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InstrumentListener Interface

MDApplication observer

Namespace: com.b2bits.FIXAntenna.Globex
Assembly: FIXAntenna_net4.8 (in FIXAntenna_net4.8.dll) Version:
public interface InstrumentListener

The InstrumentListener type exposes the following members.

Public methodOnBookReset Faired on reset book (35=X and 269=J)
Public methodOnError Faired on error (example: when second subscribing was attempt for the same instrument)
Public methodOnIncrement Faired when user get the new values.
Public methodOnNaturalRefresh Faired when user should reset book with the bnew values and Natural Refresh is used
Public methodOnRecoveryStarted Faired when recovery is started
Public methodOnRecoveryStopped Faired when recovery is ended
Public methodOnSecurityDefinition Faired when user should reset book with the new values.
Public methodOnSnapshot Faired when user should reset book with the new values.
Public methodOnSubscribed Faired when successfully subscribed to symbol
Public methodOnUnsubscribed Faired when successfully unsubscribed from symbol
Public methodProcess Faired when information regard to instrument received
See Also