Release Notes

License agreement

(c) B2BITS EPAM Systems Company 2000-2014.
"Licensor" shall mean B2BITS EPAM Systems Company (B2BITS).

This software is for the use of the paying client of B2BITS (which may be
a corporation, business area, business unit or single user) to whom it was
delivered (the "Licensee"). The use of this software is subject to
licence terms.

The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software and Documentation
(the "Confidential Information") is confidential and proprietary to
the Licensor and the Licensee hereby agrees to use the Confidential
Information only as permitted by the full licence agreement between
the two parties, to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential
Information and not to disclose the confidential information, or any part
thereof, to any other person, firm or corporation. The Licensee
acknowledges that disclosure of the Confidential Information may give rise
to an irreparable injury to the Licensor in-adequately compensable in
damages. Accordingly the Licensor may seek (without the posting of any
bond or other security) injunctive relief against the breach of the forgoing
undertaking of confidentiality and non-disclosure, in addition to any other
legal remedies which may be available, and the licensee consents to the
obtaining of such injunctive relief. All of the undertakings and
obligations relating to confidentiality and non-disclosure, whether
contained in this section or elsewhere in this agreement, shall survive
the termination or expiration of this agreement for a period of five (5)

The Licensor agrees that any information or data received from the Licensee
in connection with the performance of the support agreement relating to this
software shall be confidential, will be used only in connection with the
performance of the Licensor's obligations hereunder, and will not be
disclosed to third parties, including contractors, without the Licensor's
express permission in writing.

Information regarding the software may be provided to the Licensee's outside
auditors and attorneys only to the extent required by their respective

Change Log

FIX Antenna Java

[!] Important
[+] New
[-] Fixed error
[*] Changes

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.9 (2014-09-04)
[-] SupportEPMBFIXSUP-194: Fixed problem with resetting sequences via Logon (if before was detected a gap/seq num too high/)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.8 (2014-08-08)
[+] Added public methods to FIXSessionManager for setting and resetting sequences.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.7 (2014-07-25)
[+] Implement new option ignoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.6 (2014-07-04)
[-] Fixed rejecting messages from queue (enableMessageRejecting option)
[+] Added sample FIXSpammerWithHandlingRejectedMsg, which demonstrate handling of rejected messages

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.5 (2014-07-03)
[-] BBP-2347: FIXAJ can't start with Thai localization due to license problem
[-] Fixed jndi properties for passing connection's credentials

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.4 (2014-06-17)
[-] Fixed parsing raw tags for validateGarbledMessage=false mode
[-] BBP-2347: FIXAJ can't start with Thai localization due to license problem

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.3 (2014-05-23)
[+] Added benchmark for message' storages

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.2 (2014-05-05)
[*] Open access to few transport classes
[+] Added samples with customized monitored transport for initiator and acceptor

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.1 (2014-04-24)
[-] EPMBFIXSUP-72: AppVersion wasn't parsed from session configuration file. Resolve: added ability to use string name of version(like 'FIX.5.0SP1')
[-] EPMBFIXSUP-68: Registered acceptor uses invalid sequences for restoring session

  FIX Antenna Java 2.12.0 (2014-04-15)
[+] BBP-1890: Add SessionQualifier to SessionID(SenderCompID,TargetCompID)
[+] BBP-2147: Update admin module to support the session qualifier
[*] Updated FIX Admin protocol to 2.24 version
[*] Update log filename template

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.34 (2014-03-26)
[-] BBP-2113: [Admin Session] SeqNum in create session commands is used incorrectly
[-] BBP-2095: Reset SeqNum on Acceptor session is not working correctly

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.33 (2014-03-21)
[-] Fixed obfuscating for public release

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.32 (2014-03-18)
[-] Fixed obfuscating for public release

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.31 (2014-03-04)
[+] BBP-1666: Prepare all-in-one FIXAJ library
[-] BBP-2034: FIXAJ sends ResendRequest before Logout
[-] BBP-2035: FIXAJ may miss messages on reconnect
[-] BBP-1645: [Admin Session] FIXAJ ignores  parameter from FIXICC
[-] BBP-1655: [Admin Session] Engine doesn't send default maxMessagesToSendInBatch to FIXICC
[-] BBP-2021: Benchmarks: scripts for linux throughput BM do not work
[+] Added new option 'OutgoingLoginFixFieldList' to startup parameters

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.30 (2014-01-31)
[-] Fixed obfuscating for public release

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.29 (2014-01-08)
[*] Change log level for text about skip resizing message on deep copy

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.28 (2014-01-03)
[-] BBP-1739: FIXAJ send second Logout after closing resession by TestRequest timeout
[-] BBP-1843: Memory allocation on send message in async mode

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.27 (2013-12-17)
[*] Default values moved form to code annotations
[-] BBP-1655: [Admin Session] Engine doesn't send default maxMessagesToSendInBatch to FIXICC
[-] BBP-1645: [Admin Session] FIXAJ ignores  parameter from FIXICC
[*] Separate configuration files for transient and persistent throughput BM tests
[+] Added ILinkApplication - example of application with a simple console menu
[-] BBP-1819: ResetSeqNumFlag is present in Logon message after change parameter forceSeqNumReset from 'OneTime' to 'Never'

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.26 (2013-11-26)
[*] Change obfuscation level for class AbstractFileMessageStorage(allows to customize the date format in storage)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.25 (2013-11-19)
[-] BBP-1656: OutSeqNum for acceptor was reset on connection
[-] BBP-1722: Invalid ResendRequest sent for configured maxRequestResendInBlock
[*] Added throwing IOException to AbstractFileMessageStorage.append() method in accordance with parent interface MessageStorage
[-] BBP-1646: [Admin Session] FIXAJ should process  property

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.24 (2013-11-12)
[-] BBP-1706: Acceptor doesn't resetting resetSeqNumFlag on reconnect

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.23 (2013-11-07)
[-] Fixed getting date values from FIXFieldList by tag id

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.22 (2013-11-06)
[-] Fixed NPE problem during reading long messages.
[-] FIX session shouldn't break  connection on receiving too long messages.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.21 (2013-11-05)
[-] BBP-1079: JMS. Wrong client identifier in the event callback listener
[-] BBP-1076: JMS. Wrong order of the messages in the queue after failure send message to JMS
[*] Close JMS client if exception happened in message pumper
[-] BBP-1688: Log problem message for "Message is too long" exception

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.20 (2013-10-22)
[-] BBP-1618: Tag cannot be removed from FIXFieldList with removeTag(int tagId) method
[-] Fixed API for method in FIXServer for getting list of registered sessions

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.19 (2013-10-18)
[-] BBP-1611: FIXAJ stores resent message with wrong SeqNum
[-] BBP-1603: Initiator doesn't reconnect automatically if session was disconnected due to absent answer for TestRequest
[+] Implemented method in FIXServer for getting list of registered sessions
[-] BBP-1580: Benchmarks samples have invalid Linux running scripts
[-] BBP-1614: runParsingBM on Linux can't find file with message

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.18 (2013-10-16)
[-] BBP-1598: FIXServer should report about original error if it cannot be started on some port
[-] BBP-1603: Initiator doesn't reconnect automatically if session was disconnected due to absent answer for TestRequest

