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This topic contains the following sections:

Is it possible to create more than one instance of FIX Antenna .NET?

Yes, it is possible to create many instances of FIX Antenna .NET as soon as they use different listen ports.

Is it possible to create more than one instance of FIX Antenna .NET using the same logging directory?

Yes. However it is recommended to set different logging files. Otherwise different instances will put logging data to the same file and it will be difficult to distinguish between records written by different instances.

May I put session log files to the log directory and expect that FIX Antenna .NET will analyse them when new session with the same parameters is created?

Yes. FIX Antenna .NET loads all session information on session creation time.

FIX Antenna .NET was incorrectly terminated. I don't want session to be restored on the next start. What should I do for a clean start?

It is enough just to clean the logging directory before creating a new instance of FIX Antenna .NET.

How can I do the customization(add user-defined fiels, messages, or change fields and messages definition)?

User-defined fields (the tag numbers greater then 5000) are handled like ordinary fields.

The tag numbers 5000 to 9999 have been reserved for use with user defined fields, which are used as part of inter-firm communication. These tags can be registered/reserved via the FIX website.

The tag numbers greater than or equal to 10000 have been reserved for internal use (within a single firm) and do not need to be registered/reserved via the FIX website.

User-defined FIX messages (e.g. U1, U2) are also handled like ordinary messages. Please see the description of the Validation.AdditionalFields and Validation.AdditionalFieldsFileName configuration properties (see FixAntenna Configuration)

See also FIX Protocol Customization and Validation.

FIX Antenna cannot create listen port on start

Make sure that this port is not in use by some other application. Try

Command Prompt
netstat -a

to get the list of used ports.

This error usually occurs when you have 2 instances of FixEngine that use files with the same ListenPort parameters.