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FastSessionExtraParameters Class

Fast Session's extra parameters.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: com.b2bits.FIXAntenna
Assembly: FIXAntenna_net4.8 (in FIXAntenna_net4.8.dll) Version:
public class FastSessionExtraParameters : SessionExtraParameters

The FastSessionExtraParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public fieldAggressiveReceiveDelay Defines a polling interval in microseconds for reading data from the socket. Works only with aggressive sessions i.e. Engine::AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY or Engine::AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY modes. Setting lower value reduces the latency but causes high CPU utilization. The default value is 500 microseconds.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldAgressiveReceiveThe priorities of the messages receive operations
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldAgressiveSendThe priorities of the messages send operations
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldAllowMessageWithoutPossDupFlag This parameter is an option whereby the repeated messages are received without PossDupFlag (43) field. It's used for incoming messages only. If set to "true" and a message is received with a sequence number less than expected without PossDupFlag (43), a message will be processed. If set to "false", the connection will be closed. The default value is "false".
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldCustomLogonMessageFileName Custom logon message file name for initiator
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldCustomSessionType Specifies whether a session should encript password each time
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldDisableTCPBuffer When true TCP buffer (Nagle algorithm) will be disabled for session.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldEnableMessageRejecting When , session reject application messages, when session unable to sent them during specified period or was disconnected.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldEnableWireLevelEventsSpecifies whether to deliver the OnBeforeMessageIsSent and OnAfterMessageIsReceived events
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldEncryptMethod The expected value of the encryption method.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldFixKey Specifies a FAX key for LME sessions
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldForcedReconnect Forced Reconnect mode
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldForceSeqNumReset Force SeqNum reset mode. An option to use 141 tag in Logon message to reset sequence number.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldGenerateCheckSum If false, session will not calculate CRC for outgoing messages Default is true
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldHBI HBI for initiator session
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldHost Host for initiator session
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldIgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon When , session ignore 'SeqNum too low' at incoming Logon message and continue with received SeqNum.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldIsIntradayLogoutToleranceModeOn Intraday logout tolerance mode. An option to reset or not to reset sequence numbers after Logout.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldKeepConnectionState When true, primary to backup (and back) connection switching continue using existing message strage.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldLogIncomingMessages If false, session will store incoming FIX messages. Default is true.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldMaxMessagesAmountInBunch Enqueued outgoing messages could merged and sent as a single buffer. This parameter controls how many messages could be merged into the bunch. The 0 means infinite amount.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldParserVersion Protocol/parser identification
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldPassword The expected value of the Password (Tag 554) field in the incoming Logon message. If the real value is not equal to the expected one then the session is disconnected without sending a message and the error condition is generated in the log output.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldPasswordTag Specifies a tag used to store a password
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldPort Port for initiator session
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldResendRequestBlockSize Defines number of messages requested using Resend Request messages. If message sequence gap is larger than SessionExtraParameters::resendRequestBlockSize_, Session will split resend requests by blocks of SessionExtraParameters::resendRequestBlockSize_ size.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSenderLocationID SenderLocationID (tag 142) - assigned value used to identify specific message originator's location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader).
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSenderSubID SenderSubID (tag 50) - assigned value used to identify specific message originator (desk, trader, etc.).
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSendingTimestampUnit The expected value of the timestamp unit for 52 and 112 tags.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSendLastMsgSeqNumProcessed Allows automatic adding the LastMsgSeqNumProcessed(369) tag to outgoing messages
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSessionRole Role of the session Initiator/Acceptor
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSocketPriority Priority of the socket send/receive operations. By default EVEN_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY used.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSocketRecvBufSize Socket incoming buffer size
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSocketSendBufSize Socket outgoing buffer size
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSourceIPaddress The expected value of the source IP addresses. If the real value is not equal to the expected one then the session is disconnected without sending a message and the error condition is generated in the log output.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSL Whatever to use SSL
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLCACertificate Certificate authorities file.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLCertificate Certificate file to use. Can be in .pfx, .pem, .der formats
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLCertificatePassword Password for certificate contained inside sslCertificate_ file Optional.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLCiphersList Initiator SSL ciphers list
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLContext SSL Context of the session
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLPrivateKey Private key file to use. Optional for .pfx or .pem formated certificates (private key is embedded into them)
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLPrivateKeyPassword Password for private key contained inside sslPrivateKey_ file Optional.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLProtocolsUsed Initiator SSL protocols to use
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSSLValidatePeerCertificate What ever to validate peer certificate. default is false.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldStorageType Message storage type
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldSuppressDoubleResendRequest Suppresses session to send Resend request message on every incoming message with sequence greater than expected.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldTargetLocationID TargetLocationID_ (tag 143) - assigned value used to identify specific message destination's location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader).
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldTargetSubID TargetSubID (tag 57) - assigned value used to identify specific individual or unit intended to receive message. 'ADMIN' reserved for administrative messages not intended for a specific user.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldTransport Low level transport of the session
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldUseAsyncConnect When true, session initiator will use async TCP connect. Default is false
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldUseBlockingSockets If true, session will use blocking I/O. This mode is usefull for OpenOnload and enabled if aggressive mode is ON. SessionExtraParameters::AggressiveReceiveDelay is used as timeout parameter. Default is false.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldUserName The expected value of the Username (Tag 553) field in the incoming Logon message. If the real value is not equal to the expected one then the session is disconnected without sending a message and the error condition is generated in the log output.
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldUserNameTag Specifies a tag used to store an username
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldValidateCheckSum If true, session skip CRC validation for incoming messages Default is false
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
Public fieldValidation Validation parameters
(Inherited from SessionExtraParameters)
See Also