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.17 (2013-10-11)
[+] Added several new methods in ExtendedFIXSession to send message and receive queue size
[-] BBP-1563: Initiator have to reset transport cache on reconnection
[*] Improve logging of exception, thrown from onNewMessage
[+] BBP-1519: Allow to defile subnet masks for autostart acceptors (admin session) IP filers
[-] BBP-1587: FIXServer produce redundant warning for rejected acceptors
[-] BBP-1564: [Admin Session] Create session with default storage type is not work
[-] BBP-1550: [Admin Session] CreateAcceptor command logging is incorrect
[-] BBP-1581: [Admin Session] SessionParamsData and SessionsListData contain next expected SeqNum(not actual)
[-] BBP-1582: Reset SeqNum for session in state RECONNECTING is not work
[-] BBP-1547: Add 'allocation-instrumenter' library to BM package
[-] BBP-1580: Benchmarks samples have invalid Linux running scripts

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.16 (2013-10-03)
[-] BBP-1537: Incorrect processing of the first message not logon

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.15 (2013-09-30)
[+] BBP-53: Added configuration property to prevent sending multiple RR for the same gap
[-] BBP-1331: No answer for TestRequest leads to hang on SessionManager threads
[-] BBP-1318: Deadlock during connection break (FIXSession.sendMessage() vs TestRequestTask)
[-] BBP-1316: Unable to connect to registered acceptor if Sender/Target SubIds and LocIds are not specified
[-] BBP-1329: Engine, started with multiple ports, should not stop if port is busy
[-] BBP-1354: Clean production code from using sun.misc
[-] Fixed: MessageNotSentException not in public API
[-] BBP-1502: Sequence reset doesn't work for session if there is not closed gap
[+] BBP-53: Added parameter which switches on mode to prevent sending multiple RR for the same gap.
[-] BBP-1489: Resend Request handling is incorrect for split storage
[-] BBP-1516: Resend Request works incorrectly with MMF storage
[-] BBP-1496: FIXAJ sends unnecessary fields when resetting seq nums via Logon
[+] Added "preferredSendingMode" property to setup session for more optimized anync or sync sending
[+] Added "waitForMsgQueuingDelay" property to configure the maximum waiting time for putting message into full queue.
[-] BBP-1309: BASE64 decoding of FIX message in SendMessage admin command - FAJ
[-] BBP-1491: [Admin Session] ChangeSeqNum command handling is incorrect
[-] BBP-1492: [Admin Session] For memory mapped and split persistent storage send PERSISTENTMM and SPLITPERSISTENT

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.14 (2013-09-11)
[+] BBP-643: Added to configuration multiple listen ports for server
[+] BBP-644: Added support of multihost environments (define NICs for listen)
[-] BBP-1270: Setting option ignorePossDupForGapFill=Y still requires OrigSendingTime for GapFill
[+] Added disconnected reason for ExtendedFIXSession
[*] Review printing original messages during rejecting and disconnecting
[-] BBP-1318: Deadlock during connection break (FIXSession.sendMessage() vs TestRequestTask)
[-] Fixed link name for SlicedFileStorageFactory
[-] Added to default config parameter maxStorageSliceSize with default value 100Mb

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.13 (2013-09-02)
[-] BBP-1077: There should be no WARN for maxStorageGrowSize if this parameter is absent
[-] Bug: Some times tags not visible in FIXFieldList after remove other tags
[+] Added option for forced handling SeqReset-GapFill messages (ignorePossDupForGapFill)
[-] BBP-1099: Incorrect Logon should be rejected and Logout should be sent
[-] BBP-1190: Session properties file (.properties) ignore custom sessionID
[*] Improve sequence reset mechanism for offline sessions
[-] Bug BBP-1100: Message with tag that has value out of bounds generates Session Level Reject message with incorrect SessionRejectReason
[-] Bug BBP-1101: If tag value has incorrect type - Reject with 373=6 should be sent
[-] Bug BBP-1080: [Benchmarks] Warning for unexpected message is generated in runRecvAndSendLatencyBM benchmark
[-] BBP-1237: [Admin Session] Fix ResetReqNum command for preconfigured sessions
[-] BBP-1187: [Admin Session] Allow ResetSeqNum for preconfigured sessions

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.12 (2013-08-12)
[+] Added method for FIXServer to remove registered acceptor session (unregisterAcceptorSession)
[-] Bug BBP-1054: Can't reestablish acceptor session with custom FIX version
[-] Bug BBP-1066: Sliced storage doesn't work
[-] Bug BBP-1067: Gb Mb and Kb should be used in properties

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.11 (2013-08-07)
[-] Updated FIXML dependency to 2.4.25
[-] Fixed full JavaDoc generation (with message model)
[-] Included javadoc for com.epam.fix.message.constants packet to full-docs package
[+] Added support of multiple JMS connection per one FIX session
[-] Bug BBP-968: maxMessagesToSendInBatch should be always > 0. In other case it will be init with default value
[-] Bug BBP-947: Add USA country code (+1) for support phone number in logged messages
[-] Bug BBP-966: Clean package from utility jars
[-] Bug BBP-965: 115/128 tags based message routing works incorrectly
[-] Bug BBP-630: Remove encryption sample from fixaj-engine-full package
[-] Bug BBP-1035: Sequence reset has a problem for offline sessions
[-] Fixed samples for preconfigured session (session configuration from config file) (BBP-955)
[-] Bug BBP-961 [MEFF Adaptor] FIX logs were created outside of logs dir
[*] Optimization of message's validation
[-] Bug BBP-1001: Change default value for validation property to false
[-] Bug BBP-969: [Admin session] FIXAJ doesn't send RemoteHost and RemotePort for configured acceptor
[-] Bug BBP-661: FIXAJ doesn't return  for FIXT 1.1 session
[-] Bug BBP-960: [ICE Adaptor] Security Definition Requests were not send from sample for "Options and Futures" type
[*] Updated samples to use tags module (BBP-967)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.10 (2013-07-08)
[+] Added new MessageStorage implementations: SlicedFileMessageStorage & SlicedIndexedMessageStorage
[+] Added setters and getters for username/password to SessionParameters
[-] Bug BBP-655: [Admin Session] FIXAJ sends incorrect session seq nums
[-] Bug BBP-661: FIXAJ doesn't return  for FIXT 1.1 session
[-] Bug BBP-749: [Admin Session] FIXAJ deletes admin session when received DeleteAll command
[-] Bug BBP-654: [Admin Session] Additional parameters should be send for session in 
[-] Bug BBP-663: [Admin Session] Please add possibility to create acceptors (CreateAcceptor command)
[-] Bug 18049 - Meff adapter sample starts session with incorrect parameters
[-] Fixed documentation index
[-] Fixed description of serverAcceptorStrategy parameter
[-] Merge adaptor code with JMS TA for FIXEdge
[+] Added support of multiple threads per JMS connection for producers
[+] Added ability to send messages in batches for transaction session.
[+] Added to log connection information about client
[-] Bug: 'DeliveryMode=NoPersist' option does not work correctly.
[+] Added samples for loading sessions from config files

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.9 (2013-05-21)
[-] Fixed exception in FIXFieldStorage for wrong resizing

