FIX Antenna ~~~~~~~~~~~ What's new in the latest version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!] Important [+] New [-] Fixed error [*] Changes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2014-05-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine] Error in the SessionState::doOnParseError [-] [Engine] Exception in the Socket::shutdown was not caught [-] [Engine] Fix 100% CPU usage on Linux in the AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE mode [-] [Engine] FixSessionUProtocol::processAsyncConnection is not thread safe [-] [Engine] If SessionExtraParameters::PasswordTag field is RawField, exception is raised in the connection time. [-] [Engine] Infinite loop, high disk usage and hard disk overflow in case of Aggressive mode if Engine::Session is not stopped before Session::release. [-] [Engine] Memory access violation in case of parser exception if session is not connected [-] [Engine] Memory access violation in the CustomMsgSendingState.hpp [-] [Engine] onLinkError event was faired in wrong order [-] [Engine] Outgoing message queue was cleared not in time for acceptor [-] [Engine] Remove encryptionMethod from the Session::connect method [-] [Engine] Session does not close socket in case of exception in the Session::connect [-] [Engine] Set default value of the AggressiveReceiveDelay to 1000 on Linux. Lower value causes 100% CPU usage. [-] [Engine] WaitForConnect state does not process onLinkError event [-] [FA-ANSIC::Samples] Bug in the Micex_QuickStart\main.c. wrong parameters passed to scanf_s function. [-] [FA-ANSIC] Add missed B2BITS_EM_NA to B2BITS_C_SessionParameters.pas [-] [FA-ANSIC] Fix compilation warnings [-] [FA-ANSIC] Incorrect function declaration if argument list is empty [-] [FA-CPP] Change Myricom wrapper to do not load dbl.dll if dbltcp.dll is available. [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Comma in the end of enum. [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Increment messages are processed incorrectly [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Memory access violation in the MarketDataStorage [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Bug in the throughput test properties file [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix compilation warning in the MICEX_MdScanner\Ticker.cpp [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Total receive throughput was calculated incorrectly [-] [FA-CPP] [Samples] Fix bug in the Throughput, EchoServer [-] [FA-FAST::Samples] Fix compilation warning in the FastCodecBenchmark [-] [FA-NET::Samples] Fix compilation error [-] [FA-NET] Fix documentation error for InstrumentListener::OnNaturalRefresh [-] [FA-NET] Fix warning "FixEngine::CreateSession(...) "MessageStorageType storageType" parameter is deprecated. Please use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead." [-] [FA-NET] If user returns exception in the OnUnregisteredAcceptor event, next time session cannot be established. [-] [Micex] Stack overflow in the mfix_channel::operator=. [-] [MICEX] TTL issue fixed. [-] [Parser] Memory access violation. Bug in the MsgRejectConvertor.cpp. Data passed as char* without null terminated char [-] [Parser] Memory leak if message is reused and field value size is volatile. [-] [System] AutoEvent::wait routine fixed [-] [System] Bug in the Socket::waitUntilWrite2 [-] [System] ManualEvent::wait routine fixed [-] [System] Socket::normalizeWaitDelay does not handle 0 and -1. It is not possible to set AggressiveReceiveDelay == 0. [-] [System] Typo: Rename fix.crush.dmp to fix.crash.dmp [-] [Utils] Boolean values are serialized incorrectly to the string in the log file [-] [Utils] Bug in the Utils::wstrnicmp. Function does not return value. [-] [Utils] const char* values are serialized incorrectly to the string in the log file [*] [FA-NET] Fix documentation error for Bovespa, Micex, Globex namespaces [*] [FA-NET] Add link to VersionHistory.txt to the What's New section of documentation. [*] [FA-NET::Doc] update requirements in the documentaion [+] [FA-CPP::System] Add B2B_LIKELY and B2B_UNLIKELY macros [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Add section Threads configuration [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Improve documentation of NumberOfWorkers parameter. [*] [Engine] Change default value of the NumberOfWorkers from 0 to 1. Would be applied after NumberOfWorkers parameter will be optional. [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] EchoServer: Print Session Qualifier to the log [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix incorrect type of argument to printf in the Thread.cpp [*] [Engine] Change persistentMM storage to close mapped region before reopening new one [*] [Engine] Fix compilation warnings, warnings reported by cppcheck and fortify. Global code miprovement. Warnings are about memory buffer overflow, signed/unsigned integer misuse. [*] [Engine] Perform Session::setInSeqNum inside state lock [*] [Engine] Session::putAsIsNoLock(PreparedMessage) does not update CheckSum field anymore [*] [Engine] Replace select with epoll in the sockets Dispatcher on Linux [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Add support of DeleteThru and DeleteFrom instructions [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Move BovespaApplicationListener class to B2BITS_BovespaApplicationListeners.h file [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] Improve header file dependency in the B2BITS_PreparedMessage.h [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Add SessionQualifier sample [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Allow user to pass command line parameters to CMEGlobexClient via run.bat file [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Latency: Move session settings to the file [*] [FA-CPP::System] Add SystemException::createErrorMessage method [*] [FA-CPP::System] Improve B2BITS_V12_Defines.h [*] [FA-CPP::System] Undefine DELETE macro [*] [FA-CPP::Types] Add operators to the Engine::Decimal class [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] Improve Utils::bind to accept const and ancestors [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] Remove conversion constructor from StringEx [*] [FA-CPP] B2BITS_FIXEnums.h: Replace CS to B2B_CS because of macro on Solaris [*] [FA-CPP] Improve documentation for UnregisteredAcceptor.CreateSession [*] [FA-CPP] Improve header files dependency [*] [FA-CPP] Mark Statistics class methods as deprecated. Statistics is disabled. because of performance impact. [*] [FA-CPP] Update B2BITS_FIXEnums.h file to FIXProtocol 1.5.20 [*] [FA-NET::Samples] EchoServer: Add Session.Default.LogonMessageSessionQualifierTag = 9021 to [*] [FA-NET::Samples] Remove obsolete property (CreateUnregisteredAcceptorSession -> UnregisteredAcceptor.CreateSession) [*] [FA-NET::Samples] SimpleClient: Change IntradayLogoutTolerance = true [*] [FA-NET:Documentation] [BBP-1057] Move to Remarks section. [*] [FA-NET] Remove boost_thread dependency and link with V12*.dll instead. [*] [Globex] Update templates.xml file [*] [MICEX] NIC teaming issues fix. [*] [Parser] Add option of BeginString field light checking to RawMsgSplitter [*] [Parser] FIXMessage::isEmpty/hasValue for RawDataLength returns true if corresponding RawData field is not empty. [*] [Parser] Improve performance of the PreparedFixMessage [*] [Parser] Improve performance of the PreparedMessage::updateCheckSum [+] [Bovespa] Add description for RR_PACKET_ORDER and RR_OVERFLOW_REASON [+] [CQG] Add description for RR_PACKET_ORDER and RR_OVERFLOW_REASON [+] [Engine] [BBP-1871] Session qualifier added. Wherever possible, the newly introduced structure SessionId is used to store sender/target/qualifier and is passed as argument to various functions [+] [Engine] Add EnableDnsEntrySpoofingDetection parameter [+] [Engine] Add UseBlockingSockets Session parameter [+] [Engine] Added optional LogonMessageSessionQualifierTag session parameter [+] [Engine] Log FixEngine::init exception text to the engine.log file (if logger is initialized). [+] [FA-CPP::Documentation] Add search to C++ documentation. [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add more documentation to Engine::Session [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::parse method [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::waitForTerminated method. [+] [FA-CPP::Parser] Add PreparedMessage::getMsgSeqNum method [+] [FA-CPP::Types] Add Decimal::mantissa and Decimal::exponent methods [+] [FA-CPP::Types] Add operator<< for StringEx and Decimal [+] [FA-CPP] Add EncryptMethod_NA value [+] [FA-CPP] Improve documentation of FixEngine::InitParameters::initUtilsLogger_ [+] [FA-NET::MICEX] nicConfig parameter added [+] [FA-NET::MOEX::FORTS] MOEX FORTS adapter has been added [+] [FA-NET] Add MessageStorageType.Default [+] [FA-NET] Add Session.LocateSentMessage method [+] [FA-NET] Add Session::LogoutEvent::ReconnectFlag field. [+] [FA-NET] Add SessionExtraParameters::UseAsyncConnect [+] [FA-NET] Session.LogonEventArgs.LogonAction: Add option to reject incoming connection with Logout message. [+] [Globex] Add description for RR_PACKET_ORDER and RR_OVERFLOW_REASON [+] [Parser] Add PreparedMessage::getCheckSum method [+] [System] Add DNS spoofing detection [+] [Utils] Add Utils::destroyObject to the B2BITS_Pointer.h --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-09-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine] Memory access violation in the Persistent storage if storage cannot be created [-] [Engine][LSS][BBP-999] LSS should stop Engine only on start [-] [FA-NET::Samples] Fix target platform in the ICE sample configuration from x86 to AnyCPU [-] [FA-NET::Samples] Fix compilation warning in the iLink sample --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-09-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Parser] Replace Assert with Exception in the ProtocolLoader2 [*] [AdminApplication] command: interpret value of as base64 encoded string [*] [AdminApplication] switch to internal base64 codec [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Typo in the Session comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [FA-CPP::Documentation] Invalid default parameters of the Session::disconnect method are specified in the documentation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-09-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine] [BBP-985] Added parameter "localPort" to SessionsManager::onIncomingConnection handler [+] [Engine] Added test for SessionsManager::onIncomingConnection handler [*] [Engine] Engine::String renamed to StringEx [*] [FA-CPP dot_net] Fix Building [*] [FA-CPP Globex] rename MockDataReader to GlobexMockDataReader [*] [FA-CPP Globex2] rename GlobexMockDataReader.h to Globex2MockDataReader.h [*] [FA-CPP MarketData] rename MockDataReader to MarketDataMockDataReader [*] [FA-CPP CboeCsm, Globex, Globex2] pushPCAP method now template function in public header: B2BITS_MockDataReaderPushPcap.h [-] [Parser] FIXMessage::type returns empty value if message is not defined in the FIX dictionary [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Throughput: change number of messages from 1mln to 10mln [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Throughput: Improve test output [*] [Engine] Improve FIX Session log messages [*] [Engine] Revert logic related to Sequence Reset - Reset processing [*] [FA-ANSIC::Samples] Disable validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-08-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine] Improve latency of the incoming message processing [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Change microseconds to nanoseconds in the Latency sample [*] [Parser] Improve performance [-] [FixDictionary2] Compile error in the B2BITS_Item.h [-] [Engine] Compile error in the B2BITS_SessionEvent.h [*] [FA-CPP Globex2] Fix building. [*] [FA-CPP Globex] little improvements pushPCAP method. [-] [Engine] Memory leak in the SessionRegistry [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] Improve ReferenceCounter interface [-] [Engine] Session incorrectly processes Logon with 141=Y [*] [Engine] Session is changed to Send Logout message instead of connection closing on critical error [-] [Engine] Session does not switch to the NON_GRACEFULLY_TERMINATED state if connection is rejected by user [-] [Engine] Incorrect NextExpectedMsgSeqNum value sent by Acceptor session [*] [Engine] It is forbidden to call Session::disconnectNonGracefully withing Application::onLogonEvent callback. Behavior is not defined. LogonEvent::logonAction_ should be used to reject connection (for Acceptors only). [-] [Engine] Session cannot reset incoming message sequence number to lower value. [*] [Engine] Session does not restore message sequence number for backup connection if keepState option is false. [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] String class is improved. [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] PreparedMessage::set( int, AsciiString ) method is added [-] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix warning in the B2BITS_GlobexApplication.h [+] [FA-CPP CBOE CSM] Forward pushPCAP method to DataReader Wrapper [*] [FA-CPP GLOBEX] Fix return 0 on pushPCAP failure. [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Delete unused props files from the package [*] [FA-CPP Globex2] Fix warning. [*] [FA-NET] Add revision to the assembly file properties --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-07-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [System] IntervalTimer: Current time is obtained in wrong place [*] [BOVESPA] Update PUMA templates.xml file to v5.0.8 [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Bug in the ConnectToGatewayEx [+] [FA-CPP] Add Engine::String class which extends std::string with some useful methods. [+] [FA-CPP] Add Engine::StringRef typedef. Synonym of the AsciiString [+] [FA-CPP] Add Engine::WStringRef typedef. Synonym of the WideString [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Error during sample building if xerces is installed to custom directory [*] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Improve enum generator [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Fix path to the channelDefinition.xml file [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] [#BBP-972] Sample terminates if user tries to subscribe to same instrument twice [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Update solution files to VS2012 [*] [FA-NET::Documentation] Add documenrtation for namespaces [*] [FA-NET::Documentation] Add VS2010 to the requirements. [-] [Engine] Disable Active/StandBy node code [*] [FixDictionary] Improve ValBlock documentation [+] [LSS] Add "+1" to the phone number [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Fix warning in the sample --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-07-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [MICEX] feed identifying parameters added to OnCompleteMessageProcessing callback. [+] [MICEX] TargetCompId was added to application parameters. [-] [System] Fix memory access violation caused by FD_SET function on Linux [-] [Engine] Exception is in the FIXSessionsMgr if session is destroyed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-07-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FIX Dictionary] Update protocol files to v1.5.20 [*] [FIX Dictionary] FIX44: Change id of the Scope valblockdef to Scope2 because of conflict with Scope field [-] [Decorator] valblockdef::id should be used for enum identifier [-] [Engine] Duplicated message in the log about ResendRequestBlockSize parameter [-] [Engine] Session does not print ConnectAddress parameter to the log file [-] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Field::isSet and Field::isEmpty methods return incorrect result [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Fix description of the NumberOfWorkers parameter [-] [MarketData] Fixed DBL bug made all workers to quit [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in snapshot processing. [*] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Add Message::release method [*] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Improve enums [*] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Improve interface [*] [FA-CPP::Samples::iLink] Enable Resend Request splitting. [*] [Globex] Print version of the Engine to the log file [+] [Engine] Add ConnectPort session parameter [+] [Engine] Add version of the AdminProtocol to the Version category [+] [Engine] Add version of the Myricom DBL driver to the Version category [+] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Add operator to convert generated Message to FIXMessage [+] [FA-CPP::Decorator] Add support of VS2012 [+] [FA-CPP::Log] Add LogSystem::logVersion method to report version of components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-06-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in filtering for Myricom DBL sockets. [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Session::getListenPort should be const [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Session::getStateAsString should be const --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-06-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] ConnectToGateway: Fix warning [-] [Engine] Cannot configure SocketOpPriority using file. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-05-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Engine] Print value of the ResendRequestBlockSize to the engine.log [*] [FA-CPP] Add revision to the Version structure [*] [FA-C] Add revision to the Version structure [*] [FAST] Add revision to the Version structure [+] [MICEX] Myricom DBL support. [+] [Engine] Add option to call Session::put in any state (for some cases rejecting does not work) [+] [Engine] Add option to split resend request (SessionExtraParameters::resendRequestBlockSize_) [-] [Engine] Session should not allow to call Session::connect in active state. [*] [Engine] Improve FixEngine::getSession method. [-] [FA-CPP::Bovespa::Samples] Fix warnings [*] [FAST] Add support of the CME FIX string message [*] [Documentation] Fix parameters of the Monitoring [*] [MICEX] Templates and configs modified according to latest from MICEX-RTS. [*] [Engine/Bovespa] Fixed bug with invalid chunk handling, first chunk treated as 0 instead of 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-04-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine] fix - reasonableTimeInterval_ initialization moved from FixSessionUProtocol::logon to ::connect [-] [BOVESPA] Fix error in the AsyncRVector [-] [CQG] Fix error in the AsyncRVector [-] [Engine] Fix error in the FIXSessionsMgr [-] [RTFAST] Fix error in the PartedFixMessage [*] [Engine] Fix year in the V12.dll [*] [FA-NET] Fix year in the FIXAntenna.dll [*] [FA-NET::Samples] MICEX Sample fixed. [+] [Globex] Add option to receive data for feeds A and B on separated network cards (Sockets). [+] [Globex] Add MDApplicationParams::feedAListenInterfaceIP_ and MDApplicationParams::feedBListenInterfaceIP_ [+] [MICEX] Board support in callbacks. [*] [Engine] Added FixEngine::getSession() [*] [Engine] allowed to pass null application to FixEngine::createSession [*] [Engine] Fixed typo in property MessageStorage.IndexRebuildEnabled ( was ...RebuilEnabled ) [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve documentation in the B2BITS_FAProperties.h [*] [FA-CPP::Types] Improve Decimal documentation [+] [FA-CPP::Types] Add Decimal::fromDouble method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-04-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [System] Bug in the AbsolutTimer::clean [!] [Engine] Session does not send Resend Request message in case of gap after reconnect [*] [Engine] Add Role to the new created storage [-] [System] Resource leak in the Directory::list method [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add SequenceGapEvent::requestLostMessagesFlag_ field [+] [Engine] Add option to send messages in the NON_GRACEFULLY_TERMINATED and CORRECTLY_TERMINATED states. [-] [Engine] Session should resend Reject(35=3) message [-] [Engine] Message storage is reset incorrectly when IntradayLogoutTolerance is on [-] [FA-CPP::FixDictionary2] ValBlock and RepeatingGroup do not export methods. [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add FixEngine::createFastCoder with SCP parameter [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add logic to FixEngine::createFastCoder/Decoder to distinguish SCP protocol [*] [FAST] Replace assert( nullptr != smh_block ) with exception. [-] [System] Memory deallocation missmatch [*] [Globex] Fix MDEntryType(269) field definition in the fixdic50sp1cme.xml [*] [FixDictionary] Improve dictionary validation. [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] Update B2BITS_FIXEnums.h file to the latest FIX Dictionary version 1.5.19 [*] [Engine] Added asynchronous connect support --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-03-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: [-] [FixDictionary2] Fix typo in the methods' documentation [-] [MICEX] Fixed shifted snapshot processing. [*] [FA-CPP] Add SessionExtraParameters::resendRequestBlockSize_ parameter. Parameter is ignored for now. Will be implemented later. [*] [Globex] Change type of the ContractMultiplier field from int to float according to the latest template.xml V2.0.4 [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Delete Session::waitUntilTerminated method. [*] [Engine] Make HeartBtInt field optional [-] [Engine] Fix possible thread race condition in case when all references to session was released but shared pointer is available. [*] [Engine::FAST] FIX-over-FAST session does not store outgoing messages in case of persistentMM storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-02-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine::FAST] Make HeartBtInt optional for Session [-] [FixDictionary2] Dictionary does not load valblocks from the customization file [*] [FA-CPP::RTFAST] Fix of endParsed method [*] [FA-CPP::RTFAST] Update some logs [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix processing of empty books [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Fix rare bug for empty instruments (incorrect empty seqNum detection) [+] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Add call AppListener::process on all non "X" "W" messages from increment channel [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Fix missprints. [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Fix memory leaks. [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Fix unsubscribeAllInstruments method [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add loading UseTCPRecovery property from config [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add calling OnError for non exists instruments [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix rare bug for empty instruments (incorrect empty seqNum detection) [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add call AppListener::process on all non "X" "W" messages from increment channel [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix parsing of messages from incremental channel [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix applying log dir for binary files [-] [MICEX] Fixed snapshot test for completeness. [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug with tag 336 value acquisition in heavily multi-threaded environment. [-] [CQG] Assign log folder for bin files [+] [FA-CPP] Add support of the FIXT11, FIX50, FIX50SP1, FIX50SP2 protocols to the FAST session [*] [FA-CPP::FixDictionary] Improve interface [+] [Engine] Print version of the Myricom DBL driver to the engine.log --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-02-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP] Two more Engine::createFixParser routines added [*] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Fix exception. [+] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Add stopListener method for InstrumentMatcher. [+] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Add Feeds relations logic. [*] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Update AtomicSRWMutex for not use yield. [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix missprints. [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix memory leaks. [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix processing of ActiveConnections. [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add some logs. [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix unsubscribeAllInstruments method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-02-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix crash on exit in the ProtocolCustomization_QuickStart, FIX_QuickStart, FIX50_QuickStart, EncryptionQuickStart [-] [System] Bug in the SocketException constructor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-02-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Documents] replace with [-] [Documents] Typo in the programmer guide [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Improve project files for VS2008 [+] [FA-CPP::Samples] Add MsgStorage sample to the VS2008 solution [+] [FA-CPP::Samples] Add x64 support for FixLogger sample [*] [FA-C++] Engine::getParserName method - return value changed from AsciiString to ParserName const& [+] [FA-C++] [FA-C] [FA.NET] ProtocolID replaced with ParserID, introduced ParserName and DictionaryID typedefs [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Improve VS2010 project files [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix compilation warnings [-] [FA-C] Segfault in case of MDApplication event if listener is not defined [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] CMEGlobexClient sample terminates if subscribed twice to same instrument --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-01-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-NET] LoadProtocolFile and 2 CreateFixParser methods added to FixEngine [*] [Utils, Myricom] SystemException in b2b_myricom has been changed to CRuntimeException. [*] [FAST-CPP] [#BBP-439] Fixed bug in fast codec install packages - fixdic50sp1cme.xml file was missing in data folder. CmeQuickStart failed to run. [+] [FA-CPP] AdminSession: Added notifications about session status change [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix setup of EndEntry tag for AltApplication. [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix for using same SDS channel fore different feeds. [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add async call of callbacks [+] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Add async call of callbacks [+] [FA-CPP::Globex] Add EndEntry Tag for last entry of instrument in message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-01-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix processing of incoming by TCP FAST messages [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] Improve documentation of the TagValue::copyTo method. [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Improve Parser performance sample [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve StringGroupEntry::get(int, std::string*) method [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve Engine::FAProperties interface [*] [FA-CPP::FixDictionary2] Improve B2BITS_Dictionary.h file [+] [FA-CPP] FixDictionary2::DependencyException added, thrown when loading protocols in the wrong order [+] [FA-CPP] Allowed to specify dictionaries in DictionariesFilesList in any order(BPP-122) [+] [FA-CPP] [#BPP-120] New engine property AdditionalParsersList was added. It contains names of parsers that will be created automatically during Engine::init in addition to regular parsers(FIX40, FIX41, etc) [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix deadlock inside CQG TCP Recovery on connection error [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix deadlock inside CQG on connection error to SDS Server [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add logs of SDS server connection processing. [+] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] Remove deadlock from bovespa TCP Recovery on connection error [+] [RTFast] Add async dividing of MDEntry Group in CME. [*] [Engine] Improve TagValue documentation. [*] [Engine] Add notification about empty DictionariesFilesList parameter [*] [Engine] Improve loaded dictionary files logging [-] [Engine] Fix incorrect warning about non-safe sliced storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2013-01-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Engine] Log value of the INCLUDE_GLOBEX2 macro to the engine.log [-] [FA-CPP::CQG] Fix warning in the B2BITS_CqgMDApplicationListener.h [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Typo in the onIncrement method description. [*] [FA-CPP] Remove engine createFixParser method with single parameter [*] [FA-C] Remove engine createFixParser method with single parameter [+] [FA-CPP] Add Session::setSessionDestructionEvent [*] [FA-CPP] Delete SessionParameters::OutgoingMessagesStorageSize parameter. [-] [Engine] ForceSeqNumResetMode was set to NA by default. Changed to OFF. [*] [Globex] Update fixdic50sp1cme.xml file [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Split Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser(std::string, FixVersionToProtocolName) method into two and marked as deprecated. [+] [FA-C] B2BITS_FixEngine_CreateFixParser marked as deprecated, 2 more added - B2BITS_FixEngine_CreateFix4xParser and B2BITS_FixEngine_CreateFixt11Parser [*] [FA-CPP] Improve API documentation [*] [FA-CPP::Samples::Bovespa] Update templates-UMDF-NTP.xml file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-12-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP] Improve B2BITS_FixEngineVersion.h documentation [-] [MICEX] Fixed false positive in gap detection mechanism. 2: [-] [System] Possible 100% CPU usage in the case of Thread::yield [*] [System] Minor refactoring in the Mutex --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-12-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine] Improve validation error text --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-12-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add AnchorFile to the B2BITS_FAProperties.h [-] [Engine::AdminSession] Memory access violation in the engine destruction time [-] [FAST] Fixed 'charset' attribute parsing. [-] [Engine] Session does not handle incoming message sequence number in the Application::onResendRequestEvent if ResendRequestEvent::processResendRequest_ flag is [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] Make AutoPtr deprecated. Use AutoPtr2 instead. [+] [FA-CPP::Utils] Add option to pass begin/end iterators to the AsciiString/MemBlock/WideString [-] [Engine] Remove assert from the MemoryStorageMng::removeStorage if storage is not found --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-12-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Improve interface [*] [FA-CPP::FixDictionary2] Improve documentation [-] [MICEX] SeqNum reset fixed. [+] [FA-CPP::Documentation] Return Micex Quick Start link to the index.html [-] [MICEX] Cache clearing fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-12-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] [Engine] In the aggressive send mode messages can be sent out of order [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Disable CRC calculation/validation in the Throughput test [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve B2BITS_MsgStorage.h header [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Improve files [*] [FA-NET::Samples] Set LogIncomingMessages = true for SimpleClient [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve B2BITS_Application.h documentation [*] [FA-FAST::Samples] Remove CmeQuickStart/bin/additional.xml file [-] [FA-CPP::Samples::CustomAdminApp] Bug in the additional.xml [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Set HBI to 0 in the throughput test sample --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-11-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add information about session locking strategy to the B2BITS_Application.h [*] [Samples] Update cmeilink_fix42.xml file [-] [Engine] Null reference exception in the Memory Message storage in case of rejecting [*] [FixDictionary] Ignore empty file names passed to Dictionary::load method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-11-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine] Memory access violation in case of license error [-] [System] Bug in the AutoEvent::wait [-] [System::AutoEvent] Mutex was not released in case of ETIMEDOUT [-] [MICEX] Fixed snapshot recovery initiation on queue overflow whith tcp-replay recovery mode. [-] [MICEX] Fixed snapshot filtering for tcp-replay recovery mode. [+] [FA-CPP] Add Session::putAsIs methods. [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add aggressive initiator and acceptor to the FixEngine [+] [MICEX] Parameter for maximum number of messages to request over TCP added. [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add LogoutEvent::reconnectFlag_ field to automatically reconnect acceptor [-] [Engine] Memory access violation when two unregistered acceptor/admin sessions are connected with the same sender@target [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix Monitoring property for samples [*] [Engine::Linux] Remove SIGPIPE signal handling [*] [MICEX] TCP-recovery completion notification modified. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [FA-CPP::Samples::Bovespa] Fix post-build script [+] [Engine] Log file to the engine.log file [-] [MICEX] TCP-recovery callback rising fixed. [*] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Fix NR Recovery. [+] [MICEX] Special callbacks for tcp-replay support added. [-] [MICEX] Queue overflow detection fixed. [+] [MICEX] Special callbacks for tcp-replay notifications added. [-] [MICEX] Control variables update fixed. [*] [FA_CPP::MarketData] Decrease Overflow count in some cases --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA_CPP::MarketData] Fix deadlock [*] [FA-CPP::Bovespa] TCP Recover has been fixed [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] TCP Recover has been fixed [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Processing of SDS servers has been fixed [*] [FA-CPP::MarketData] UDPBlockDataReader "disconnect" has been fixed [+] [FA-CPP::MarketData] Add Dynamic Cache for instrument player [*] [FA_CPP::Bovespa] Fix TCP Recovery. [*] [FA_CPP::Globex] Add logging of real UDP buffer size for AsioDatareader [*] [FA_CPP::MarketData] Add logging of real UDP buffer size for AsioDatareader [*] [FA_CPP::Bovespa] Add some log messages for TCP Recovery [*] [FA_CPP::Bovespa] Fix loading TCP Recovery feeds from channel definitions configs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [.NET::Samples] Compilation errors in the BovespaClient --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add support of the SCP and APP protocols to FixEngine::createFastDecoder. [+] [FA-CPP::Samples::Bovespa] Add Makefile.incl and Makefile files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Engine] Dump build configuration to the log file [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::putAsIsNoLock method [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::lock and Session::unlock method [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::setOutSeqNumNoLock and Session::getOutSeqNumNoLock methods [-] [Engine] Deadlock in case of Session::locateSentMessage method call inside Application::process --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [MICEX] Snapshot processing optimized. [-] [MICEX] Crash on caching increments fixed. [-] [Engine::AdminSession][BBP-170] Validation of SourceIPAddress doesn't work [-] [Engine::AdminSession][BBP-172] RemoteHost and RemotePort properties should be validated [-] [Engine::AdminSession][BBP-175] RemoteHost and RemotePort should be required in section --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [MICEX] TCP-recovery fixed. Connection management fixed. Messages decoding fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::CQG::Samples] Update samples to the latest interface [*] [Engine] Allow SessionExtraParameters::username_ and SessionExtraParameters::password_ fields to be used for all protocols. [*] [FA-CPP::Engine] Improve documentation of the SessionExtraParameters::username_ and SessionExtraParameters::password_ fields. [*] [Engine] Add warning to log in case of null storage [*] [FA-CPP::CQG::Samples] Remove reference to cqg_tcp.xml and cqg_fast.xml from the --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-10-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Engine] Improve engine parameters dumping [-] [Engine] Memory access violation in case of reconnect because of Logon Time Frame [*] [FA-CPP::FAST] Fix of processing RawSize fields [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix exports for globex [+] [FA-CPP::FAST] Add default values into messages created by user [-] [MICEX] Fixed bugs in retrieving cached data. [-] [MICEX] Fixed bugs in arbitrage between two concurrent message feeds. [-] [Engine] Fix access violation in case of exception in createSession() [*] [Utils::Log] Improve performance [*] [Utils::Log] Improve performance in the multithreaded environment [+] [MICEX] Add config.xsd to validate Micex Adapter configuration to package [*] [Fixopaedia::iLink] Add field 378 [+] [Sample::FastDecoder] Add scp-protocol parameter [-] [FastCoder] Fixed value overflow for large int types in FAST [+] [FA-CPP] Add information about B2B_NO_DEPRECATED macro to the warning text --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-08-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-CPP::System] Add B2B_NO_DEPRECATED macro support [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add initUtilsLogger parameter to FixEngine::init [-] [System] System::File::isAbsolutePath("\\\\server\\share") should return true [-] [FA-CPP::Cqg] Fix compiler warnings [*] [Engine] Add Session::waitUntilTerminated method. Prepare session to implement this method. [+] [FA-CPP::Log] Add LogSystem::isCreated method [-] [Engine] : Fixed bug causing access violation on a cleanup stage if logger was initialized before engine. [*] [Utils::Log] Generate exception from LogSystem::create if logger is already initialized [*] [Utils::Log] Generate exception from LogSystem::singleton if logger is not initialized [*] [FA-CPP::Utils] Make Utils::AsciiString::toStdString as throwable [-] [FA-C] Remove references to B2BITS_FIXGroup_Release in the documentation [+] [FA-C::Samples] Add B2BITS_Session_AddRef method to Pascal [-] [FA-CPP::MICEX] Memory access violation. boost::lexical_cast removed. [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fix warnings [*] [Engine] Make error message about missed XML protocol file of the FixEngine::createSession method more obvious. [-] [Engine::MT] Memory buffer overrun [-] [System] Socket::untilReadyToRead2 always returns true [-] [System] Socket::untilReadyToWrite2 always returns true [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Add onNaturalRefresh callback, update on Increment callback [-] [MICEX] Fixed recovery mode selection in subscription to all instruments. [+] [MICEX] Added new recovery mode: RM_TCP_REPLAY_WITH_MARKET_RECOVERY_ON_START. First recovery is performed via snapshots, all latter - via TCP-replay. [+] [FA-CPP] Add B2B_DEPRECATED macro [+] [FA-CPP] Mark deprecated methods with B2B_DEPRECATED [*] [FA-CPP] Improve documentation in the public headers [*] [FA-CPP] Minor improvements in the public headers [-] [Utils] Fix atoi_impl method [*] [FA-CPP] Add support of SessionsManager::onIncomingConnection for all build types [-] [FA-NET::Samples::SimpleClient] Cannot establish connection. The source IP address ('') of the incoming connection is not equal to the expected one. [-] [MICEX] Hotfix for multiple MicexApplication instances destruction crash. [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in recieved packets counting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-08-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Improve Programmers guide [+] [FA-CPP] Add B2BITS_FixEngineVersion.h file [+] [FA-CPP] Add B2B_MAKE_STRING macro [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Improve API documentation [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Update documentation for Cqg header files [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Disable ListenPort parameter for FixLogger, iLink, FixToFastAdapter [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Update PortsUsed.