Interface DocumentReader

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDocumentReader, DOMReader, SAXReader

public interface DocumentReader
Reads XML document.
  • Method Details

    • hasMoreChildren

      boolean hasMoreChildren()
      Does the node have any more children remaining that have not yet been read?
      True if element has the children nodes.
    • moveDown

      void moveDown()
      Select the current child as current node. A call to this function must be balanced with a call to moveUp().
    • moveUp

      void moveUp()
      Select the parent node as current node.
    • getNodeName

      String getNodeName()
      Get the name of the current node.
    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Get the value (text content) of the current node.
    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute(String name)
      Get the value of an attribute of the current node.
      name - Name of attribute.
    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute(int index)
      Get the value of an attribute of the current node, by index.
      index - Index of attribute.
    • getAttributeCount

      int getAttributeCount()
      Number of attributes in current node.
    • getAttributeName

      String getAttributeName(int index)
      Name of attribute in current node.
    • close

      void close()
      Close the reader, if necessary.
    • isEndOfDocument

      boolean isEndOfDocument()
      Checks of end of xml document.
      True if end of document.
    • addUnmarshalerListener

      void addUnmarshalerListener(UnmarshalerListener listener)
      Assign unmarshaler listener to the document reader.
      listener -
    • execute

      void execute()