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.8 (2013-05-20)
[+] Support of message selector
[+] Support of Topics
[+] Possible to initialize adaptor without JNDI
[+] Added enumeration constant values
[-] Bug BBP-557: Incorrect SessionRejectReason for invalid data format in field
[-] Bug BBP-558: FIXAJ should send Logout if SendingTime has incorrect data type
[-] Bug: FIXAJ sends tags in wrong order in Logon during sequence numbers reset
[-] Changed notification level for missed Logout answer from error to warn
[-] Bug: FIXAJ sends Reject(3) message after Logout
[+] Added handler for logging incoming messages before they are processed
[+] Added loading sessions from default configuration file
[-] Fixed warning about wrong maxMessageSize parameter
[-] Fixed formatting doubles with rounding (0.09999 -> 0.1)
[-] Replace exception with warning in FIXFieldStorage for wrong resizing

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.7 (2013-03-15)
[-] Fixed NPE during synchronous send
[*] Update FIXSession API: sending methods now will return true if message was sent immediately and false if queued
[-] Fixed removing tags from message
[-] Logon message with invalid Heartbeat Interval (HBI) is incorrectly processed
[-] Fixed obfuscating rules for SessionParametersBuilder
[*] Fixed RecvAndSendLatencyBM benchmark test
[*] Updated FIX dictionary to version 1.5.19 (Bugfix dictionaries. Add "id" attribute to the "item" entity)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.6 (2013-03-11)
[-] Bug: Message body don't fill for prepared message
[-] Bug: Incoming message log of MMFStorageFactory works as usual file storage

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.5 (2013-02-26)
[-] Bug BBP-508: Fixed wrong timestamp for backup files (month numeration, new format is yyMMddHHmmss)
[-] Bug BBP-474: FIXAJ resets SeqNums without 141=Y during switch to backup/primary
[-] Bug BBP-556: Sometimes there is wrong original buffer length in incoming meassage
[*] Fixed reinitialization of session's connection from different host: temporary ignore different heartbeats
[-] Fixed mechanism for sending received messages
[-] Fixed parsing received messages
[-] Fixed problem with parsing message longer than optimal buffer
[*] Use blocking transport by default to have support of SSL (useJavaNIO=false)
[-] Fixed deep copy for FIXFieldList
[-] Fixed updating large messages
[-] Fixed FIXFieldList.getTagAsInt method return type
[*] Changed getTagValueAsString and getTagValueAsBytes behavior (will return null instead of throwing FieldNotFoundException)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.4 (2013-02-04)
[*] Restore bunch of tests
[*] Updated FIX dictionary to version 1.5.17 (added missed tags to FIXT 1.1)
[-] Fixed problem with serialization of messages
[-] Fixed initialization of header for prepared messages
[*] Optimize latency benchmarks

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.3 (2013-01-29)
[*] Clean public API
[*] Remove separate instance of prepared message
[-] Fixed reinitialization of persistent queue
[*] Improve FIXFieldList API
[*] Fixed integration with SLF4J logger
[*] Samples was updated for new API
[*] Benchmarks was updated for new API

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.2 (2012-12-28)
[*] Improve reading and sending speed
[*] Extends FIXFieldList with new methods for accessing typed values
[*] Share access to implementations of Queue and MessageStorage
[-] Fixed issue with sending messages to session after shutdown
[+] Added new option validateCheckSum to config
[+] Added new option validateGarbledMessage to config
[-] Fixed restoring of acceptor session
[-] Fixed detection of duplicating acceptor session
[*] Decrease logging level for IOError in MessagePumper
[+] Introduce SessionTransportFactory and allow to change the underlying transport for FIX Sessions
[-] Fixed processing TestRequest answers
[-] Fixed processing missed TestRequest answer
[*] Change logging level for license problem on the server side from WARN to ERROR level
[*] Change Logout waiting time after failed test request to forceLogOffTimeout (before it was equal to hbt)
[+] Added method for working with double to FIXField
[-] Fixed reinitialisation of persistent queue
[*] Moved functional from PreparedMessage to FIXFieldList
[-] Fixed dead notification for Initiator
[-] Updated description for maxMessagesToSendInBatch
[*] Updated version of admin protocol up to 2.13
[+] Added support of SLF4J loggers
[-] Fixed conversion of object model message to flat model message.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.1 (2012-07-26)
[*] Improve concurrent access to session attributes
[*] Change a bit API for PreparedMessage
[-] Fixed serialization of PreparedMessage
[-] Fixed building PreparedMessage from exist FIX message
[-] Fixed serialization/deserialization of FIXFieldListWithType

  FIX Antenna Java 2.11.0 (2012-07-03)
[+] Make it possible to customize the sessionID
[-] Fixed ClosedByInterruptException on processing Logout as an answer for initial Logon
[*] Updated MEFF dictionary
[+] Added new parameter logoutWaitTimeout
[+] Added possibility to configure all parameters for session from configuration file
[+] Added possibility to configure FIXAJ from XML configuration file
[+] Added possibility to load sessions from different configuration files
[+] Added new MessageStorage implementations: MMFMessageStorage & IndexedMMFMessageStorage
[+] Added new method extractGroup to FIXFieldList for process repeating group
[+] Added FIXFieldTreeUtil for building structured FIX message
[+] Added LazyFIXFieldList implementation for creating FIXField on demand
[+] Added PreparedMessage for faster message send.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.12 (2012-05-03)
[+] Added Object Model for MEFF

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.11 (2012-04-30)
[+] Prepare separate package for MEFF

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.10 (2012-04-09)
[-] Fixed waiting Logon timeout for initiator
[-] Update FIXProtocol dependencies up to 1.5.15
[-] Fixed validation for FIX5.0SP2

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.9 (2012-03-19)
[*] Make possible returns several validation errors of the same type
[*] Update jFAST dependencies
[*] Fixed description for ChangesType constants

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.8 (2012-01-20)
[-] Fixed calculation of checksum for large messages (few dozen Mb)
[*] Added description when acceptor session not similar to exist

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.7 (2012-01-10)
[-] fixed NPE in SimpleServer
[+] Added possibility to change default socket buffer for UDP transport
[*] Updated license information for logging

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.6 (2011-11-21)
[+] Added reject method for incoming FIX sessions
[*] updated samples

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.5 (2011-11-11)
[-] Fixed invalid processing of incoming answers for Test Requests

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.4 (2011-11-07)
[-] Fixed parsing of dictionary - use Integer instead Short for tag ID

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.3 (2011-10-24)
[*] Optimize delete FixField time
[*] Change OutOfSequenceMessageHandler API
[-] Fixed FIXUtil.findGroup() method to search inner groups too.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.2 (2011-10-18)
[+] added one more sample for customization session behaviour

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.1 (2011-09-29)
[-] Fixed dictionaries for iLink
[-] Fixed processing of ResendRequest with PossDup(43=Y) flag and without OrigSendingTime(122)
[*] Added option skipDuplicatedResendRequests
[-] Fixed processing of ResendRequest with PossDup(43=Y) flag

