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ValidationParameters Fields

The SessionExtraParametersValidationParameters type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowZeroNumInGroup When true, raw message may contains leading group tag with 0 value - it will be ignored. Otherwise reject will be fired.
Public fieldCheckRequiredGroupFields This parameter controls the validation of required fields in repeating group. The possible values are "true" and "false". If set to "true" then repeating groups will be checked for presence of required fields. If set to "false" then the responsibility for repeating group validity rests with the counterparty. The recommended setting is "true". This parameter is optional. The default value is "true".
Public fieldIsEnabled Option to enable message validation. Pass true to enable; false to disable.
Public fieldProhibitDuplicatedTags When false, raw message may contains duplicated field definitions. Otherwise reject will be fired.
Public fieldProhibitTagsWithoutValue When false, raw message may contains tags without values - they will be ignored. Otherwise exception was fired.
Public fieldProhibitUnknownTags This parameter controls unknown tag handling. The possible values are "true" and "false". If set to "true" then all unkown fields will be stored to the message. If set to "false", engine will reject messages with unknown fields. Default: false
Public fieldVerifyRepeatingGroupBounds This parameter controls repeating group size checking. If true, engine will reject messages with incorrect repeating group size. Otherwise message will be passed to the application layer. In this case the responsibility for message validity rests with the counterparty. Default: false
Public fieldVerifyTagsValues This parameter controls tag values validation. The possible values are "true" and "false". If set to "true" then all messages will be validated. If set to "false" then the responsibility for message validity rests with the counterparty. Default: false
See Also