FAST support


This article describes the FIX-over-FAST connectivity using the B2BITS FIX Antenna Java (tm) library.


The FAST protocol (FIX Adapted for STreaming) is a technology standard developed by FIX Protocol Ltd., specifically aimed at optimizing data representation on the network. It is used to support high-throughput, low latency data communications between financial institutions. In particular, it is a technology standard that offers significant compression capabillities for transporting high-volume market data feeds and creating ultra low latency applications.

Using B2BITS FIX Antenna Java(tm) a user can establish connection with a FIX-over-FAST oriented remote site. Current users are also able to migrate from FIX to FIX-over-FAST without significant code modifications.

Quick start for CME

This example provides a simple functionality for connecting to CME server and reading data from it. The data is converted from the FAST format to the FIX format. The converted data is printed to console.

package com.epam.example;

import com.epam.common.transport.client.udp.UDPTransport;
import com.epam.fix.FIXVersion;
import com.epam.fix.message.FIXFieldList;
import com.epam.fix.message.constants.FIXT11;
import com.epam.fixengine.*;


public class CMEFastClientSample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

        final FASTClientFactory clientFactory = FASTClientFactory.createFASTFactory(new FileInputStream("templates.xml"));
        // create one chanel for connecting to the CME
        // snapshots
        final IFASTChannel snapshots = clientFactory.createFASTChannel(new UDPTransport("", 10001), new FIXFASTListener() {
            public void onFIXMessage(FIXFieldList message) {
        }, ChanelVersion.CME);
        // incremental updates
        final IFASTChannel incremental = clientFactory.createFASTChannel(new UDPTransport("", 10002), new FIXFASTListener() {
            public void onFIXMessage(FIXFieldList message) {
        }, ChanelVersion.CME);
        //Instrumental Replay
        final IFASTChannel replay = clientFactory.createFASTChannel(new UDPTransport("", 10003), new FIXFASTListener() {
            public void onFIXMessage(FIXFieldList message) {
        }, ChanelVersion.CME);
        // TCP Replay
        SessionParameters details = new SessionParameters();

        // create a session we intend to work with
        final FIXSession session;
        try {
            session = details.createNewFIXSession();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        // listener for incoming messages and session state changes
        FIXSessionListener application = new FIXSessionListener() {
            // this method will be called every time session state is changed
            public void onSessionStateChange(SessionState sessionState) {
                System.out.println("Session state changed:" + sessionState);
                // this callback is called upon session state change
                if (sessionState == SessionState.DISCONNECTED) {
                    // end this session

            // processing incoming messages
            public void onNewMessage(FIXFieldList message) {
                System.out.println("New application level message type: " + message.getTag(FIXT11.Header.MsgType).getStringValue() + " received ");
                // this callback is called upon a new message arrival

        // setting listener for incoming messages

        try {
            // connect to the channels
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

FIX to FAST mapping

As far as FAST does not support the full range of FIX types, mapping between FAST and FIX types is needed. The following table lists all conversion paths.

FAST type FIX application type Comments
u32 i32 Value must be in range [0, 2^31)
u64 i64 Value must be in range [0, 2^63)
u32 i64 Value must be in range [0, 2^32)
u64 u32
u32 u64 Value must be in range [0, 2^32)
i32 u64 Value must be in range [0, 2^31)
i32 i64 Value must be in range (-2^31, 2^31)
i64 i32
u64 i32
u32 char Value must be in range [0, 2^7)
u32 ascii Value of string should be an integer in range [0, 2^32)
u64 ascii Value of string should be an integer in range [0, 2^64)
i64 ascii Value of string should be an integer in range (-2^64, 2^64)
ascii bool The value of '\001' will be interpreted as true; otherwise it will be interpreted as false.
ascii char
ascii i32
ascii i64
i32 char

Advance start for CME

This sections explains how to create a CME application step-by step with samples. The usual scenario to get it to work is:

CME FAST Adaptor library allows application to subscribe to one or multiple instruments, supports all the features of CME market data channels including recovery. The CME distribution package includes the tool application. This is console application which supports market recovery and subcribtion to instruments.