  FIX Antenna Java 2.10.0 (2011-09-20)
[-] Fixed UDP transport
[*] Reinitialize Acceptor session object after reconnect
[-] Fixed serialization of messages for queue and storage, which was sent via sendWithChanges method
[-] Fixed configuration for iLink sample

  FIX Antenna Java 2.9.4 (2011-09-13)
[-] Bug 16911 - Manual switch to backup/primary connection doesn't work
[-] Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception during message serialization
[-] Fixed UDP transport: usage of NetworkInterface
[-] Fixed UDP transport: NPE during closing

  FIX Antenna Java 2.9.3 (2011-06-22)
[-] Bug 16349 - Session should not be terminated if long message has been received
[-] Bug 16911 - Manual switch to backup/primary connection doesn't work
[-] Bug 17189 - testRequestsNumberUponDisconnection handling is incorrect
[-] Bug 16915 - Unable to create encrypted session using FIXICC
[-] Bug 16910 - FIXAJ should reject admin session with wrong username/password (added warning to log)
[-] Bug 16914 - FIXAJ should send session password to FIXICC "as is"

[*] Fixed broken links
[*] Added description for new options

  FIX Antenna Java 2.9.2 (2011-06-08)
[+] Add new option "testRequestsNumberUponDisconnection" into configuration list
[+] Add new option "advancedResendRequestProcessing" into configuration list
[+] Add new option "possDupSmartDelivery" into configuration list
[-] Bug 16349 Session should not be terminated if long message has been received
[-] Bug 17093 Engine sends incorrect values of session properties

[-] Bug Bug 16910 FIXAJ should reject admin session with wrong username/password
[-] Bug 16911 Manual switch to backup/primary connection doesn't work

[-] Bug 16488 Information about "SimpleFlatOrderSender" should be added in the documentation
[*] Split documentation into 3 modules: FIXAJ, FAST and FIXML

  FIX Antenna Java 2.9.1 (2011-05-16)
[*] Include samples into release package

  FIX Antenna Java 2.9.0 (2011-05-16)
[+] Added bovespa fast adaptor

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.7 (2011-05-06)
[*] Made enabled Nagle's algorithm by default (TCP_NO_DELAY=false) - fot better throughput.

[*] Update description of enableNagle option

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.6 (2011-05-05)
[*] Fixed configuration of heartbeat interval for initiator session

[*] Fixed latency tests transport to be affected by enableNagle option
[-] Fixed processing of enableNagle option from config: now it uses as !TCP_NO_DELAY.
[-] Disabled verification of license's restrictions via UDP

[+] Added network interface for udp transport

[*] Updated FAQ and Configuration topics.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.5 (2011-04-20)
[*] Show stack traces only for debug logging level

[-] Fixed behaviour of function FIXUtil.getMessageFieldDefHier()

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.4 (2011-04-19)
[-] Fixed behaviour of function FIXUtil.getMessageFieldDefHier()

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.3 (2011-04-05)
[-] Bug 16851 - Conditionally required rule should not be used for message validation if the new rule loaded from additional dictionary

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.2 (2011-04-04)
[*] Refactored API for session scheduler.

[*] Updated documentation for session scheduler.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.1 (2011-03-25)
[-] Fixed filtering of scheduled incoming sessions

[*] Added API description for session scheduler.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.8.0 (2011-03-25)
[*] Updated license mechanism: added optional check of environment
[-] Fixed reloading dictionaries via ValidationEngine
[+] Added scheduler for start/stop sessions
[*] Added more utility methods for work with dictionaries
[+] Made possible to create indexed incoming storage ("incomingStorageIndexed" option)

  FIX Antenna Java 2.7.2 (2011-03-15)
[-] Bug 16830: ByteBuffer exception when trying to encrypt large message

  FIX Antenna Java 2.7.1 (2011-03-11)
[-] Fixed customization of dictionary for acceptor session
[-] Bug 16817 - Incoming msg with invalid SecureDataLenght should be ignored

[+] Add possibility to choose custom dictionary for session

  FIX Antenna Java 2.7.0 (2011-03-11)
[+] Add possibility of dictionary customization for each session

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.5 (2011-03-10)
[-] Bug 16796 - Reject was not sent for message that cannot be decrypted
[-] Bug 16815 - Encrypted messages saved to incoming log

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.4 (2011-03-09)
[-] Fixed problem with messages decryption

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.3 (2011-03-07)
[-] Send reject for invalid SecureDataLength
[-] Bug 16796 - Reject was not sent for message that cannot be decrypted
[-] Bug 16798 - [DES]: Unclear reaction on encrypted message if passkey is different

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.2 (2011-03-01)
[-] Fixed behaviour for origSendingTimeChecking option

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.1 (2011-02-28)
[-] Fixed resetting sequences on acceptor
[-] Fixed Signature and SignatureLength place order for encrypted messages
[-] Fixed reopening of persistent queue

[*] Update manual for FIX messages encryption

  FIX Antenna Java 2.6.0 (2011-02-21)
[-] Bug 16702: FIXAJ should send Logon with 1137 tag for FIXT.1.1 after ResetSeqNumTime
[-] Bug 16705: The session was not restored after reconnect
[+] Added messages encryption
[+] Added passing of validation errors for incoming messages to ErrorHandler
[+] Added passing of notification about rejected messages to ErrorHandler
[+] Added option for checking OrigSendingTime: origSendingTimeChecking
[+] Added option for heartbeat reasonable transmission time: heartbeatReasonableTransmissionTime
[-] Fixed resetting sequences for offline sessions

[*] Updated docs
  FIX Antenna Java 2.5.0 (2011-02-11)
[+] Added cleaning of message storage during sequence reset (storageCleanupMode option)
[-] Fixed daily sequences reset

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.30 (2011-01-28)
[+] Added scheduler
[+] Added daily sequences reset

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.29 (2011-01-26)
[-] Fixed parsing messages from the middle of byte buffer
[-] Fixed storage processing of messages when the storage is closed
[-] Fixed hung when engine connected/disconnected
[+] Added "turn of" mode for session
[+] Add maxDelayToSendAfterLogon option to config
[-] Fixed synchronization problem in persistent storage

[+] Updated docs

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.28 (2010-12-30)
[*] Set expiration date for demo license to 1.02.2011

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.27 (2010-12-28)
[-] Bug 16499: Incorrect value of 36 tag in the SeqReset-GapFill was received if
        EndSeqNo of ResendRequest greater than current sequence
[-] Bug 14711: FIXAJ should resend all messages with SeqNum <= LastSentSeqNum if
        EndSeqNum in Resend Request is too large

[-] Bug 16487: Pause dialog should be added in the "console" samples
  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.26 (2010-12-22)
[!] Changed logic for resendRequestNumberOfMessagesLimit parameter
[-] Bug 16486: Retransmitted application level messages should not be skipped
[-] Bug 16482: SeqReset-GapFill messages should not be skipped

[-] Bug 16489: Some messages were not generated using the SimpleFlatOrderSender example

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.25 (2010-12-13)
[+] Added storageType parameter for autostart sessions
[-] Bug 16421: [AdminSession]: New type of status "reconnecting" should be implemented