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-08-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-CPP] Add B2BITS_MsgFilter.h to B2BITS_V12.h [*] [FA-CPP] Improve LogSystem documentation [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Remove explicit reference to xerces-c. User should copy all 3rd party libraries to the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH [-] [FA-CPP::Doc] Fix main page of the manual --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-07-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::CQG] Rename ARecoveryReason to RecoveryReason [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in security status caching during recovery process. [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in tracking SeqNum of last played to user message. [-] [Engine] Fix memory access violation in the CustomGoingRejectState::returnBack [+] [FA-CPP::Globex] remove ignoring of HeartBeat messages. [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] remove ignoring of messages with segnum34 == 0 [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] add bool result for IntsrumentListener [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] add onStartRecovery and onStopRecovery for IntsrumentListener [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] add param incrrementalQueueSize_ for CQG application. [+] [FA-CPP::Fast] implement methods .const std::string * get(int tag) for fast fields. [*] [FA-CPP::Samples::FixLogger] Output log messages to console [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] [#17914] in FixLogger sample should have execute permissions [*] [FA-CPP::Fixopaedia2] add method removeMessage into Protocol class. [*] [FA-CPP] Rename Session::getMsgStorageName to getMsgStorageBaseFilePath [*] [FA-CPP] Rename PersistentSessionInfo::storageId_ to PersistentSessionInfo::baseFilePath_ [*] [FA-CPP] Rename MsgStorage::getId to MsgStorage::getBaseFilePath [+] [FA-CPP::Samples::MsgStorage] Add missed files [*] [FA-CPP::Doc] Improve API documentation about responsibility to destroy objects [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] Rename PreparedMessage::isLastMsgSeqNumProcessedInitialized to PreparedMessage::isLastMsgSeqNumProcessedReserved [*] [FA-CPP::Parser] Rename PreparedMessage::isSendingTimeInitialized to PreparedMessage::isSendingTimeReserved [*] [Engine] Move some messages to Debug severity [*] [Parser] Improve error messages [*] [Utils::Log] Improve logger performance. Remove extra copying. [+] [FA-CPP::Parser] Unexpected char exception message print decimal char code instead of char [-] [MICEX] Fixed bug in recieved/missed packets counting. [+] [FA-CPP::Samples::Latency] Add field #141 to the Logon message [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix of InstrumentMatcher's counters bug. [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Fix crash on processing messages with MsgSeqNum(tag 34) == 0. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-07-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [FA-CPP::Engine::Samples] Latency: Minimize system time calculation [+] [FA-CPP::Engine] Add Session::role2string method [*] [Parser] Improve getAsUInt performance [-] [Engine::Session] Session should reopen storage when going from CT to active state --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-07-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine] Fixed bug, when storage was not reseted, restoring CorrectlyTerminated session [*] [Engine] Replace "Suggested to use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead" with "Please use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead" [*] [FA-CPP::Samples::Latency] Add OverrideSendingTime parameter support [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Latency: SendingTime field is not updated [*] [FA-CPP] Move IPAddr to System library. [*] Add documentation about xerces to B2BITS_AdminApplication.h [+] [Engine::AdminSessions] Make StorageType parameter in AdminProtocol case-insensitive [-] [FA-CPP] Delete B2B_ERRNO macro. SystemException::getLastError() should be used instead. [-] [FIX] cmeilink_fix42.xml: Add missed field Username to the Logon message [*] [FA-CPP] Rename ERRNO tp B2B_ERRNO [+] [FA-CPP] Add role to SessionDebugMessage [+] Add SessionExtraParameters::reconnectInerval_ parameter [*] Make ReconnectInterval and MaxReconnectTries parameter optional [*] [FAST] Improve FIXMessage::set(int, FIXFieldValue) performance. [*] [FA-CPP] Rename FixEngine::InitParams::initUtilsLogger to initUtilsLogger_ [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Configure AdminApplication to use XERCESCROOT parameter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-06-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [DOC] Typo in the ProhibitUnknownTags parameter description [+] [FA-CPP] Add FixEngine::init(InitParameters) method [+] [FA-CPP] Add option to register SessionsManager and EventListener on the start [+] [FA-C::Samples] Add B2BITS_FixEngine_RegisterSessionsManager function. [*] [FA-C] Change return type of B2BITS_Session_Release from long to void [*] [Engine] Replace Engine logger with Utils::Log [*] [FA-CPP] Improve B2BITS_Event headers. [+] [FA-CPP] Add EventListener::onDebug event. [*] [FA-CPP] Rename Engine::Session::Role to Engine::SessionRole [+] [FAST] Add option to use get/setAsUInt with Integer field. [+] [FAST] Add option to use get/setAsInt with UInteger field. [+] [Logger] Log.File.CreateUniqueName parameter. If true, logger will create unique file name for a log file. Default is false. [+] [Engine] Rename LinkedMsgStorage to SlicedPersistentMsgStorage [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Disable ListenPort for some samples [+] [FA-CPP] Add SessionExtraParameters::socketRecvBufSize_ and SessionExtraParameters::socketSendBufSize_ [-] [FA-CPP] Review B2BITS_Session.h file [*] [FA-CPP] Add more macros to B2BITS_CompilerDefines.h [-] [FA-CPP] Fix warning in the B2BITS_SystemDefines.h if _WIN32_WINNT is already defined [*] [FA-CPP] Rename WouldBlockException to WouldBlockSocketException [+] [FA-CPP] Add System::SocketException class. This exception will be raised by Socket and its successors. [-] [FA-C] Function type redefinition [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Fast_QuickStart: Incorrect template for Resend Request and Sequence Reset messages [+] [Engine] Make Session storage type configurable from [-] [Engine::AdminSessions][#17849] CTGW crashes if CreateInitiator command with version other than FIX44 received [-] [Engine::AdminSession][#17843] Amount and order of square brackets in XML message should be correct [!] [Engine::MsgStorage] Implement index file recovery [-] [Engine::AdminSession] "Cannot create new initiator session. Session manager is not registered" error when executing CreateAcceptor/CreateInitiator command [-] [Engine] Message rejecting is not working, if session is disconnected [+] [Engine::Storage] Put MessageRejected flag to persistent storage file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-06-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Engine::Storage] Add new storage type: linked [+] [Engine::Properties] Add new engine properties: LinkedMsgStorage.FileSizeScale, LinkedMsgStorage.BackupDir to control linked storage [-] [Engine::AdminSession] Fix stack overflow in AdminApplication::sendResponse() in case when unknown exception thrown [-] [CQG] Security definition messages cannot be downloaded under some condition [*] [FixDictionary2] Make error message more informative [-] [Engine] AdminApplication::process does not handle std::exceptions [-] [FA-CPP] Typo in the copyright header [-] [Engine] NullMsgStorage doesn't store seqNum after session is NGT [+] [FA-CPP] Add documentation to B2BITS_FAProperties.h [*] [FA-CPP] Fix documentation errors in the B2BITS_FixFieldsContainer.h --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-05-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [System::Thread] Remove SIGUSR1 signal handling [-] [Engine] [#17795] ResetSeqNum admin command leads to incorrect sequences reset --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-05-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Decorator] Add support of the 'id' attribute from FIX protocol XML file [+] [FA-CPP] Add more options to B2BITS_FAProperties.h [*] [FA-CPP] Rename SessionParameters in the B2BITS_FAProperties.h [+] [Engine] Add support of messagesStorageSize_ to file. [+] [Globex] Add additional CME field XMessageSendingTime [-] [FA-CPP::FAST::Samples] Incorrect path to the dictionary file. [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] Missed #include B2BITS_Mutex.h in the CmeClient.cpp [-] [FA-CPP] Remove include of B2BITS_Mutex.h from B2BITS_ReferenceCounter.h [+] [FA-CPP::Parser] Make enums type-safe. [+] [FA-CPP:FixDictionary] Add Protocol::id() method [-] [Engine] Last semicolon in the DictionariesFileList should be ignored --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-05-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-CPP] Add B2BITS_FIXEnums.h file [+] [Engine] Change default storage CorrectlyTerminated flag value from "NA" to "false" [*] [FA-CPP::Globex] Move FIXFields::AggressorSide and FIXFields::DisplayFactor to B2BITS_MDTypes.h [+] [FA-CPP::Parser] Update B2BITS_FIXFields.h file with tags from FIX50/SP1/SP2 protocols [-] [System] FileEx::flush() does not generate exception if failed [-] [Engine] SessionExtraParameters::handleSeqNumAtLogon_ does not work [-] [FA-CPP::Samples] ConnectToGateway: Invalid order.msg [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] EchoServer: Set IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon=true [+] [FA-CPP] Add PreparedMessage::isFieldInitialized [-] [FA-CPP::Globex] Typo in the comments [-] [FA-CPP::Engine] Delete SessionExtraParameters::sourceIPaddressCount_ parameter [-] [FastCodec::Samples] [#17718] Fix path to dictionaries [+] [Engine] Add SessionExtraParameters::validateCheckSum_, SessionExtraParameters::generateCheckSum_ and PutMessageOptions::overrideSendingTime_ (for FIXMessage and PreparedMessage) parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-04-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Engine] Make ListenPort parameter optional. [+] [Samples] CQG: Add possibility to run sample in the Visual Studio [*] [Engine] Disable warning 4635 for B2BITS_AdminApplication.h [*] [CQG::Samples] Increase book size to 1000 entries. [+] [FA-CPP::CQG] Allow to use MockDataReader with Cqg::MDApplication [*] [FA-CPP::Samples] Minor refactoring [*] [FixDictionary2] Replace Dictionary::Dictionary( bool ) with Dictionary::Dictionary() [+] [FixDictionary2] Add Dictionary::load( std::string, bool ) [*] [CQG] Update library to support interface v5. v4 is not support anymore. [-] [CQG] Bug in the cqg_app.xml [*] [CQG] Update cqg_app.xml to template v5 [-] [FA-ANSIC] Memory leak in the MDApplication_Subscribe method [*] [Fixopaedia2] Update XML protocol files to v1.5.15 [-] [FAST] Thread race condition in the SequenceInstr [-] [FAST] Memory access violation in the template loader when repeating group is not defined [*] [CQG] Update template and protocol files [+] [Engine] SessionsManager::onIncomingConnection() event has been added [-] [Engine] Session Level Reject generation can cause disconnect [+] [Engine] Dump value of the IgnoreUnknownFields parameter to the engine.log [-] [Fixopaedia] Bug in the fixdic50sp2.xml [-] Fixopaedia: Bug in the conditional expression of the MDFullGrp|278 and SideCrossOrdModGrp|120 [-] Fixopaedia: Bug in the conditional expression of the W|1177 [-] [Samples] [#16493] Integrity Check (wrong configuration, extra files) [-] [Samples] [#16576]: Benchmark "" does not remove _log file, Throughput readme is present, Port list is not up to date, Admin sample has incorrect properties [-] [Parser] FIXMessage::getFields returns incorrect role of the start field of the repeating group [+] [FA-CPP::Parser] Add FIXGroup::hasValue [-] [FA-CPP::Parser] Typo in the documentation [*] [Documentation] [#17501] Documentation should be updated according to new Antennas features [-] [Samples] [#17633] Admin session is not enabled or not defined in samples [-] [Samples] Update samples/PortsUsed.txt [-] [Engine] [#17655] Engine doesn't write warning if incorrect BodyLength is received [+] [Engine] [#17069] Add some additional checks of session state [-] [Engine] [#17654] Antenna accepts messages with incorrect SenderCompID/TargetCompID [-] [Engine] Fix memory leak in AdminApplication [-] [Engine] Typo in the log message [*] [Globex] Remove Country block from the protocol definition file [*] [fast_decoder] Add path to /lib to LD_LIBRARY [-] [Documentation] [#17502] There are some broken links on the website. [-] [Documentation] [#17503] There are some broken links on the website. [-] [System] Nanoseconds are incorrectly calculated in the AbsoluteTime [+] [Types] Add methods to parse decimal string representation to Data/Time . [+] [Types] Add universal methods to parse string to Data/Time. [-] [System] Local time is calculated without DST [+] [Engine::AdminSessions] [#15742] AdminSession should report version of the FIX Engine [+] [FA-CPP::Types] Add support of decimal string ("HHMMSS[sss]") to UTCTimestamp [*] [FAST] Fix parsing of string Fix messages without last SOH. [*] [FAST] Ignoring of unknown fileds into parsing of Fix string messages has been implemented [*] [Package] All packages uses global VersionHistory [-] [Engine::Validation] [#13961] Acceptor doesn't react on messages with incorrect Sender\Target specified --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-03-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [Globex] Add property for disable binding asio sockets into interface. [+] [Globex] Add public method for parsing FIX string messages. [+] [Globex] Add BlockDataReader [+] [Globex] Add processing of global instruments reset into public interface(AppObServer::process) [+] [System] Add compiler definition "B2B_DEPRECATED" [*] [FAST] Update fix string parser for CME Messages. [-] [#17657] [Engine] Engine should log warning if tags 8, 9 and 35 are not the first three fields of message [*] [Samples] Set IntradayLogoutTolerance=true for all samples. [*] [System] Improve SystemException class interface [-] [Samples:fast_decoder] Incorrect path to the dictionary file [-] [Samples::EchoServer] Cannot establish connection after closing sessions [-] [Samples::ConnectToGateway] 'primary' connection cannot be set as ActiveConnection [*] [Parser] Improve FIXMessage:toRaw performance [-] [Decorator.NET] Incorrect type was generated for TZTimeOnly and TZTimestamp --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-03-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine] Typos in the log messages [+] [FA.NET] Add possibility to ignore incoming ResendRequest message [+] [Engine] Add possibility to ignore incoming ResendRequest message [-] [FA-.NET] Error in the documentation [*] [Types] Fix comments of the UTCTimeOnly class [+] [FA.NET::Samples::SimpleClient] Add possibility to send session in/out files [-] [System] AbsoluteTimer incorrectly calculates next iteration. It causes 100% CPU usage and fake timer calls. [-] [#17227] [Engine] Incorrect data in two sets of logs [+] [System] Add timed join method into System::Thread [*] [CQG::Samples] Improve USAGE screen [*] [Globex] Change threads type for Globex(boost::thread --> System::Thread) [+] [Samples] Rename cme_decoder sample to fast_decoder [-] [#17635] [FA-.NET::Samples::iLink] Can't close message sending using "/" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [#17069] [Parser] Message with field value that contains and is not of "data" datatype generates incorrect Session Level Reject message [+] [Samples] CQG: Add command line description [-] CQG: Samples: Incorrect incoming parameters parsing [-] [#17620] [Samples] ProtocolCustomization_QuickStart "Release" folder should be removed [-] [#17642] [Samples] Unable to control EchoServer after command "close all active sessions" [-] [#17618] [Samples] MICEX_QuickStart "backup" subfolder is missed from logs [-] [Utils] Fix memory leak in LogSystemBase::createCategory [-] [FA-.NET] Samples: Remove dtd files from the CMEGlobexClient sample [-] [#17614][ Samples] Some files are missed in "data" folder [+] [Samples] Added new samples - CQGMarketDataClient [-] [#16627] [Engine] Does not respond to Test Request (35=1) with SeqNum too high [+] Samples: Add CQGMarketDataClient sample [*] [FA-.NET::Samples] SimpleClient: Enable work wrapping in the event log window [-] [Bug 17616] [Samples] additional.xml file is missed in cme_decoder sample [-] [MICEX] Add virtual destructors to some micex-api classes [-] [Setup] Run-time installer failed to launch on machine with enabled UAC [-] [#17321] [Samples] There are no shortcuts for some samples in Start menu [-] [#17607] [Samples] Linux package doesn't contain "cme_decoder" sample [-] [#17386] [FA-.NET] Unnecessary "logs" folder in Benchmark\Sender [-] [#17534] [Samples] ConnectToGateway: Tag numbers are shown incorrectly in the 'ERROR: Tag out of order' message [-] [#17580] [Samples] EcryptionQuickStart sample: is in windows format, not linux [-] [#17581] [AdminSessions] CreateInitiator: RemoteHost and RemotePort should be required in section [-] [#17593] [AdminSessions] If SendLogout property is not specified - session should be removed without Logout [-] [#17595] [AdminSessions] Please extend "Unknown session" error message [-] [#15325] [AdminSessions] "Not implemented" message should be more informative --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [AdminSessions] Improved thread-safety of AdminSessions implementation [*] [Parser] Inline methods of the PreparedMessage are not exported from DLL [+] [Samples] Parser performance: Add test of the PreparedMessage [+] [FA-.NET] Add check for index in the PreparedMessage::set [*] [Globex] Move some fields from "A" and "5" messages into non required category. [*] [Globex] Change log category for starting/stopping FA threads. [+] [FAST] Add method getMessageTypeByTemplateID into FixToFastAdapter. [-] [Globex] Incorrect mapping from FAST int to FIX month-year. [-] [LSS] Deadlock in the shutdown time on Linux [+] [MICEX] Enable Micex support module in Linux [-] [AdminSessions] DeleteAll command returns incorrect value of deleted sessions [-] [Types] Memory access violation in the UTCTimestamp::fromTimeT if passed value is too large --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Parser] Minor improvements in the PreparedMessage interface [-] [Parser] Extra memory allocation in the Engine::PreparedMessage [+] [FA-.NET] Add PreparedMessage support [*] [Globex] Fix invalid address access violation on 1000 gaps detection. [*] [FA-ANSIC::Samples] Echo Server: Set unregistered acceptor's storage type to persistentMM [+] [Parser] Add PreparedMessage::get method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] [FA-.NET] Add possibility to reset message sequence numbers without sending Logon message [*] [FA-.NET] Make GetAsDecimal and SetAsDecimal methods more accurate. [*] [FA-ANSIC::Samples] Replace QWord with Int64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] [Globex] Fix infinite loop in NR recovery bug. [+] [Engine::Storage] Throw Utils::Exception if not enough memory to map log file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-02-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Samples: Improve SessionConnector [-] Samples: EchoServer: Tool should recreate acceptor on onLogout [+] Engine: Add support of persistentMM to the Unregistered Acceptors [*] Samples: Fast_QuickStart, ConnectToGatewayEx, ConnectToGateway: LogIncomingMessages = true [*] Fixopaedia2: Protocol files list delimiters are: "|", ";" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-01-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [16420] Engine: New type of status "reconnecting" should be implemented [-] [16348] Some administrative session errors should be send in Logout to FIXICC [+] AdminSessions: Add 'StopSession' command [+] Engine: Add possibility to pass several ports to the property. Ports are delimited by comma. [-] Parser: Exception in function with throw() specification [*] Globex: Fix of processing "f" messages for unsubscribed instruments by app. [*] Parser: Replace exception with assert in the FIXGroup::set( tag, value, index ) if index is out of bounds [+] Samples: Add test of the Decimal to Parser performance test [*] Refactoring for micex_mfix (also MICEX_QuickStart, micex test, dot_net/src-cli) [-] [15325] AdminSessions: "Not implemented" message should be more informative [-] [16339] AdminSessions: Antenna doesn't make unsubscribe for sessions list when connection with FIXICC is terminated [-] [17543] AdminSessions: Command with negative MaxMessagesAmountInBunch should be rejected [-] AdminSessions: Fixed memory leak in case of exception during parsing XML command [*] System. Thread. Change access type to public for ThreadListener type [+] System. Thread. Add methods for calling ThreadListeners. [*] Globex. Add calling of threadListeners into all globex threads [-] [17540] Engine: CreateAcceptor command with ForceSeqNumReset = ON creates session with ForceSeqNumReset = ALWAYS [-] Globex: Incorrect repeating group definition in the fixdic50sp1cme.xml [+] Fixopaedia2: Improve repeating group validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2012-01-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Meaning of the OutgoingMessagesStorageSize configuration property was changed [-] Fix typos in debug output and comments to code [+] Types: Add UTCTimestamp::fromUnixTimeInMillis method [+] Types: Add UTCTimestamp::fromTimeT method [+] Dictionary: Add parameter to control load of additional information from XML [+] AdminSessions: Change default HBI from 300 to 30 for CreateInitiator command [+] Engine: Add SessionExtraParameters::aggressiveReceiveDelay_ [+] ANSI-C: Add SessionExtraParameters::aggressiveReceiveDelay_ [+] Pascal: Add SessionExtraParameters::aggressiveReceiveDelay_ [+] .NET: Add SessionExtraParameters.AggressiveReceiveDelay [*] Types: Replace exception with assert in the UTCTimestamp::fromFixString [*] Engine: Remove dependency of the B2BITS_SessionEvents.h in the B2BITS_Application.h [*] Engine: Remove dependency of some headers in the B2BITS_FixEngine.h [*] Types: Add "throw()" attribute to all methods [*] Utils: Add "throw()" attribute to the AsciiString and ByteVector methods [*] Parser: Add "throw()" to PreparedMessages [*] Samples: Parser performance test: FixEngine::getProtocolID should be called before timer [*] Samples: Improve parser performance output [*] Engine: Resend request should not send orders send before setOutSeqNum call. Implemented in the Transient storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-12-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Globex: Remove redundant includes from B2BITS_MDApplication.h and B2BITS_MDApplicationListeners.h [+] Globex. Update stopXXXListener methods for stop all listeners of specified types. [+] Globex. TCPRecovery has been implemented. [+] Types: Add Decimal::changeExponent method [*] Engine: Resend request should not send orders send before setOutSeqNum call. Implemented in the Persistent and persistentMM storages. [*] System: Add Mutex::debugName_ to release configuration [!] Engine: Reset message storage when setOutSeqNum decreases sequence number [+] .NET: Add non ASCII symbols support for the file path [+] Engine: Add possibility to reset message sequence numbers without Logon message [+] Parser: Add possibility to clone group entry (TagValue) [*] Engine: Replace Note with Warning on sequence set/reset methods [*] Globex. Fix for CME dictionary (Type of TradingReferenceDate tag). [+] Globex. Add callbacks on start/stop FA threads. [-] Globex. remove waiting on unsubscribe for alt application. [*] Globex. Fix some minor bugs. [+] Samples: Add FIX50SP1 and FIX50SP2 support to ConnectToGateway sample [+] Globex: Add Globex::ChannelConnection default constructor [*] FAST: Add "MessageLength" into string representation of CME FAST message. [+] Engine. Add methods for reading custom fields from "" file [-] EngineManager. Fix memory leak. [+] [Engine] default OutgoingStorageSize for administrative sessions set to 1000 [*] Globex: Minor improvements in the interface. [-] Remove lock in the Session::getState [+] FAST: Add Dynamic Cache of Entries into Fast parser. [*] Improve performance of the Session::put in case if aggressive send mode is on [*] Make validation error message more obvious [*] Make Session::getRemoteHost const [+] Add comparison operators to Engine::IPAddr [+] Add null_storateType support to the Throughput test [+] Add null_storageType to the latency test [*] Make Application::onLogoutEvent abstract [+] Engine: Added new storage: zero_storageType. This storage does not store anything, used for performance testing [-] Remove overloaded onLogonEvent because of warning messages on linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-11-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Engine]: Fixed access violation in toRaw function, when message contains user tag, equal to MaxTagInProtocol + 1 [-] Bug #16959 - Engine tries to restore seq nums for transient admin session [*] Fixopaedia2: Update FIX protocol dictionary files to 1.5.9 [*] Engine: Make FixEngine::createSession(ProtocolID) more consistent [+] Parser: fixdic::fixversion supports C++ style FIX4x values. [+] Linux: libV12 now exports only symbols from public headers. [-] Fixed potential segfault on linux [*] Fixopaedia: Update version and release date in the FIX Dictionary protocol files [-] Fixopaedia: Fix syntax error in fixdic41.xml [*] Fixopaedia: Revert fixdic50sp2.xml [*] Samples: Update Latency sample to use Prepared Messages [*] Globex. Fix of processing empty books. [+] Add Prepared Messages support [-] ANSI C: Fix memory leak in case of exception in the B2BITS_FixEngine_CreateSession and B2BITS_FixEngine_CreateSession2 [-] ANSI C: Fix bug in B2BITS_FIXMessage_ToTagValue [+] ANSI C: Add more 26 functions to library from the C++ library [-] Cannot load custom FIX 4.2 protocol file if no FIX4.2 files were loaded on start [*] Rearrange ForceSeqNumResetMode items [+] Add more comments for FIXMessage class [+] Add B2B_SEALED macro [+] [AdminSession] Add callback to control execution of CreateInitiator and CreateAcceptor commands [*] Globex. FIx of precessing of 34 tag on exchange startup [-] [Bug 17375][Admin Session] New parameter should be processed correctly [-] [Bug 17373][Admin Session] FA loses acceptor's session during switch to local primary connection [-] [Engine] Session with unsupported EncryptMethod could not be created [-] [AdminSession] [Bug 17377] parameter should be changed to [-] ANSI C Samples: Fix validation error in the QuickStart [-] [Bug 17176] ANSI C: Access violation in Globex (Pascal) sample [+] Add B2BITS_ThreadSafe.h file [*] ANSI C: Remove applicationMessageQueueSize_ parameter [-] [Bug 17277] Samples: Header files have incorrect license information [*] Fixed multi-processing several channels and primary&secondary, added to print if subscribing symbol is not found, added in protocol.xml tag 9876 [-] [AdminSessions]: Double-response from commands with incorrect sender or target values [-] Engine: Thread race condition [*] Globex. Fix processing of tag 1151 into InstrumentMatcher. [+] Globex. Add processing X into appListener by channel ID [*] Globex. Fix of processing reset MsgSeqNum(34) [-] RWLock::tryLock does not update active_ state [+] [Installer]: Change license search pattern to *.license --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-09-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add name to the Mutex. It will be used in the LockTracer. [+] Add possibility to reject incoming connection with Logout message [-] LogoutTimeFrame was not used after second logon. [*] Improve Engine::FIXMessage::set performance for UTCDateOnly, UTCTimeOnly, UTCTimestamp and LocalMktDate structures [-] Race condition in Sessin::createNewStorage() and Session::enqueu() [-] [Bug 17314] clean.bat should be included into MICEX_QuickStart sample [+] Samples: Add x64 configuration for ProtocolCustomization_QuickStart [-] [Bug 17324] [Samples]: some typos in samples output [-] [Bug 17278] [Package]: PortsUsed.txt file should be updated [+] .NET: Engine::getProtocolID() mapped from native to .NET [*] Globex. Fig bug of reseting tag MsgSeqNum(34). [*] Globex. Fig bug of receiving snapshots from old CME session. [-] Samples: EncryptionQuickStart: Set Executable glag for shell files [-] Samples: Optimization flags are not applied on Linux [-] Samples: Fix include path in the Micex sample [-] LastSentSeqNum parameter in the session config file should contain sequence of the last sent to socket message [+] FixDictionary2: Add more information about errors in the protocol file [+] Samples: Fixed errors in ANSI C samples [-] Remove clean.bat and from the run.bat/sh for some samples. It is possible to run samples many times now. [+] ANIS C Samples: Makeup [-] Session::getReceivedMessages on FIXT11 failed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-08-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] New mandatory FixDictionariesFilesList added [!] New mandatory attribute added to the additional.xml:fixdic:id [!] Blocks cannot be customized outside in the message [-] Engine: Access violation in SessionState singleton implementation [-] Samples: Memory leak in iLink [+] FIX50 messages was incorrectly loaded from storage while preparing RR response [-] FAST: templateRef was processed incorrectly inside sequence instruction [*] Engine: For creating FIX50XXX sessions it's enough to specify appVer [-] Fix memory leaks [*] Optimize performance of the message receiving [-] NGT/CT state should reject Sesion::put [-] [Bug #17280] Engine:False information is written to engine_*.log (concerning StorageType) [+] Added missed tag 9768 to FIX50SP1CME dictionary [+] Add B2B_OVERRIDE macro to mark overrided methods [*] Update iLink FIX Dictionary [*] Update Globex Market Data FIX Dictionary [+] Add Engine::FixEngine::createFixParser method to create custom parser for FIX4.x and FIXT1.1 protocols. [*] CMEGlobexClient. Fix of processing o Best bids and asks. [-] [Bug #17286] Samples: Custom admin application (CustomAdminApp) does not initialize [-] "Sender" parameter is loaded with whitespaces [-] MMFileStorage does not initialize file with Sender, Target, Version, Role and CorrectlyTerminated paremeters [-] MMFileStorage returns -1 insteasd of 0 if LastSeqNum is not defined [*] Make persistentMM_storageType ON by default [*] Mark persistent_storageType as deprecated [-] Samples: Type on Latency sample [-] MsgRejectConvertor: 64bit portability issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-08-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] FixDictionary2 [-] "Sender" parameter is loaded with whitespaces [-] MMFileStorage does not initialize file with Sender, Target, Version, Role and CorrectlyTerminated paremeters [-] MMFileStorage returns -1 insteasd of 0 if LastSeqNum is not defined [-] Parser: option 'IgnoreUnknownFields' was ignored in several cases [*] Make persistentMM_storageType ON by default [*] Mark persistent_storageType as deprecated [-] Samples: Type on Latency sample [-] MsgRejectConvertor: 64bit portability issue [*] Engine: Added new required property "DictionariesFilesList". This property must contain files of XML files with FIX dictionary definitions and/or updates [-] Engine: fixed memory access violation while establishing FIX40 session [+] Fixopedia2: Documentation updated info about using Fixopedia2 library [+] Samples: Minor fixes in ProtocolCustomization_QuickStart sample [-] Engine: Bug #17279: Messages are written to session logs with duplicates [+] Samples: add ProtocolCustomization_QuickStart sample [-] Globex. ApplicationMessageQueueSize_ param has been removed [*] Tune Benchmark performance [+] Engine: Overload FIXMsgProcessor::parse [*] Samples: Increase test count in teh Parser bencmark [*] If you send a message failed runningNumber unchanged. [+] IgnoreUnknownFields property added [*] Rename Adresess to Addresses [*] Mark SessionParameters::sourceIPaddressCount_ as deprecated [-] Sessions.SocketPriority property cannot be changed in the [-] Sessions.MaxTries property cannot be changed in the [+] Add persistent storage based on memory mapped file [-] Engine: Access violation in resetMessageStorage() [-] Transformation of local time at the right time in SGT timezone [-] Fixed troubles with static linking of POCO. [+] MICEX Quick start was added. [*] Added option which allows to turn on/off generating the MICEX projects. [+] [FAST] Add methods resetIncomingDictionary, resetOutgoingDictionary into public FixToFastAdapter class --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-06-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Samples: [Bug #17159] - CTGW is unable to load FIXT11 application messages [*] Globex: The type of HaltReason (Tag = 327) has been fixed (char->int) [+] Samples: Add repeating froup 78 to the execution report. [+] Engine: Add NextExpectedMsgSeqNum field to Logout message [*] Globex: Move processing of "f" messages with SecID into instrumentListener [+] Globex: Add callback "process(msg,channel_id)" into MDApplicationListener. [-] Globex: the callback "MDApplicationListener::process(msg)" mark as deprecated. [-] Samples: Bug in CMEGlobexClient [*] Globex: Fix for Description of params for MDApplication [*] Globex: Move checking of tag 34 into single thread code [*] Globex: Add trimming of input IPs [-] Samples: Bug in CMEGlobexClient\MarketDataStorage.cpp [-] Samples: Bug in CMEGlobexClient\FixMessageInterpreter.cpp [+] .NET: Added new events to the Session [-] EngineImpl::createSession(...): potential memory leak [-] Fixed bug when record size exceeds buffer size. [-] .NET: Globex: Translate all C++ exceptions in the MDApplication to System::Exception [-] Engine: Username and password are missed in FIX50 based sessions [+] .NET: Add FIX50SP1 and FIX50SP2 support [*] Samples: iLink: Update field ManualOrderIndicator iif field is not initialized. [-] Engine: Memoryleak in case received logon with SeqNumReset(141)=Y [-] Samples: iLink: Cannot return to main menu from the message sending routine [+] Globex: The method for sending X messages into MDApplication::process callback has been added [*] Globex: Restarting NR by user has been fixed [*] Globex: Add number of instance for Applications,Readers and instrumentMatcher_ into logging [*] Globex: Add logging for firing of security_definition messages [+] Session: Added resetMessageStorage() function to control ResetRequest command [+] FAST: Add "Fix To Fast adapter" into public interface [+] ConnectToGatewayEx: Add FIX50SP1 and FIX50SP2 version support [*] Engine: Memory access violation when Transient storage and Rejecting is used. [-] Parser: [Bug 16696] Tags with empty values are not copied to the destination message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-04-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Engine: Automatically set Log.File.RootDir to Engine Log Directory if Log.File.RootDir is empty [-] Engine: Incorrect state2string conversion [-] Engine: Session goes to reconnect after disconnectNonGracefully() call [-] [Bug 16699] Engine crashes when switching to a standalone backup store that is not empty (setting keepConnectionState=false) [*] Globex: Logging application params has been updated [*] Globex: SD counting has been fixed [*] Globex: Exceptions for parsing config files has been updated [+] System: Add B2B prefix to the thread name --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-04-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug 16685 - Severe memory leak in transient session (1Mb per session) [-] Bug #14628 - Unable to create session with FIX 5.0 version [*] ANSI C Samples: Update additional.xml files for CME applications [-] Globex: Recovering by NR after restarting recovery by user has been fixed [-] Test: Bug #16626 - Incorrect processing of invalid Logon Message (missing tag 98) [-] Bug #16704 - Backup connection functionality does not work for FIX50 sessions. [+] Globex: SD counting has been implemented [+] Globex: Callbacks on Connect/Disconnect feed has been added [-] Bug #16603 - Antenna does not log an error “first message not a logon” when send first message not Logon. [+] Encryption: GPG passphrase support [-] [Bug 16819] Property "SessionStorageType" in is not functional [+] Globex: Snapshot counting has been full implemented [*] Globex: Processing reset by snapshots has been fixed [*] Globex: Parsing of fix messages into MockDataReader has been fixed [*] Samples: ConnectToGatewayEx: Change SenderCompId from BWClient to CTGX [*] Samples: Rename msg.out to msg.fix [+] Globex: Added separating for incremental channel (params incrementalProcessorInterfaceIP_, incrementalProcessorTransportType_, incrementalProcessorWorkerCount_). ReadersContainer has been added [*] Globex: Snapshot counting for AltApplication has been implemented [*] Globex: ApplicationParams has been moved to separate files [*] Globex: Globex version has been incremented --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2011-03-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Memory access violation in the FIXSCPSessionsMgr::removeInitiator [-] Samples: Incorrect output file name in the FIX_QuickStart sample. [-] [Bug 16793] Message with incorrect count in Repeating Group generates difficult to understand error [-] ANSIC: Incorrect type of the B2BITS_SecurityID [-] [Bug 16759]: Encryption is not functional (does not recognize signature) [-] Samples: Incorrect OrdType sent in the EchoServer [+] Add documentation about validation [-] FixDictionary: Access Violation trying to load a FIX50 custom XML dictionary [*] Globex: Update protocol customization file [-] [Bug 16722] Month in UTCTimeStamp data type is not validated [-] [Bug 16729] Tag without a value does not generate an error in engine_*.log [*] Fix in-code documentation [+] Add validation parameters to the Engine::SessionExtraParameters [-] Globex: SubscribeBySecurityDesc/unsubscribeBySecurityDesc has been fixed. [*] Globex: Change type of the input parameter from int to size_t [+] Samples: CMEGlobexClient: Add book management [*] Samples: RefCounter: Return basic type (not const) from const getter. [-] FIXMsgFactoryDispatcher.hpp: fixed error message with "desibled" to "disabled" [-] Session::disconnectSync hangs in initial state. [*] Globex: Change InstrumentListener interface [*] Globex: Change type of the OpenCloseSettleFlag from string to int [+] Added PGP/DES-MD5(EncryptMethod(98) = 5) encryption support [-] Tags with empty values are missing in FixFieldContainer returned by FIXMessage::getFields [+] Add validation to the generic parser. Non/conditionally required blocks are not supported yet. [-] FAST: Conversion from FIX string errors for DateOnly, TimeOnly, MonthYear, Timestamp and LocalMktDate [+] Globex: Add some logs [*] Globex: Update increment processing in AltApp [-] Globex: Fix reconnect in AltApp [-] Globex: Fix restarting Recovery by User in current App [*] Samples: Update iLink sample to pass Additional Mandatory iLink Tags test [*] Samples: Minor changes in the iLink sample [+] Add Engine::FixEngine::getEngineVersion method [-] [Bug 16545] Engine cannot resend large messages [-] Samples: Fix compilation warnings [*] Update documentation for ConnectAddress property [*] Manual: Update requirements to the environment for linux version [+] Samples: Added linux startup scripts for CME Globex decoder sample --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add missed documentation to public class methods [*] License prolonged to 2011 year [+] Added Myricom DBL configuration for FA.NET [-] Samples: FIX_QuickStart x64 depends from Win32 FixAntenna [+] Doc: Add howto install 3rd party libraries under the linux [*] Doc: Update code of the samples