Createion of application parameters

The parameters is created in the following way:

// creates the application params
ApplicationParams params = new ApplicationParams();
// sets uri to config file
// sets uri to templates file
// sets network interface name
// params.setNetworkInterface("net1"); or params.setNetworkInterface("");

Createion an application listener

The application listener is created in the following way:

// creates the application listener
ApplicationListener cmeAppListener = new ApplicationListener() {
public void process(FIXFieldList message) {
// process message code here

public void onError(String secDesc, long secID, String error) {
// process error code here

Createion an application instance

The application instance is created in the following way:

Application application = new ApplicationImpl(params, cmeAppListener);

Subscribe to instrument

// creates the instrument listener
InstrumentListener instrumentListener = new InstrumentListener(){
public void onSubscribed(String secDesc, long secID) {

public void onUnsubscribed(String secDesc, long secID) {

......... ..................

public void process(FIXFieldList fixMessage) {

public void onSnapshot(String secDesc, long secID, FIXFieldList msg) {

public void onBookReset(String secDesc, long secID) {

public void onError(String secDesc, long secID, String error) {
// subscribe by 'SYMBOL'
application.subscribeBySecurityDesc("SYMBOL", instrumentListener, RecoveryOptions.Market);

Close the application

The application is closed in the following way:


Quick start for BOVESPA

This example provides a simple functionality for connecting to BOVESPA server and reading data from it. The data is converted from the FAST format to the FIX format. The converted data is printed to console.

public class BOVESPAFastClientSample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        if (args.length < 2) {
        String host = args[0];
        int port = 0;
        String pathToTamplates = "../etc/templates-UMDF.xml"; // default template
        try {
            port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value for port parameter.", e);
        if (args.length == 3) {
            pathToTamplates = args[2];
        // Create factory for create FAST clients.
        final FASTClientFactory clientFactory = FASTClientFactory.createFASTFactory(new FileInputStream(pathToTamplates));
        // create one chanel for connect to the CME
        final IFASTChannel fastChannel = clientFactory.createFASTChannel(new UDPTransport(host, port), new FIXFASTListener() {
            public void onFIXMessage(FIXFieldList message) {
        }, ChanelVersion.BOVESPA);
        try {
            // Connect to the chanel
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     private static void printUsage() {
        System.out.println(BOVESPAFastClientSample.class.getSimpleName() + " <host> <port> [<template>]");

Advance start for BOVESPA

This sections explains how to create a BOVESPA channel step-by step with samples. The usual scenario to get it to work is:

BOVESPA FAST Adaptor library allows application to subscribe to one or multiple instruments, supports all the features of BOVESPA market data channels including recovery. The BOVESPA distribution package includes the tool application. This is console application which supports market recovery and subcribtion to instruments.

Createion of application parameters

The parameters is created in the following way:

final ConfigurationParser configurationParser = new ConfigurationParser("../etc/config.xml);
final MDChannel mdChannel = configurationParser.getChannelId("050");

Createion an application listener

The instrument listener is created in the following way:

// creates the instrument listener
ChannelMessageListener implements InstrumentListener {

// ..... ....

public void onIncrement(final long rptSeqNum, final FIXFieldList entry);
// process message code here

public void onSnapshot(final FIXFieldList message);
// process code here

// ...... .....


Creation of channel instance

The channel instance is created in the following way:

Channel channel = new ChannelImpl(mdChannel, RecoveryOptions.Market, ResourceLoader.DEFAULT_LOADER.loadResource(optionParams.getTemplateFileName()));
channel.setMessageListener(new ChannelMessageListener());

Subscribe to instrument

// subscribe by 'SYMBOL'

Close the application

The channel is closed in the following way:

Generated on Tue Jun 6 11:47:08 2017 for FASTAntennaJava by  doxygen 1.6.3