FIX Session Acceptor


FIX Antenna automatically creates a session acceptor when a Logon message is received. A user is notified via FIXServerListener and they may opt to accept or reject this session by calling dispose() or connect().


Use session.connect() to accept a connection.


Use session.reject(String reason) to reject incomming connection. In this case engine will send only Logout(5) message to counterparty.


According to the FIX protocol standard it is not the acceptor's responsibility to reconnect. When a connection is unexpectedly terminated acceptor session is automatically closed. When a correct Logon is received the acceptor completes reconnection process and continues working from the point at which it has been before termination. Note: if the session wasn't disposed then the same session's instance can be reused during recconnect procedure.


To disconnect the acceptor (this process can be also called "terminate", "delete", "close") the following method can be used:

 session.disconnect(String reason); 


To release all session's resources and unregister session use:


Send message

To send outgoing application-level messages use the session.sendMessage(String type, FIXFieldList content) method.

All session level messages are sent automatically when needed.

Generated on 10 Feb 2022 for FIXAntennaJava by  doxygen 1.6.1