Uses of Class

Packages that use Configuration.DefaultValue

Uses of Configuration.DefaultValue in com.epam.fixengine.configuration

Fields in com.epam.fixengine.configuration with annotations of type Configuration.DefaultValue
static String Configuration.ACCURACY
          Measurement accuracy, default value is 1 ms.
          This parameter specifies whether to issue subsequently duplicates (PossDupFlag(43) = 'Y') of last Resend Request for continuing gaps resting on LastMsgSeqNumProcessed(369) field values of incoming messages.
static String Configuration.ALLOWED_FIELDS_VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of allowed message fields.
static String Configuration.AUTORECONNECT_ATTEMPTS
          Specifies number of autoreconnect attempts before give up: # negative number = no reconnects (NO_AUTORECONNECT), # 0 - infinite number of reconnects (INFINITY_AUTORECONNECT), # positive number = number of reconnect attempts # Please use 0 wisely - it means reconnect infinitely
static String Configuration.AUTORECONNECT_DELAY_IN_MS
          Specifies delay between autoreconnect attempts in milliseconds, default value is 1000ms.
static String Configuration.BACKUP_INCOMING_LOG_FILE
          Backup incoming log filename template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID, {3} with timestamp and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.BACKUP_OUTGOING_LOG_FILE
          Backup outgoing log filename template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID, {3} with timestamp and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.BLOCKING_NIO_SOCKET
          This parameter specifies to use NIO blocking sockets or not.
static String Configuration.CHECK_SENDING_TIME_ACCURACY
          Toggle on/off the check of SendingTime (52) accuracy for received messages.
static String Configuration.CONDITIONAL_VALIDATION
          enable/disable conditional validator, default value is false.
static String Configuration.CONNECTION_SWITCH_DELAY_IN_MS
          Specifies delay before switched to backup(primary) connection in milliseconds, default value is 0ms.
          Enable switch to primary connection, default value true
static String Configuration.DELAY
          Sending time delay for incoming messages.
static String Configuration.DUPLICATE_FIELDS_VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of duplicated message fields.
          Enable auto switching to backup connection, the default value is true.
static String Configuration.ENABLE_MESSAGE_REJECTING
          Enable/disable message rejecting, default value is false
static String Configuration.ENABLE_MESSAGE_STATISTIC
          Enable/disable message statistic, default value is true
static String Configuration.ENABLE_NAGLE
          Disable/enable Nagle's algorithm for TCP sockets.
static String Configuration.ENABLE_SSL
          Enables SSL transport for all initiator sessions by default.
static String Configuration.ENCRYPTION_CFG_FILE
          This parameter specifies encryption config file name.
static String Configuration.ENCRYPTION_MODE
          This parameter specifies the default value of encryptionMode.
static String Configuration.FIELD_ORDER_VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of fields order in message.
static String Configuration.FIELD_TYPE_VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of field values according to defined data types.
static String Configuration.FIXAJ_HOME
          Sets path to fixaj home.
static String Configuration.FORCE_SEQ_NUM_RESET
          This parameter allow to automatically resolve sequence gap problem (for example, when there is every day sequence reset).
static String Configuration.FORCED_LOGOFF_TIMEOUT
          Sets the disconnect timeout in seconds for a Logout ack only when waiting for.
static String Configuration.GROUP_VALIDATION
          Enable/disable group validator, default value is false.
          This parameter specifies "some reasonable transmission time" of FIX specification, measured in milliseconds.
static String Configuration.IGNORE_POSS_DUP_FOR_GAP_FILL
          Enable this option if it need to handle SequenceReset-GapFill message without PossDupFlag(43).
static String Configuration.IGNORE_SEQ_NUM_TOO_LOW_AT_LOGON
          This paramter allow to resolve seqNum too low problem at logon.
static String Configuration.IN_MEMORY_QUEUE
          Sets queue mode.
static String Configuration.INCLUDE_LAST_PROCESSED
          Include last processed sequence 369 tag in every message for FIX versions>4.2
static String Configuration.INCOMING_LOG_FILE
          Incoming log filename template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with actual SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.INTRA_DAY_SEQNUM_RESET
          This parameter specifies whether to reset sequence number after session is closed.
static String Configuration.LOGIN_WAIT_TIMEOUT
          Sets the timeout interval after which a connected acceptor session will be timed out and disposed if Logon is not received for this session.
          Specifies tag number for session qualifier in logon message.
static String Configuration.MARK_INCOMING_MESSAGE_TIME
          Transport will set the additional time mark in nanoseconds for incoming messages right after read data from socket if this option is set to true.
static String Configuration.MAX_DELAY_TO_SEND_AFTER_LOGON
          The pause before sending application messages from outgoing queue in milliseconds after receiving Logon.
static String Configuration.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE
          Maximum message size supported by this FIX engine instance.
static String Configuration.MAX_MESSAGES_TO_SEND_IN_BATCH
          The maximum number of messages in buffer before we write message to transport.
static String Configuration.MAX_REQUEST_RESEND_IN_BLOCK
          The max requested messages in block.
static String Configuration.MAX_STORAGE_GROW_SIZE
          Sets the maximum storage grow size in bytes.
static String Configuration.MAX_STORAGE_SLICE_SIZE
          Specifies the maximum size of the storage file after which the engine creates a new storage file with a different name.
static String Configuration.MEMORY_MAPPED_QUEUE
          Sets persistent queue mode for MMFStorageFactory.
static String Configuration.MMF_INDEX_GROW_SIZE
          Sets the index grow size in bytes for memory mapped implementation.
static String Configuration.MMF_STORAGE_GROW_SIZE
          Sets the storage grow size in bytes for memory mapped implementation.
static String Configuration.ORIG_SENDING_TIME_CHECKING
          This parameter specifies whether to check the OrigSendingTime(122) field value for incoming possible duplicated messages (PossDupFlag(43) = 'Y').
static String Configuration.OUTGOING_LOG_FILE
          Outgoing log filename template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with actual SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.OUTGOING_QUEUE_FILE
          Out queue file template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with actual SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.OUTGOING_STORAGE_INDEXED
          Outgoing storage index.
static String Configuration.PERFORM_RESET_SEQ_NUM_TIME
          This parameter specifies whether to reset sequence number at time defined in resetSequenceTime.
static String Configuration.POSS_DUP_SMART_DELIVERY
          This parameter enables delivery of only those PossDup messages that wasn't received previously.
static String Configuration.PREFERRED_SENDING_MODE
          This parameter specifies the way the session will send most of its messages:
SYNC - session will be optimized to send messages from user thread
ASYNC - session will send all message asynchronously and it will be optimized for this

