SMTP Acceptor configuration files


SMTP Acceptor configuration files are used to create smple SMTP Acceptor. user.conf shouldn't be changed, mail.conf can be changed if necessary.



# Java Email Server (JES) User Configuration
# All users are defined in this file.  To add a user, follow 
# the following pattern:
# user.=
# The plain text password will be converted to a hash when the file
# is first loaded by the server.
# Additional configuration such as forward addresses can be specified as:
# userprop..forwardAddresses=
# When a message is received for a local user, the user's address will be replaced
# with the addresses in the forwardAddresses property.  If you also wish to have
# a copy delivered to the local user, you may add the user's local address to
# the forwardAddresses property


# Java Mail Server Configuration File

# The listen address is the local IP address (or host name) that
# JES will listen for incoming connections on.  If this value is
# not set, it will listen on all addresses.

# The port number to listen for incoming SMTP connection on.
# This value should be set to 25 unless you really know what you are doing.

# Each service is configured to use a pool of threads to handle incoming
# connections.  This property defines the number of threads allocated to
# each pool.  The number of threads will be the total number of clients
# each service (SMTP, POP3) can handle at one time.

# The server limits the size of incoming emails.  The default size is 5 MB.
# This settings is in MegaBytes (MB).

# The server stores incoming SMTP messages on disk before attempting to deliver them.  This
# setting determines how often (in seconds) the server checks the disk for new messages to deliver.  The
# smaller the number, the faster message will be processed.  However, a smaller number will cause
# the server to use more of your system's resources.

# The server picks the messages from the disk in order to deliver them.  If some message
# cannot be delivered to remote SMTP server at that moment, because of some error, then the message
# will be kept on the disk for later delivery attempt. However server can't retry delivery
# indefinitely, therefore following config entry will set maximum number of retries before the server
# gives up on the message and moves it from smtp spool directory to failed directory.

# This property defines the domains that are considered 'local'.  In order
# to receive email for local users, their domain must be defined here.
# multiple domains can be added as a comma seperated list.
# ex:,

# If an email is received for a user at a local domain, but
# the user does not exist, JES can deliver the email to a 'default' mailbox.
# To enable this feature, uncomment this property and set it to a valid username.

# If POP before SMTP is enabled, this value defines the length of time in minutes
# that the authenticated IP address stays valid.  The default value is 10.

# Individual IP addresses can be specified to allow email to be relayed.
# This can be useful if you want to provide access to specific machines or
# sets of machines, including your localhost.  Wildcards can be used
# to specify a range of addresses.
# ex: 192.168.*.* allows all addresses that start with 192.168 to
# relay email.  Partial wildcards are not allowed. ex: 19*.168.0.1 is invalid.
# Multiple addresses can be specified as a comma separated list.