In contrast to flat model the object model allows addressing messages and fields by names. This interface is slower than the flat model, however it may appear to be more user-friendly.
There is a dedicated package for each FIX protocol version and a dedicated class for each message type. To create a "new order single" message by means of the object model simply create an instance of the corresponding class.
import com.epam.fix.model.fix44.message.NewOrderSingle; // ... // Create a "New order single" message for FIX 4.4 NewOrderSingle order = new NewOrderSingle();
Fields can be accessed by names.
// Create an "Execution Report" message for FIX 4.2 ExecutionReport exec = new ExecutionReport(); // Set ClOrdID field to "2247" exec.setOrderID("2247"); // Set ExecType field to Fill exec.setExecType('1'); exec.setOrdStatus('2'); exec.setLeavesQty(0.0); exec.setTransactTime(new GregorianCalendar()); // Remove the OrderID field from message exec.setOrderID(null);
Repeating groups are represented as Collections.
final NewOrderSingle newOrderSingle = new NewOrderSingle(); final Collection<NewOrderSingle.AllocsGroup> allocsGroups = new ArrayList<NewOrderSingle.AllocsGroup>(); final int noAllocs = 1; for (int indexOfLoop = 0; indexOfLoop < noAllocs; indexOfLoop++) { final NewOrderSingle.AllocsGroup allocsGroup = AllocsGroup(); allocsGroup.setAllocAccount("221"); allocsGroup.setAllocQty((double)indexOfLoop); allocsGroups.add(allocsGroup); } newOrderSingle.setAllocsGroup(allocsGroups);
You can use a factory or the fromFIX(FIXFieldList fieldlist) method to create an object message from the flat one.
byte[] bytes = "8=FIX.4.4\u00019=140\u000135=D\u000149=TESTI\u000156=TESTA\u000134=4\u000150=30737\u000197=Y" + "\u000152=20030204-08:46:14\u000111=90001008\u000155=TESTB\u000154=1\u000160=20060217-10:00:00" + "\u000138=4000\u000140=1\u0001847=100000000000\u0001".getBytes(); FIXFieldList msg = RawFIXUtil.getFIXFieldList(bytes); // fromFIX NewOrderSingle order = new NewOrderSingle(); order.fromFIX(msg); // factory com.epam.fix.model.fix44.Factory factory = new com.epam.fix.model.fix44.Factory(); order = (NewOrderSingle) factory.fromFIX(msg)
You can use the void toFIX(FIXFieldList l) method to get a flat message from the object one.
FIXFieldList msg = new FIXFieldList(); order.toFix(msg); // adds fields from order to msg
To send an object message get the flat representation and send it.