[!] Added maxRequestResendInBlock parameter
[*] Updated logic for resendRequestNumberOfMessagesLimit parameter
[-] Bug 16341: FIXAJ should send Logout if message with sequence number too low without PossDupFlag has been received
[-] Bug 16303: FIXAJ sends incorrect Sequence Reset-GapFill message
[-] Bug 15718: Logout message should be sent when after Resend Request engine received message with SeqNum=

[+] Added removeTag method to FIXFieldList

[-] Bug 16399: FIX_QuickStart sample must send ERs back
[*] Updated samples

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.24 (2010-11-18)
[+] Added maxMessagesToSendInBatch parameter
[-] Bug 16333: Logon message was sent without 141=Y for FIX.4.1
[-] Bug 16337: The completive Sequence Reset GapFill message sent with incorrect sequence number
[-] Bug 16334: Validation error for 7 and 16 tags in the ResendRequest message
[-] Bug 16344: Attribute LastRRSeqNum should be removed only if unreceived message was stored in the in.log

[-] Bug 16336: Incorrect NumInGroup value caused "Not a number" exception

[-] Bug 16346:Incorrect messages were generated using other examples

[-] Bug 16347 Difference between the documentation and component in the engine-addons package

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.23 (2010-11-10)
[*] Updated license functionality

[+] Added tester module

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.22 (2010-11-03)
[-] Fixed 16289: Unreceived sequence has not been saved in the properties file
[-] Fixed 16303: FIXAJ sends incorrect Sequence Reset-GapFill message

[*] Updated fixadmin protocol to 1.0.3 version

[*] updated Programer's Guide

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.21 (2010-10-20)
[-] Fixed 16268: FIXAJ rejects FIXICC requests if RequestID is lower than previous
[-] Fixed 16269: FIXAJ should not reject ChangeSeqNum command with one parameter
[-] Fixed bug: FIXAJ should send message with one 141 tags when ResetSeqNum command received
[-] Fixed 16271: FIXAJ terminates session if Logon with 34=1 and 141=Y is received
[-] Fixed bug: ConnectAddress parameter does not work correctly for multiply clients

[*] Updated docs

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.20 (2010-10-18)
[!] Priority of call of the system RR handler was changed in view of the RR problem
[-] Fixed 16259: License expiration or invalid license information should be changed
[-] Fixed bug: Synchronization of outgoing queue is not working properly

[*] Updated docs

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.19 (2010-09-08)
[*] Updated substitution for storageDirectory property
[+] Use system properties for substitution in configuration

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.18 (2010-09-06)
[+] Added ConnectAddress parameter for multi-homed host
[-] Fixed 15990: OrigSendingTime differs from the original and caused problems with sending SequenseReset message

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.17 (2010-08-27)
[+] Added substitution for storageDirectory property 
[-] Fixed 15981: Incorrect behavior after receiving a SequenceReset message
[-] Fixed 15990: OrigSendingTime differs from the original and caused problems with sending SequenseReset message
[-] Fixed 15993: After session restart, incorrect storing of outgoing messages was detected
[-] Fixed 15763: Logon response was accepted with same SenderCompID and TargetCompID

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.16 (2010-08-18)
[+] Pumped flat message storage
[-] Fixed 15970: After Logon exchange FIXAJ should not send resend request with 34=1
[-] Fixed 15823: Setting "timestampsInLogs" should be added in the FIXAJ engine
[-] Fixed 15843: License: using sessionExpirationPeriod license expiration mechanism has not been executed in the required time
[-] Fixed 15837: License: using enginesLimit parameter, only last launched session should be disconnected
[-] Fixed 15842: License expiration should be on the local time
[-] Fixed 15845: License: using openedSessionsLimit parameter, license expiration mechanism has been terminated all session
[-] Fixed 15841: New line characters (\n) should be removed in the messages about license expiration
[-] Fixed 15795: Setting "timeZone" should be added in the FIXAJ engine

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.15 (2010-07-30)
[-] Fixed 15801: Information about parameter "forceSeqNumReset" should be added
[-] Fixed 15182: ResultCode description should be added in the documentation

[-] Fixed 15795: Setting "timeZone" should be added in the FIXAJ engine
[-] Fixed 15595: Incorrect calculation of the length of message in the resent message

[-] Fixed 15789: Exception "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" appears after 15 minutes of work

[-] Fixed 15512: Description for SessionsList command should be changed
[-] Fixed 15749: Session was not immediately switched to backup connection using command "ToBackup"

[-] Fixed 15791: Exception appeared after starting some examples from \examples\base

[-] Fixed unix scripts for samples and benchmarks
[-] Fixed 15719: Incorrect around conversion FIX-FIXML-FIX for MsgType=l (lowercase L) FIX.5.0SP2
[-] Fixed 15720: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=m FIX.5.0SP2
[-] Fixed 15721: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=V FIX.5.0SP2
[-] Fixed 15722: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=Z FIX.5.0SP2

[-] Fixed unix scripts for samples and benchmarks

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.14 (2010-07-20)
[-] Fixed 15754: Outgoing logging problem
[-] Fixed 15764: Reasons and messages "Invalid Sender or TargetCompId" should be changed

[-] Fixed 15746: Values for parameter "ForceSeqNumReset" should be changed in the response message

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.13 (2010-07-16)
[-] Fixed 15754: Outgoing logging problem
[-] Fixed 15729: FIXAJ sent Logon response with 141=Y on the Logon from initiator without 141=Y

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.12 (2010-07-16)
[-] Fixed 15751: Session was not created using command "CreateInitiator" with parameter HBI

[*] Updated generate guide

[!] Performance optimization
[-] Fixed 15729: FIXAJ sent Logon response with 141=Y on the Logon from initiator without 141=Y
[-] Fixed 15716: Logon should not be send with 141=Y after reconnect if forceSeqNumReset = OneTime
[-] Fixed 15607: Information about parameter "maxMessageSize" should be expanded

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.11 (2010-07-02)
[-] Fixed 15698: FIXML with the batch of messages should be converted to FIX
[-] Fixed 15703: Warning message appears in the transformation process in the module "compile.src"

[!] Added merge xsl script for fixml full generation (fixml 4.4 - 5.0sp2)
[*] Updated docs

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.10 (2010-06-30)
[+] Added generate-tools module
[-] Fixed 14155: Two or more messages should be parsed and FIXML should be created
[-] Fixed 15635: FIXMLconverter can not convert the message where repeating group meets without first tag
[-] Fixed 15670: Messages FIX.5.0, 5.0SP1, 5.0SP2 with TZTimestamp datatype are not converted in FIXML

[-] Fixed 15616: List of supported command and Help response should be generated in alphabetical order
[-] Fixed 15515: Unsupported command should receive the appropriate ResponseCode and Description
[-] Fixed 15511: "Subscribe only" parameter for SessionsList command should send information about new sessions
[-] Fixed 15614: "SessionSnapshot" is absent in the "Help" response
[-] Fixed 15620: Incorrect value for parameters "  EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection" and "CyclicSwitchBackupConnection" in the response message
[-] Fixed 15619: Incorrect value for parameter "EnableMessageRejecting" in the response messages

[-] Fixed 15645: Session was not restored after reconnect
[-] Fixed 15526: Information about maxMessageSize should be recorded in the fixaj.log
[-] Fixed 15626: Setting "forceSeqNumReset" should be added in the