Valid values: sync/async Default value: sync

static String Configuration.QUEUE_THRESHOLD_SIZE
          Maximum number of messages in a queue before we pause a pumper thread to let the queued message be sent out.
static String Configuration.RAW_TAGS
          Raw tags.
static String Configuration.REQUIRED_FIELDS_VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of required message fields.
          Limits the maximum number of messages during the resend request.
static String Configuration.RESET_ON_SWITCH_TO_BACKUP
          Reset sequences on switch to backup.
static String Configuration.RESET_ON_SWITCH_TO_PRIMARY
          Reset sequences on switch back to primary connection
static String Configuration.RESET_SEQUENCE_TIME
          This parameter specifies GMT time when the FIX Engine initiates the reset of sequence numbers.
static String Configuration.RESET_SEQUENCE_TIME_ZONE
          Time zone di for resetSequenceTime property.
          Sends a reject if user application is not available.
static String Configuration.SERVER_ACCEPTOR_STRATEGY
          This parameter specifies the default Acceptor Strategy.
static String Configuration.SESSION_INFO_FILE
          Info filename template. {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID, {1} with actual SenderCompID, {2} with actual TargetCompID and {4} with actual session qualifier.
static String Configuration.SKIP_DUPLICATED_RESEND_REQUEST
          This parameter specifies whether respond only to the original request or a subsequent duplicate Resend Request if it missed the original.
static String Configuration.SPINNING_NIO_READ
          This parameter specifies to use spinning read mechanism in NIO transport.
static String Configuration.STORAGE_BACKUP_DIR
          This parameter specifies back-up directory for message logs of closed sessions when storageCleanupMode=backup.
static String Configuration.STORAGE_CLEANUP_MODE
          This parameter specifies cleaning mode for message storage of closed sessions.
static String Configuration.STORAGE_DIRECTORY
          Storage directory could be either absolute path (like /tmp/logs or c:\fixengine\logs) or relative path e.g. logs (this one is relative to the application start directory).
static String Configuration.STORAGE_FACTORY
          Allows user to replace storage factory with user own implementation
static String Configuration.STORAGE_GROW_SIZE
          Enable/disable storage grow.
          This parameter switches on mode which prevent sending multiple RR for the same gap
          This parameter specifies number of Test Request messages, which will be sent before connection loss is reported when no messages are received from the counterparty.
static String Configuration.TIMESTAMPS_IN_LOGS
          Ability to write timestamps in the in/out log files.
static String Configuration.USE_JAVA_NIO
          This parameter specifies to use NIO transport or traditional blocking implementation.
static String Configuration.VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM
          Validate or not message CheckSum(10) Is relevant only if validateGarbledMessage=true default value is true
static String Configuration.VALIDATE_GARBLED_MESSAGE
          Toggle on/off validation garbled message for incoming flow.
static String Configuration.VALIDATION
          Toggle on/off validation of incoming messages according to base of custom dictionaries Following parameters with the Validation suffix works only if this property set to true.
static String Configuration.WAIT_FOR_MSG_QUEUING_DELAY
          This parameter specifies the maximum delay interval on message sending if the internal session queue is full.
static String Configuration.WELFORMED_VALIDATOR
          Toggle on/off validation of fields with tag 8, 9, 35 and 10 values.

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