Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Can I use custom FIX dictionary?

In order to use custom FIX dictionary you should made necessary changes in the standard dictionary or create your own dictionary and then specify its name in the DataDictionary property of the FIX Acceptor configuration file or FIX Initiator configuration file.


Can I get current time in my test?

In order to get current time use Timestamp task.


Can I send custom FIX message using STAFF?



Can I store received value of the tag and use it in my message?

Yes, you can. In order to store and reuse tag value you need:

See fixField task for code example and further details.


Can I hold up execution of my test for a specified period of time?

A task for sleeping a short period of time useful when a build or deployment process requires an interval between tasks. n order to hold up execution of test use Sleep Ant task.


Can I hold up execution of my test till the key is pressed?

In order to stop test execution and wait for some user action use Input Ant task.


Can I stop execution of my test if an error received?

The build fails if any of tasks fails. You can make build fail conditionally using Fail Ant task.


Can I compare a field / tag value with constant/ given pattern?

You can compare value of the field / tag with constant in several ways.


Can I check number of entries in group without checking the contents?

Yes. Use getGroupCount action of fixField task.


Can I check session-level message?

You can check session-lavel messages by setting control level for the session. For furter details see setControlLevel task.


Can I check whether some tag is absent in the message?

Yes, you can. In order to check tag absence you need:

See code below as an example. Also see fixField task for further details.

	<fixReceive refid="initiator1" timeout="10" >
		<fixMessage id="new_order_single_received" />
	<var name="SymbolSfx_received" value=""/>
	<fixField refid="new_order_single_received" action="get" name="SymbolSfx" property="SymbolSfx_received" nullable="true"/>	
		<equals arg1="${SymbolSfx_received}" arg2="" />	
			<echo message="SymbolSfx (65) is removed from the message" />	
			<fail>SymbolSfx (65) is not removed during MoveField action..</fail>	

Can I check whether some property is set or not?

Such check can be done with isset condition. See code below as an example. Also see Conditions description for further details.

	<loadfile property="smtplog.exists" srcfile="${fixedge_root}/FixEdge1/log/FixEdge.log">        
				<regexp pattern="Message received by adaptor:"/>          
		<isset property="smtplog.exists"/>
			<echo message="Message 'to client TestSMTPClient' has been recorded to FixEdge.log" />
			<fail>SMTP adapter was not sent the email message!!!</fail>