[-] Fixed 15582: Suspicion: validator considered 381 tag as 38

[-] Fixed 15613: Settings "Preload Dictionaries" for FIX.5.0SP1 and FIX.5.0SP2 should be added

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.9 (2010-06-04)
[-] Fixed 15198: "DeleteAll" command should not terminate the Admins session
[-] Fixed 15514: "Seq reset to:  for session " message should be recorded in the fixaj.log after execution of command "ChangeSeqNum"
[-] Fixed 15511: "Subscribe only" parameter for SessionsList command should send information about new sessions
[-] Fixed 15552: "Fails" should be changed to "Failed"
[-] Fixed 15515:  Unsupported command should receive the appropriate ResponseCode and Description
[-] Fixed 15218:  Response "HelpData" should be added
[-] Fixed 15201:  Logout was sent without a text for tag 58

[-] Fixed 15551: Incoming message was lost after the Logons exchange
[-] Fixed 15483: Message with garbled trailer caused session termination
[-] Fixed 15522: Unexpected exception appears after parse long messages after session reconnect
[-] Fixed 15527: Common level logging caused Message is too long exception should be replaced
[-] Fixed 15319: Message without tag 35 caused NullPointerException and session termination

[-] fixed small misprints

[-] Fixed 15439: Raw tags list are not supported for FIX.5.0SP1 and FIX.5.0SP2 sessions

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.8 (2010-05-17)
[!] Removed onlyContentValidation parameter from

[-] Fixed 15466: Unexpected message type caused session terminated if onlyContentValidation=true
[-] Fixed 15470: "Resend Request -- Sequence reset" mechanism is broken

[-] Fixed 15465: Unexpected reason for the Logout message in the Base Samples

[-] Fixed 15069 : runSimpleFastClient.bat from \fixaj-fastengine-2.4.1\examples\bin is not started

[-] Fixed 15035 : Error appeared after starting runCMEFASTClient.bat

[-] fixed small misprints

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.7 (2010-05-13)
[-] Fixed 15201: Logout was sent without a text for tag 58
[-] Fixed 15238: Limitation of parameters for a single session are not supported
[-] Fixed 15219: Description for incorrect command should be changed
[-] Fixed 15313: Description with special xml symbol should be changed

[-] Fixed 15287: "Only content validation is on" message should be added
[-] Fixed 15286: Setting welformedValidator should be renamed and comment for it should be added
[-] Fixed 15319: Message without tag 35 caused NullPointerException and session termination

[-] Fixed 15284: Required tags for Header of message (49, 56, 52) must be necessarily validated

[-] Fixed 15065: mySrvKeystore.key (RSA key) is not generated

[-] Fixed 15350: log4j properties should be added in the fixmlconverter pack
[-] Fixed 15351: lUser-friendly information should be implemented in the fixmlconverter tools

[*] updated Programmers Guide
[*] updated API description

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.6 (2010-04-16)
[-] Fixed 15222: Revised error reporting for garbled messages
[-] Fixed 15226: Runtime exceptions when resending invalid messages

[-] Fixed 15238: Limitation of parameters for a single session are not supported
[-] Fixed 15262: On the incorrect xml message should be received Response 
    message implying that the request was invalid
[-] Fixed 15263: Description for missing required xml parameter should be
    changed and added
[-] Fixed 15266: Absence of FIX-message in the "SendMessage" command should
    not affect in the intended session and RAI error message should be changed

[-] Fixed 15253: runAdditionalValidationSample44 should be added in
    fixaj-engine-full package

[*] Splitted examples to simple examples and conversion tools for usage
    in command line

[-] Fixed 15258: "In the diagram below" words should be deleted
[-] Fixed 15257: In the Application Versioning should be added information about
    FIX 5.0 SP2
[-] Fixed generation of API docs for FIXMLConverter and some adaptor modules

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.5 (2010-04-13)
[-] Fixed 15217: Garbled message with incorrect length of message causes
    incorrect error message
[-] Fixed 12193: FAJ incorrectly processes valid message received after garbled

[-] Fixed 15179: Mechanism of server response for incorrect xml messages should
    be added
[-] Fixed 15166: Special symbol "#" RAI mechanism considered as incorrect
[-] Fixed 15221: Out of range Enumerate value doesn't cause an error Response

[-] Fixed 15082: Information about negative values of several parameters should
    be added

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.4 (2010-04-07)
[-] Fixed Unix scripts for running examples, benchmarks and tools
[+] Added Unix scripts for JMSAdaptor and ICEAdaptor modules
[-] Removed Sun JVM specific options from the launching scripts
[+] Added Unix script to generate keys in the base examples
[!] Increased default value of allowed max size of incoming messages

[!] FIXTypesEnum.UTCTIMESTAMP40 and FIXTypesEnum.MONTHYEAR44 deprecated now
[!] Changed version of dictionary dependencies from fixprotocol-fix-legacy to
    1) FIX 4.0, 4.1: char type is not renamed to String now
    2) FIX 4.0: time type is not renamed to UTCTimestamp40 now
    3) FIX 4.4: month-year type is not renamed to month-year44 now
    4) FIX 4.0, 4.1, 4.2: int type of all fields which used for string length
       of raw data values is not renamed to Length now

[-] Fixed 15161: Reject is not sent trying to use the same RequestID second and
    subsequent times
[-] Fixed 15170: Session using the RAI was not created.
[-] Fixed 15178: ResultCode description should be added and changed.
[-] Fixed 15199: Default value for "SendLogout" is not supported.
[-] Fixed 15200: Value for "LogoutReason" is not supported.
[-] Fixed 15201: Logout was sent without a text for tag 58.

[-] Fixed 15038: Samples descriptions is obsolete.
[-] Fixed 15156: Description for parameter "forcedLogoffTimeout" should be
[-] Fixed 15169: New: Incorrect comment to the command "SessionParams"

[-] Fixed invalid conversion of month-year values for FIX 4.4 and above

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.3 (2010-03-29)
[-] Removed redundant dependencies between modules

[-] Fixed 15034: Package structure description is obsolete
[-] Fixed 15029: Removed generation of outdated state transition diagram
[-] Fixed 15038: Samples descriptions is obsolete
[*] Updated "Monitoring and Administration" section of the manual

[-] Fixed 14837: Tag 369 should be include in message automatically if
[-] Fixed 14835: autoreconnectDelayInMs interval should be checked before
    reconnect attempt
[-] Fixed 15081: FIXAJ behavior if several parameters are presented as negative
[-] Fixed 15088: Correct value of TZTimestamp considered as incorrect data type

[+] Added benchmarks from fixaj-engine-full distribution

[-] Fixed 14967: Commission repeating group incorrectly converted for FIX.4.2

[-] Fixed 15085: The Admin Messages sent by Admin Session are rejected.

[-] Fixed 15090: Correct value of Month-Year considered as incorrect data type
[-] Fixed 15091: Correct value of MultipleCharValue considered as incorrect
    data type

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.2 (2010-03-19)
[-] Fixed 15039: FIXT1.1. sessions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 aren't created
[-] Fixed 15064: Unexpected behavior after first Heartbeat for FIXT.1.1

[-] Fixed 15021: runSimpleServerWihtAdminSession should be renamed
[-] Fixed 15065: mySrvKeystore.key (RSA key) is not generated

[-] Fixed 15035: Error appeared after starting runCMEFASTClient.bat

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.1 (2010-03-17)
[-] Fixed 15048: Admin session is broken.