to the latest interface --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] iLink add bat files for VS2010 [+] Add iLink sample to the build tree [*] Minor improvements in the makefiles of the samples --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Improve parser performance [+] Add custom logon support to ConnectToGateway [-] Session does not restore state if CorrectlyTerminated != false and IntradayLogoutToleranceMode = true in the conf file. [+] Log state change event in the FAST-over-FIX session [*] Improve Utils::ReferenceCounter performance [-] Session should not close storage in the CT/NGT state [-] Deadlock in the FIXSessionsMgr --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Engine: Unhandled exception when session is destroyed [*] [#16435] Samples: Rename ports.lst to PortsUsed.txt [+] AdminSession: By default ForceSeqNumResetMode=ALWAYS and MessagesStorageSize=0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] AdminSession: Sending session state change notification to closed session [-] AdminSession: DeleteAll command should not delete Administrative sessions [-] AdminSession: Session state change notification sends only to ESTABLISHED admin sessions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Deadlock when two sessions route message to each other --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-12-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Heap corruption in OutgoingQueue::push() [-] Put could throw std::bad_alloc in case low memory [-] Samples: ConnectToGateway should establish session CTG@ESVR [*] Samples: Remove irrelevant files [*] Samples: TrEchoServer minor refactoring [-] Transient session should continue sequences after session recreating [-] A lot of exception raised in the Engine::StorageMgr::PersistentSessionInfo::fromProperties [-] MemoryMsgStorage incorrectly recognized active|backup state [-] AdminSession:: Deadlock on the disconnect [-] Samples: Update license text [*] Samples: Enable IntradayLogoutTolerance mode in the CTGW, CTGWex, EchoServer, TrEchoServer [*] Samples: Enable IntradayLogoutTolerance for CTGW and EchoServer samples [-] Engine: ResendRequest resends messages from the previous session reset using ForceSeqNumResetMode [*] Change precision of the Decimal up to 13 digits [+] [#945] Sending same message instance to the multiple sessions [+] OutgoingMsgStorageSize == 20000 by default, infinite size disabled [-] Junk tag in FIX44 messages [-] Access violation in testTrasientStorage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-11-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Samples: Minor changes in FIX_QuickStart [*] [#16396] FIX_QuickStart sample must send ERs back [+] Added SendLastMsgSeqNumProcessed property [-] Engine: Remove SessionExtraParameters::clientType_ [+] Engine: Add Application::onSessionLevelRejectWithSeqNumTooHigh event handler [+] Engine: Add SessionExtraParameters::allowMessageWithoutPossDupFlag_ parameter [+] Engine: Add SessionExtraParameters::suppressDoubleResendRequest_ parameter [*] ansi-c: Replace 0 with NULL [-] Samples: Duplicated sender/target in tests [-] Added new session parameter"messagesStorageSize" to control in-memory storage size [-] Fixed memory overflow in MemoryMsgStorage [*] Disabled memory cache in FileMsgStorage [-] FAST: Possible memory access violation exception [-] Custom logon (if defined) should be sent on Sequence Reset [*] FAST: RawFieldSize cannot be transfered [*] FAST: RawDataLen field cannot be transfered using FAST [*] Update license text in the header files [-] Engine: CME iLink session does not send password in the RawData field of the logon message [-] removed static variable from the public header Properties.h [-] System::Semaphore::wait should handle EINVAL error inside. [-] FAST: Missed PostDup flag in Resend Request response [-] Bug #16093: Error message 'unable to restore message from out file' appears in the engine.log file of FastConnectToGateway sample [-] Samples: Fixed bad session reference counting in FastEchoServer [-] Samples: User commands input improved in CMEGlobexClient [-] [Bug 16284] '_log' file for CMEGlobexClient sample should be created within /logs directory [-] FAST: Message of the FIX42 protocol with RawData or repeating group cannot be encoded. [-] Session resends messages sent before seq num reset [+] Samples: Add NewSkel performance benchmark [+] Samples: Add clone performance test [-] Samples: TransientEchoServer was built to the project folder [*] Samples: Update log string in the CMEGlobexClient [*] Samples: Update clean.bat for all samples [-] Samples: Delete ReconnectAcceptor sample [+] Samples: Add makesfiles for FIX_QuickStart [-] Samples: run/clean shell scripts should be runnable [*] Samples: Update Thread class [*] Rename "FIX_QuickStart\FIX_QuickStart.sln" to "FIX_QuickStart\FIX_QuickStart_vs2008.sln" [*] Samples: Update CME templates [-] Samples: Update HRTimer.h [-] Samples: Cannot run sample from debugger [+] Samples: Add ReconnectAcceptor sample [+] Globex: Add Globex::MDApplicationListener::onCompleteMessageProcessing event for benchmark testing [-] Samples: Memory leak in the Latency sample [+] Samples: Parser benchmark [*] Latency: Added AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY and NoDelay socket options [-] TcpSessionsMgr: un-guard observer notification in the processIncomingConnection() [*] Samples: Optimize properties files of the latency and throughput tests [+] Samples: Calculate MIN/MAX/AVG latency [*] Samples: Optimize latency test settings [*] under DYNAMIC parser build: fixed memory leaks of FIXGroup usage [-] Delete IntradayLogoutToleranceMode enum [*] Samples: Disable incoming logging for latency test [-] ANSIC: Globex: Rename defaulTransportType_ to transportType_ [*] Dynamic parser: fixed memory leaks in the MsgRejectConvertor [-] [Bug 16141] Incorrect resend request for FIX 4.0 and FIX 4.1 [+] Parser: Resurrect FIXGroup::release for generated parser support [+] Engine: Add compilation parameters to the engine.log [-] Parser: FIXMessage::getAsDouble should not use current locale to parse string [-] Parser: FIXMessage::set( int, double ) wrote double value with grouping [-] Parser: FIXMessage::set( int, double ) writes comma instead of point for non US locale [-] BusinessLevelReject on validation error [*] ANSIC: Rename B2BITS_FIXField_xxx to B2BITS_FIXFields_xxx [-] FAST: BasicStringMgr::operator= incorrectly calculates sizeof the array --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-09-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Engine: Restrict new RR logic only to CME iLink session [-] system: Bug in ManualEvent::wait( time ) [-] ANSIC: pragma pop should be invoked in the B2BITS_C_SessionParameters.h [+] ANSIC: Add version information to the shared library. [*] Engine: Session should not send Resend Request message for every message with seq num > expected --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-08-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Globex: Incorrect warning text about empty IP fields [-] [Bug 15925] Error message "incoming message couldn't be processed" appears in Sender's engine logs when perform Benchmark tests. [-] [Bug 15921] 'Attempt ot read or write protected memory' error appears when perform latency test just after performance in Benchmark samples . [-] Globex: Incorrect recovery reason was returned --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-08-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Engine: Optimize memory utilization for FAST-FIX session when MessageRecteing is off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-08-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] App level msg SeqNum not pocessed if validation failed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-07-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug #15792 - Incorrect (larger) MsgSeqNum is expected after session restart [*] FAST: Raise exception in case of unknown field instruction [-] [Bug 15805] Incorrect values for tags #50 and #57 are passed from Initiator to Acceptor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-07-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] UtilsLogger: Write thread ID for NOTE, ERROR and WARNINGS. [*] Globex: Make Log categories different fot all data reader implementations [!] b2b_globex: real type of the SecurityID was changed from System::u64 to System::u32 [!] b2b_globex: parameter SecurityID is passed by value in interface functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-07-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] AdminSessions always have transient storage type [-] gcc 3.4 portability issues [+] Add Measuring to dynamic parser [-] Types: Replace asserts in the parse functions with exception [-] globex_merge_files: gcc compitability issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-06-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add Measuring to dynamic parser [-] Types: Replace asserts in the parse functions with exception [-] Globex: avoid compiler warning about unused parameter [*] Globex: rise version to [+] Globex: thread race recovery logging was added [!] Globex: X, d and W messages passed via InstrumentListener class other type of messages via MDApplicationListener [*] Globex: Update templates.xml to the latest version. Next TID is 110 [-] Bug #15640 - Antenna resends messages wich were sent before sequence reset. [-] Admin privileges required to install vc_redist package [-] FAST: Cannot load template with byteVector field [-] Parser: Add supprt of empty field values for Generated parser [-] Globex: fixed conversation warning for x64 platform [*] Globex: fixed comments in code [+] Engine: Add possibility to call Session::getRemoteHost from the SessionManager::onUnregisteredAcceptor [-] Logger: FileLoger::backup did not close file [+] added AdminApplication::sendResponse() by TargetCompID of AdminSession [*] re-bind established sessions of embedded into custom AdminApplication [-] trimming whitespace for admin sessions enumeration in properties [+] added AdminApplication::sendResponse() by TargetCompID of AdminSession [-] Engine: Memory access violation in fixdictionary [-] Globex: fixed bug in frequency recovery issue [-] Engine: Memory access violation in Engine::destroy if communication layer is disabled [-] Engine: Remove assert in SessionsMgr::onTimer [-] Engine samples: fixed compile-time bugs [*] Performance improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-06-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug #14187 - Odd data is displayed in the *.conf files of samples. [-] Access violation in SessionState::treatLogon in case seqNum reset sent [-] [Bug 13927] Incorrect data type for enumerate fielddef in additional field causes crash [-] [Bug 15235] Antenna unexpectedly resets sequence numbers to very high values [+] [Bug 15279] No 'run_9.bat' and 'clean.bat' files for Benchmark Latency samples. [*] Samples: Update latency sample to the latest FA interface version [-] Samples: [Bug 15396] Unable to run Benchmark samples in Antenna C++ from Start Menu [-] NET Samples: [Bug 15443] SimpleClient throws error when try to edit garbled message. [-] CTGW sample incorrectly parse ForceSeqNumRestMode property [*] NET: Rename Session::IncominMesageMsg event to Session::IncominMesage [*] NET: Generate business level reject if Session::IncominMesage returns Exception [+] Add FastConnectToGateway/bin/run_9D.bat file [-] Duplicate RequestID received by AdminSession [-] TrEchoServer sample create logs [+] Extended engine properties output to log [-] Samples: [Bug 14056] EchoServer does not send Logout message when try to correctly terminate session. [-] Engine: Message log file dramaticaly increased [-] Engine: FIX50 session did not set DefaultApplVerID in the confirmation logon [+] Added Debug.LogSessionExtraParameters property to engine properties set. Setting property "true" will enable logging session extra parameters on session creation. Default value = false [-] 14483 - Strange vaules received by FIXICC for admin session [-] 14909 - Engine sends incorrect (+1) In and out SeqNums in message [-] [Bug 15547] Log files broken after reconnect (Intraday logout tolerance=true) [-] Samples: Typo in the text messages [-] Tag 1137(DefaultAppVer) absent in confirmation logon message in FIXT1.1 [*] NET: Globex: Update additional.xml [*] EnableIncrementalLogFileCreation = true for benchmarks [+] Engine:: Add closeMsgStorage to FastSession [*] b2b_globex: return type for function MDApplication::resolveInstrumentsByChannelID was changed from void to bool [-] Fixed Encryption parameter procession on connect [-] Deadlock on destroy several AdminSessions [+] Improved session creation-deletion notifications [-] FAST: FixToFastAdapter::probe tested repeating groups incorrectly [-] [Bug 13712] Incoming sequence number restores incorrectly [-] Fixed access violation ::switchConnection() [*] b2b_globex: changes after deleting SecurityDefinitionPreprocessor class [*] b2b_globex: these files were deleted because we don't need these more [-] [Bug 14866] Session log files are not moved to /backup directory if session is in 'AttemptToConnect' state [-] Engine:: Static fast support [+] [13707] TransientSession - no way to change port of Acceptor for user (except new build creation) [-] [Bug 13705] TransientSession - no statistic values shown [+] b2b_globex: TSH-10 - add new functions GetInstrumentInformationBySymbols/GetInstrumentInformationBySecurityID