the number of parsers the engine can have.

◆ getMaxReconnectTries()

int Engine::FAProperties::getMaxReconnectTries ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of tries to to restore the telecommunications link.

If -1 then the number of tries is unlimited.

◆ getMessageMustBeValidated()

bool Engine::FAProperties::getMessageMustBeValidated ( ) const

Returns true if the validity of the input message must be checked, false otherwise.

◆ getNumberOfWorkers()

int Engine::FAProperties::getNumberOfWorkers ( ) const

Returns the number of workers.

◆ getOutgoingMessagesStorageSize()

int Engine::FAProperties::getOutgoingMessagesStorageSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of outgoing messages that can be retransmitted in case of Resend Requests.

If '-1' then the size is unlimited.

◆ getReasonableTransmissionTime()

int Engine::FAProperties::getReasonableTransmissionTime ( ) const

Returns reasonable transmission time - in % from HeartBeat value.

◆ getReconnectInterval()

int Engine::FAProperties::getReconnectInterval ( ) const

Returns the time interval between tries to restore the telecommunications link (in milliseconds)

◆ getResendMessagesBlockSize()

unsigned int Engine::FAProperties::getResendMessagesBlockSize ( ) const

◆ getRoot()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getRoot ( ) const

Returns the top of the directory tree under which the engine's configuration, and log files are kept.

◆ getSlicedStorageBackupDir()

std::string const & Engine::FAProperties::getSlicedStorageBackupDir ( ) const

Returns path to SlicedPersistentMsgStorage backup directory.

◆ getSlicedStorageSliceSize()

std::size_t Engine::FAProperties::getSlicedStorageSliceSize ( ) const

Returns max slice size for SlicedPersistentMsgStorage.

◆ getSSLCACertificatePath()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getSSLCACertificatePath ( ) const

Returns SSL CA certificates path.

◆ getSSLCertificatePath()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getSSLCertificatePath ( ) const

Returns SSL certificate path.

◆ getSSLCiphersList()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getSSLCiphersList ( ) const

Returns configured SSL ciphers list.

◆ getSSLClientContext()

System::SSLClientContext Engine::FAProperties::getSSLClientContext ( const System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr & configurator = System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr()) const

Returns client specific SSL context populated with properties configured values.

configurator- custom SSL context configurator.

◆ getSSLContextConfiguratorInstance()

static System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr Engine::FAProperties::getSSLContextConfiguratorInstance ( int protocols,
const std::string & ciphersList,
const std::string & caFile,
const std::string & certificateFile,
const std::string & privatekeyFile,
const std::string & certificatePassword,
const std::string & privateKeyPassword,
bool validatePeerCertificate )

Returns SSLContextConfigurator instance to use as configuration source in for SSLContext server specific SSL context (call to getSSLClientContext() for example).

◆ getSSLPrivateKeyPath()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getSSLPrivateKeyPath ( ) const

Returns SSL private key path.

◆ getSSLServerContext()

System::SSLServerContext Engine::FAProperties::getSSLServerContext ( const System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr & configurator = System::SSLContextConfiguratorPtr()) const

Returns server specific SSL context populated with properties configured values including certificate and private key data using getSSLCertificatePath() and getSSLPrivateKeyPath() respectively.

configurator- custom SSL context configurator.

◆ getSSLUseProtocols()

int Engine::FAProperties::getSSLUseProtocols ( ) const

Returns SSL protocols value acceptable by SSLClientContext.

◆ getStringProperty()

std::string Engine::FAProperties::getStringProperty ( const std::string & propertyName) const

Returns std::string value of given property.

◆ getTimezoneConverter()

TimezoneConverterPtr Engine::FAProperties::getTimezoneConverter ( ) const

Returns Timezones converter instance created using Timezones definition file configured.

◆ getTimezoneDB()

const std::string Engine::FAProperties::getTimezoneDB ( ) const

Returns path to Timezones definition file.

◆ getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType()

MessageStorageType Engine::FAProperties::getUnregisteredAcceptorSessionStorageType ( ) const

Returns storage type of the unregistered sessions.

◆ isAllowEmptyFieldValue()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isAllowEmptyFieldValue ( ) const

Returns true when "AllowEmptyFieldValue" defined and true, false otherwise.

◆ isAllowZeroNumInGroup()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isAllowZeroNumInGroup ( ) const

Returns true when "AllowZeroNumInGroup" defined and true, false otherwise.

◆ isCreateUnregisteredAcceptorSessionMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isCreateUnregisteredAcceptorSessionMode ( ) const

Returns true if "CreateUnregisteredAcceptorSession" mode must be used, false otherwise.

◆ isExtraSafeMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isExtraSafeMode ( ) const

◆ isFailOverMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isFailOverMode ( ) const

Returns true if the automatic failover mechanism is on.

If false then it is off.

◆ isIgnoreseqNumTooLowAtLogon()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isIgnoreseqNumTooLowAtLogon ( ) const

Returns true if "UnregisteredAcceptor.IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon" mode must be used, false otherwise.

◆ isIntradayLogoutToleranceMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isIntradayLogoutToleranceMode ( ) const

Returns true if the Intraday Logout Tolerance mode is active, otherwise - false.

◆ isRebuildIndexEnabled()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isRebuildIndexEnabled ( ) const

◆ isRejectFlagSupportRequired()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isRejectFlagSupportRequired ( ) const

◆ isResetSeqNumAfter24hoursMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isResetSeqNumAfter24hoursMode ( ) const

An option to send a Logon message with the ResetSeqNumFlag set after each 24 hour period of session's activity to establish a new set of sequence numbers (starting with 1).

This option does not affect sessions which use version 4.0 of the FIX protocol.

◆ isSSLValidatePeerCertificate()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isSSLValidatePeerCertificate ( ) const

Returns is SSL sould validate peer certificate.

◆ isThirdPartyRoutingEnabled()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isThirdPartyRoutingEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if the third-party routing is enabled, false otherwise.

◆ isTimestampsInLogsMode()

bool Engine::FAProperties::isTimestampsInLogsMode ( ) const

An option to write timestamps in the log files.

◆ messageTimeToLive()

int Engine::FAProperties::messageTimeToLive ( ) const

Returns value of the "MessageTimeToLive".

◆ receiveTimestampsEnabled()

bool Engine::FAProperties::receiveTimestampsEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if receive timestamps are enabled.

◆ unregisteredAcceptorMessageRejectingEnabled()

bool Engine::FAProperties::unregisteredAcceptorMessageRejectingEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if "UnregAcceptorsRejectMessageWhileNoConnection" contains true.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ FixEngine

friend class FixEngine

◆ FixEngineImpl

friend class FixEngineImpl