Class OutOfSeqMsgHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
FIXMessageListener, SessionMessageHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OutOfSeqMsgHandler extends AbstractGlobalMessageHandler
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  • Constructor Details

    • OutOfSeqMsgHandler

      public OutOfSeqMsgHandler()
  • Method Details

    • onNewMessage

      public void onNewMessage(FIXFieldList message)
      If incoming sequence is equals to expected the next handler will be calls.

      If incoming sequence > expected the '2' message will be send, otherwise the session is shutdown.

      message - the received message.
    • setFIXSession

      public void setFIXSession(ExtendedFIXSession fixSession)
      Description copied from interface: SessionMessageHandler
      Sets the extended fix session.
      Specified by:
      setFIXSession in interface SessionMessageHandler
      setFIXSession in class AbstractSessionMessageHandler
      fixSession - the extended fix session
    • getSequenceManager

      protected com.epam.fixengine.session.SessionSequenceManager getSequenceManager()
    • processMessageWithExpectedSeqNum

      protected void processMessageWithExpectedSeqNum(FIXFieldList message, long incomingSeqNum)
    • processMessageWithHighSeqNum

      protected void processMessageWithHighSeqNum(FIXFieldList message, long incomingSeqNum, long expectedSeqNum)
      Process message with high seq num.

      The methods request missing messages. Note: The incoming seq num will be decremented.

      message - the message
      incomingSeqNum - the incoming seq num
      expectedSeqNum - the expected seq num
    • processMessageWithLowSeqNum

      protected void processMessageWithLowSeqNum(FIXFieldList message, long incomingSeqNum, long expectedSeqNum)
      Process message with low seq num.

      Note: The incoming message will be ignored only if message has 43=Y and incoming seq num is low than expected.

      message - the message
      incomingSeqNum - the incoming seq num
      expectedSeqNum - the expected seq num