FIX Validations:
[-] Fixed 15039: FIXT1.1. sessions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 aren't created

[-] Fixed 15026: Incorrect hyperlink in Fill Change Log
[-] Fixed 15028: File FIXMessage.gif is absent
[-] Fixed 15031: Files throughput.jpg and latency.jpg is absent
[*] Updated FIXML Converter page

[-] Fixed 15022: Some command from \examples\base caused "log4j system properly"
[-] Fixed 15019: All .bat files from \examples\command were not started
[-] Fixed 15020: Change content of the *.bat file caused "The input line is too 
    long" DOS error

[-] Fixed 15036: All command from examples\bin caused "log4j system properly"
[-] Fixed 15024: Exception appeared after starting runFASTBenchmarks.bat

[+] Added model generation for 5.0sp1 and 5.0sp2

FIXML Converter:
[-] Fixed 14178: Added throwing of exception in case of unsupported message type 
[-] Fixed parsing of '1' and '0' values of xs:boolean
[-] Fixed inserting of start field of repeating group into invalid position when 
    attribute for start field wasn't in first position of the element

  FIX Antenna Java 2.4.0 (2010-03-11)
[!] Changed names of all packaged *.jar files
[-] Fixed apidocs generation to cover all API classes of all distributions

[-] Fixed bug of invalid year-month datatype conversions for YYYYMMWW values due
    dependency on default locale and local timezone
[-] Fixed bug when formatting of float datatype value when FR local is set
[+] Added symmetric setter for FIXField(int tag, String value) constructor and
    FIXField.getStringValue() getter
[+] Added symmetric getter for FIXField.setValue(long value)

[!] Changed package of generated classes from com.epam.message.constant to
    com.epam.fix.message.constants to match with package for FIXT11 from the
    Message module
[!] Changed names of some classes
[+] Added generation of classes for FIX 5.0 SP1 and 5.0 SP2

[-] Fixed datatypes of fields: 239, 250, 243, 208
[+] Added parsing of YYYYMMWW values of year-month datatype for FIX 4.4

FIXML Converter:
[!] Refactored API and implementation

JMS Adaptor:
[!] Changed package and class names to use adaptor instead adapter

CMEFAST Adaptor:
[!] Changed class name to use adaptor instead adapter

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.18 (2010-02-23)
[+] FAJ: Added rejecting model functionality
[+] FAJ: Added Third Party Message routing
[+] FAJ: added functionality for Nagle algorithm
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14795: Validation of tag values does not function for
    FIXT.1.1 protocol
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14775: TZTimeOnly validation should be implemented
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14724: Application message with wrong tag datatype was not
    rejected (ignored)
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14794: SeqReset After 24 hours logon message is not properly
    processed with seq num (34) > 1
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14026: Incorrect message example for most of the samples
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 12178: Incorrect checksum message should be written to logs
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14817: Message which contains tag with only spaces was not
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14835: autoreconnectDelayInMs interval should be checked
    before reconnect attempt
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14837: Tag 369 should be include in message automatically if
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14840: Misprint in "58=SendingTime acccuracy problem"
    rejecting reason
[-] Tools: fixed bug 14796: On "Create new session" dialog FIX.5.0SP2 version
    should be added

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.17 (2010-01-15)
[+] FAJ: added FIX 5.0sp2
[-] ICE: fixed bug 14752: Unnecessary FIX Dictionaries are included in the
    ICE Adaptor package
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14712: SequenceReset-GapFill should be sent in case when
    engine receives Resend Request with BeginSeqNo>LastSentSeqNo
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14775: TZTimeOnly validation should be implemented
[-] JMS: fixed bug 14765: JMS Bridge does not accept the messages from the
    Active MQ
[-] JMS: fixed bug 14764: Missing library from the JMS package
[-] JMS: fixed bug 14762: Exception after connecting to the JMS Bridge
[-] JMS: fixed bug 14763: Messages are not sent JMS Bridge

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.16 (2010-01-04)
[*] EPAM B2Bits license agreement packed to releases
[+] JMSAdapter added to build
[-] Tools: bug 14695: Disconnected session was not removed from sessions list by
    Remove Session command
[-] RAI: fixed bug 14657: Connection was not switched to backup
[-] RAI: fixed bug 14687: Admin Session terminates if CreateInitiator command
    contains duplicate Sender/Target
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14699: Error on HBI=0
[-] RAI: fixed bug 14674: Help command is rejected
[-] FAJ: fixed bug 14720: Incorrect reaction on Logon with HBI < 0

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.15 (2009-12-16)
[*] FAJ: Added cyclicSwitchBackupConnection and
    enableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection to
[*] FAJ: Updated switch to backup functionality
[*] AdminTool: Added Help command, removed StartSession command
[-] AdminTool: fixed bugs: 14650, 14651, 14654, 14657, 14668, 14655, 14667,
    14671, 14673
[-] Bug 14656: Message is rejected even if
[-] Bug 14419: Very lardge HBI cause antenna to close session
[-] Bug 14672: RuntimeException appears on admin session removing

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.14 (2009-11-27)
[+] FIXEngine: added FIXSessionManagerListener to FIXSessionManager
[*] AdminTool: Updated functionality for Admin protocol

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.13 (2009-11-25)
[+] FASTEngine: EBS implementation added
[-] Removed obfuscation from some API classes in engine
[+] FIX version 5.0SP1 added to AppTester GUI. Updated fixdict11.xml has been
    added to required modules. Added dictionary for FIX 5.0SP1.
[-] Bug 13524: FIXAJ should send Logon with 34=1 and 141=Y in response to
    ResetSeqNum request

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.12 (2009-10-23)
[-] Fixed packaging of samples and benchmarks
[-] Fixed initialization of storage for autoreconnect session

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.11 (2009-10-19)
[-] CME handler sample should be added
[-] Improve fast encoder

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.10 (2009-10-08)
[+] Added functionality for load dictionaries in run-time mode
[+] Added functionality for load  additional dictionaries in run-time mode from
    custom directories
[-] Fixed bug related to re-cennect functionality

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.8 (2009-09-21)
[!] Fixed critical error: Conversion from FIXML to FIX generates checksum of
    incorrect format

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.7 (2009-09-18)
[-] FAJ: Update logic of XMLEngine and added append functionality
[-] FAJ: RAI: Special symbols "&", "#" and "]" RAI mechanism considered as
[-] FAJ: RAI: Incorrect xml tag in the Response message
[-] FAJ: RAI: Unexpected behavior after incorrect command

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.5 (2009-09-11)
[-] FAJ: Reject message was sent with invalid tag for RefTagID
[-] FAJ: Programmers Guide: Remote Admin Tool minor enhansements
[-] FAJ: Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag of the Repeating Group
    repeated the correct number of times
[-] FAJ: Validation Benchmark is executed for too long

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.4 (2009-08-14)
[!] FAJ: Fixed blocked errors related to validation process

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.3 (2009-08-14)
[+] FAJ:Added caches for FIXValidation module
[-] Cannot connect to SSL server
[-] Backup connection generates seqnum too low error and session drops
[-] Added FIXAJAdaptor.jar to light and full packages and  ObjectModel to javadoc
[-] Change configuration page in manual of FAJ
[-] FAJ: Fixed some problems with manual

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.2 (2009-08-07)
[!] FAJ: Redeveloped module XMLBinding for serialize XML documents to the object
    speed of serialization(XML document has more than 200 000 lines) up from
    5 sec to 0.5 sec
[+] Added new functionality for use FAJ without validators module
[+] Redeveloped benchmarks module
[-] Fixed some minor errors and adds docs into java code
[-] Benchmarks display exceptions
[-] The Create New Connection dialog is not automatically resizable
[*] Renamed mySrvKeystore to mySrvKeystore.key

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.1 (2009-07-17)
[+] Samples: Added FIXML convertor, Validation API and Object API examples
[+] Redeveloped all parts releted to the FIX Errors
[+] Added CMEAdapter and FIXMLConvertor packages
[+] Added Backup connection properties to the create new session dialog in the
    test utility
[+] Added copyright information to all java classes
[-] Invalid message with 35=@ and non-FIX44 message causes Internal error
[-] Trade Capture Report Request has incorrect TradeRequestType
[-] Command ChangeSeqNum causes unexpected Reject message with incorrect text

  FIX Antenna Java 2.3.0 (2009-07-07)
[!] Re-developed the algorithms for  Conditional and Group validators
[+] Added functionality for create ICETradeCapture package automatically
[+] Added UNIX shell scripts for the start benchmark tests
[+] Samples: Added FastDecoder and FastEncoder examples
[-] The UNIX Shell Scrip files do not execute (incorrect path)
[-] Validator: correct message validated as incorrect (msgtype AC)
[-] Changed text in the Reject message for one reason: incorrect count for RepGr
[-] Changed text in the Reject message for one reason: incorrect count for RepGr
    inside in the another RepGr
[-] FIXAJ Validator don't recognize the end of RepeatingGroup
[-] Validator: correct message validated as incorrect (msgtype AC)
[-] Validator: FIXAJ sends Reject with incorrect tag in the reason

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.8 (2009-06-11)
[+] Added bat files for compile and run benchmark tests
[-] Fixed problems with Nimbus L&F
[-] Fixed problems with Validation: Conditional requirement for tag 280 and 55
    are incorrectly implemented for MsgType=X
[-] Message with incorrect datatype value for NumInGroup count considered as
[-] Message in which NumInGroup count is absent validated as correct
[-] Changed text in the Reject message if NumInGroup count = 0
[-] Incorrect reference in the Programmers Guide

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.6 (2009-06-04)
[!] Incomplete Package
[-] Two tags cond requiring each other are incorrectly parsed from fixdic
[*] Benchmarks FIX Dictionaries was updated

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.5 (2009-06-03)
[-] Two tags cond requiring each other are incorrectly parsed from fixdic
[-] FAST (Decoder) Benchmark displays incomplete information
[-] Help command only displays one command
[*] FIX Dictionaries was updated

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.4 (2009-05-25)
[+] Added benchmark for the FASTDecoder module
[-] Message text (invalid No.Rep.Gr.) should be changed
[-] FIXAJ Validator: messages with incorrect value No.Rep.Gr (tags 453, 802) is
    validated as correct
[-] In the admin session sends not 35=n message -- FIXAJ sends unexpected Logout
[-] Incorrect disconnect of the session causes an error on reconnect of session
[-] FIXAJ Validator: messages without req-d tags (555, 600) is validated as

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.3 (2009-05-12)
[+] Expected test request ID now displayed in the disconnecd reason if
    disconnect was because of the missing test request reply
[+] (Remote Admin Interface) Added posibility to load custom commands for the
[-] Version history should be added to the package
[-] Change Seq Num without Sender/TargetCompID generates an exception
[-] FIXAJ Validator don't recognize the end of RepeatingGroup
[-] DeleteAllSession without logout causes incorrect behavior

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.2 (2009-04-24)
[-] HelpData.xml cannot be located in the package (abnormal behavior)
[-] Delete does not function
[-] Empty request returns exception
[-] For incorrect command, a more notifying message should be applied
[-] Exception while using 
[-] Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag of the Repeating Group
    repeated the correct number of times
[-] SeqResetNum does not function correctly

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.1 (2009-04-17)
[-] Destination with no actions allowed is created in the active state
[-] Message without Req.Tag for Repeating Group is validated as correct
[-] The dictionary file is incorrectly parsed
[-] After validation failure, FIXAJ closes connection. MsgType l (lowercase L)
[-] Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag (311) is present
[-] Conditionally required tag is absent - message is validated as correct
    (tags 780-172)
[-] SessionStat returns information for incorrect session
[-] Receive and Sent Stat commands do not function
[-] Create Session request does not function

  FIX Antenna Java 2.2.0 (2009-04-10)
[+] Added CME FAST adapter
[-] Incorrect MultipleValueString is validated as correct
[-] Message with incorrect value for No Repeating Group is validated as correct
[-] FIXAJ sends Reject (session level) after receiving a valid message

  FIX Antenna Java 2.1.2 (2009-03-23)
[+] Old engine compatibility adaptor
[+] Added file for obfuscate of FAST Engine
[-] Incorrect order of repeating group is validated as correct
[-] Message with SOH inside a Raw Data field is considered as Garbled
[-] Data Field length is not validated
[-] Non repeating group tag inside repeating group is validated as correct
[-] Start field for repeating groups is incorrectly validated.

  FIX Antenna Java 2.1.1 (2009-03-04)
[+] Admin tool
[+] Load balancing
[-] Garbeled message is written to session logs (condition: first tree tags are
[-] After rejecting message due to SendingTime error, inbound SeqNum is not
[-] Cannot create session FIXT.1.1 for FIX 4.0 - 4.4 protocol

  FIX Antenna Java 2.1.0 (2009-02-25)
[+] FIX Engine Configuration
[+] Backup connection support
[-] FAJ sends incorrect SeqNum in logon message (FACTS 2.0 realted bug)
[-] Logout timer is incorrectly set after Test Request

  FIX Antenna Java 2.0.4 (2009-02-18)
[-] Missing tag 35 causes critical error
[-] Valid Resend Request causes unexpected Reject
[-] Resend Request is sent after logout

  FIX Antenna Java 2.0.3 (2009-02-13)
[+] FAST encoder  API
[+] FAST templates
[+] FAST decoder
[-] Test Request timer is incorrectly reset after receiving inbound messages that
    is not the TR Response
[-] Resend Request is sent after logout

  FIX Antenna Java 2.0.2 (2009-01-29)
[+] Core FIX Message API
[+] Transports UDP/TCP client and server implementations
[+] Session logic implementation for 4.0-5.0
[+] FIX Message validation 4.0-5.0
[+] FIXML conversion 4.0-5.0

Generated on Thu Sep 11 16:55:45 2014 for CMEMDP3.0MarketDataAdapter by  doxygen 1.6.3