with channel ID [+] b2b_globex: TSH-10 - open instrument replay channel for given channel ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-05-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Cannot create FIX session with static parser [-] Fixed double-connect if disconnect-connect too fast [-] [Bug 15440] Exception error appears when close session from ConnectToGateway sample. [-] FAST: Fix session did not return to WFFirstHello after FIX logon fault [-] Samples: Remove dependency from OleAcc.dll [-] FAST cant connect after connection drop on Hello msg fix [-] FAST cant connect after drop on Hello msg [*] b2b_globex: fixed syntax error in English expression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-04-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FAST session couldn't be established if logon sequence was beaked previously [-] Incorrect timestamp in logs if isEnableIncrementalLogFileCreation = true [*] StringGroupEntry::set tries to update existent field first [*] StringGroupEntry::remove searches or field from begining [*] StringGroupEntry::get searches or field from begining [-] Engine: ItemToSend constructor did not initialize firstSend_ field --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-04-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed Application::onBeforeMessageIsSend callback --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-04-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added property "EnableIncrementalLogFileCreation" to control chunks log files creation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2010-04-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed onBeforeMessageIsSent callback [+] Added property "EnableIncrementalLogFileCreation" to control chunks log files creation [*] Samples: Update CMEGlobexClient to the latest interface [*] Engine: Rename FixEngine::registerSessionsManager to FixEngine::registerFastSessionsManager [-] FAST: Fix warnings [*] b2b_globex: update version [-] Engine: SeqNum of the sent message should be stored before is sent to socket [!] b2b_globex: new recovery option (RO_USE_MARKET_START_NATURAL_REFRESH_RECOVERY) was added [*] b2b_globex_test: changes according new recovery option (RO_USE_MARKET_START_NATURAL_REFRESH_RECOVERY) [-] Switches counter on reconnect [-] Segfault in the Utils::Dispatcher::select if maxFd > FD_SETSIZE [-] Segfault in the Utils::Dispatcher::select if maxFd > FD_SETSIZE [-] Application::onBeforeMessageIsSent is not called in aggressive mode [*] b2b_globex_test: replace BOOST_REQUIRE to BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL in some test [*] b2b_globex: stl containers + boost::shared_ptr were replaced to boost::ptr_container in classes [*] b2b_globex: InstrumentMatcher, ApplicationImpl::Instrument code review [-] Too fast TestRequest in on messages in HBI time [-] Parser: FIXMessage::set( int, double ) stored 0.05 value in scientific format. [-] 100% utilization on linux when posix function select is called [!] b2b_globex: files additional.xml and templates.xml for FIX/FAST 2.0 [*] cme_decoder: changed according to the b2b_globex raw message logging format [-] Fixed FixDictionaryFactory::cloneElement function to clone RepeatingGroups [+] b2b_globex_cert: changes were made according to new b2b_globex interface [!] b2b_globex: two new parameters (config20Xml_ and activeConnections20_) were added to struct MDApplicationParams [+] b2b_globex: added support of the FIX/FAST 2.0 [!] b2b_globex: interface of the class InstrumentListener was changed [+] b2b_fast: field System::i64 GroupEntry::seqNum_ was added to user defined purposes [-] Globex: Incorrect RecoveryReason was passed to MDApplicationListener::onStopRecovery [*] Globex: Overwrite binary log files [-] Globex: Memory leak if subscribeBySecDesc is called and instrument is not resolved. [-] Globex: Memory access violation. WRRMap is not well syncronized. [*] Engine: Rename Application::onBeforeMessageSend -> Application::onBeforeMessageIsSent [*] Engine: Rename Application::onBeforeMessageProcess -> Application::onAfterMessageIsReceived [-] FAST: Remove block support [-] FIX Parser: Remove block support [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in log level for unsubscribing via security ID [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in log level for subscribing via security ID and channel [+] b2b_globex: parameter logIncomingUdpMessages_ was added to the structure MDApplicationParams, for logging raw FAST messages [+] b2b_globex: parameter logIncomingUdpMessages_ was added to the structure MDApplicationParams, for logging raw FAST messages [+] Samples: Add FIX session Latency sample [+] Engine: Add Application::onBeforeMessageSend and Application::onBeforeMessageProcess [*] b2b_globex utilities: changed according new b2b_globex interface [*] b2b_globex_cert: onNaturalRefresh event handler was changed to stop NR algorithm [+] b2b_globex: classes SecurityDefinitionListener and InstrumentListener were moved to new file B2BITS_MDApplicationListeners.h from B2BITS_MDApplication.h [*] b2b_globex: Processing messages (non X) from Increment Data Feed was added to Corridor. [*] b2b_globex: subscribe/unsubscribe function were changed according to thread safe policy. [+] Added Session::getRemoteHostIP [+] Engine: Allow user to send message with specific TargetCompID value. [-] b2b_globex: Thread safe was added to subscribe/unsubscribe in class ApplicationImpl [-] engine: fixed bug incompatibility types under 64 bit versions [-] Globex: Wrong Recovery Reason description for snapshot [+] Add limit for groups entries in the corridor [*] b2b_globex: default value for parameter MDApplicationParams::checkUDPSender_ was changed from true to false [*] b2b_flobex: fixed bug with resolving the same instrument twice (bug may occurs to starting channel) [-] cme_globex_cert: fixed bug with incorrect application shutdown [*] Resend Request message processing performance improvements [-] FIXMessage::getFields is recursive now. Use FIXField::role_ field to determine end of the repeating group. [+] Parser: Add role to the Engine::FixField structure [*] Parser: FIXMessage::getFields returns fields recursively [*] b2bits.utils: member function swap was added to class ArrayAutoPtr [*] b2bits.globex test: BOOST_TEXT_MESSAGE has been removed from tests, new test testSubscribe_UnSubscribe_SubscribeSecID was added [!] b2bits.globex: files of the class PolledDataReader were renamed to PolledDataReader(.h/.cpp) [+] Parser: Add full support of the empty fields [-] Globex: Dictionary should be reset before UDP message processing [+] Add FIXGroup::getEntry method [*] FAST: Improve performance [+] Fixopaedia: Add FixDictionary::get() const. [*] b2bits.globex certification: changes were made according to b2bits.globex library interface [*] b2bits.globex: pointer to message was replaced to constant reference in library interface [-] Engine: Memory leak in FixEngine::createSession is exception is raised [*] Small refactoring [-] Application::onSwitchConnection was not raised when Session::connect was called. [*] Rename FIXField namespace to FIXFields. Make FIXField namespace as deprecated. [-] Set SessionExtraParameters::socketPriority to EVEN_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY by default. [-] Deadlock in TcpSessionsMgr [-] Types, Utils: Linux portability issues [*] b2bits.globex certification: Engine::FIXGroup doesn't have release method [!] b2bits.globex: Interface of the class SecurityDefinitionListener and InstrumentListener uses pointer to FIXMessage instead of reference [*] b2bits.globex test: changes were made to support IncrementQueue with new container also according to new interface of application listeners [-] b2bits.globex: fixed bug with deactivate socket twice [*] b2bits.globex: InstrumentMatcher uses MDChannel lockers for connection and disconnection from/to UDP replay channels [!] b2bits.globex: Interface of the class SecurityDefinitionListener and InstrumentListener uses pointer to FIXMessage instead of reference [*] b2bits.globex: Utils::AutoPtr2 is used instead of the boost::shared_ptr in IncrementQueue, also container was added which handle auto_ptr in correct way [!] b2bite.globex: Thread and Commands were removed from ApplicationImpl class. Many changes in ApplicationImpl and DataReader classes [-] Bug #14043 - Backup connection: ForceReconnect behavior for backup-session should be corrected [*] fixopaedia: for protocol FIX50SP1CME type of the SecurityID tag was changed form string to int [-]Bug #14299 - Connection does not switch to backup after it was trying to connect to primary with SeqNum less than expected. [-] Bug #14304 - Antenna use Backup session's logs for primary connection. [*] Added TimestampsInLogs property [-] Utils::RefCounter copy ctor did not call ReferenceCounter::addRef [-] Bug #14759 - Sequence numbers are not reset to '1' when reconnect session if ForceSeqNumReset is set to 'ALWAYS' [-] Some minor bugs have been fixed. [-] Remove V12_API macro from Utils::NullableValue and Utils::Emptily [-] FAST: Trailing zero character should be added to te end of string [+] Add Engine::AsciiString::begin and end methods [-] FAST: FIXMessage::toRaw: Bug in format specifier for sprintf [-] b2bits.globex: fixed bug for logging subscribing via SecurityID [*] b2bits.globex: thread function was changed for DataReader::Worker [-] b2bits.globex: fixed bug for logging subscribing via SecurityID [*] b2bits.globex: thread function was changed for DataReader::Worker [-] b2bits.globex: fixed bug for logging subscribing via SecurityID [*] b2bits.globex: thread function was changed for DataReader::Worker [-] Some minor bugs have been fixed. [-] Samples: Delete temporary files [-] FAST: Buffer overflow error while converting string to Decimal and int [-] Memory access violation in TcpSessionsMgr::onTimer if exception is raised [*] Fix50 protocol has been updated. [+] FixEngine: Add name for customized protocol [*] Make Fixopaedia::FixDictionary referencable [-] Wrong start field for customized FIX group [-] fix50sp1 and fix50sp2 parsers have been removed. [*] Fix 5.0. parser has been updated. [*] FIXMessage: Remove recursion from getFields [+] Add FixEngine::getAdditionalXmlFileName(ProtocolID) method [-] Reconnect counter was decremented after reconnect operation [-] Memory access violation when Logon is received without SenderCompID or TargetCompID fields [-] FixSessionUProtocol::reconnectInitiated_ was not reset [*] Samples: ConnectToGateway refactoring [*] Samples: Refactoring for EchoServer [*] b2bits_globex: added reusing of sockets in DataReader instead of creating new [*] b2bits_globex: interface of the InstrumentListener class was changed, reference to Engine::TagValue is used instead of FIXMessage in onIncrement and onNaturalRefresh (via Increments type) [*] Samples: Refactoring for RefCounter [+] Samples: Add ListenInterfaceIP parameter for CMEGlobexSample [-] FAST: Repeating group clone issue [*] FAST: Improve decoding performance. new performance index is 1407 [+] Incoming msgs log file has been made more simple for reading by txt editor. [-] FAST: Cannot decode message because of extra long pmap [-] Parser: Group copying issue [-] Parser: Incorrect repeating group cloning [*] Utils::AutoPtr: Minor refactoring [-] Parser: Cannot serialize message with fields of maximum tag [-] All sessions have to be disconnect at the fix engine is beginning to close. [-] FAST: Outgoing Dictionary was resetted incrorectly [*] Improve Utils::Emptily::get performance [-] AdminSessions: Bug #14507 - SeqNums for backup connection should start from 1 after switch to backup connection [*] fixopaedia: for protocol FIX50SP1CME type of the SecurityID tag was changed form string to int [-] Bug 14629: Unable to turn off ForceSeqNumReset parameter in EchoServer sample. [-] FAST: Access violation in FastImpl::TemplateLoader [*] AsciiString::toString marked as depricated. Use AsciiString::toStdString instead. [+] Added custom protocol support for two or more FIXVersions [-] Engine crush on exit if there is established AdminSession [-] AdminSession: fixed seqNum processing in createAcceptor/createInitiator commands [*] AdminSessions: ResetSeqNumAfterLogout renamed back to IntradayLogoutToleranceMode [-] Engine: Fixed incorrect reconnects behavior with Reconnect.MaxTries = 1 [-] AdminSessions: Bug# 14498 SeqNums were not set after CreateInitiator command was received [-] AdminSessions: Bug# 14499 Engine should create session with custom logon if it is specified in CreateInitiator [-] AdminSessions: Bug# 14505 Switch to primary connection is not implemented [-] AdminSessions: Bug# 14326 Engine should unsubscribe to all subscriptions if admin session is terminated [-] AdminSessions: Bug 14491 - Unable to connect to backup host/port [-] AdminSessions: Bug #14483 - Strange vaules received by FIXICC for admin session [-] AdminSession: Bug #14487 - Username is not send from engine [-] AdminSession: Bug #14488 - HBI should not be equal to 300 [*] AdminSession: executeSessionSnapshot command updated [*] AdminSession: IntradayLogoutToleranceMode renamed to ResetSeqNumAtLogoff [-] AdminSessions: Bug 14327 - Incorrect tag in SessionsListData [-] AdminSessions: Bug 14359 - Some session parameters are shown incorrectly after Acceptor session is created/established [-] AdminSessions: Bug 14438 - Engine sends incorrect value for to FIXICC [-] AdminSessions: Bug 14443 - Engine always sends TRANSIENT for created session [-] AdminSessions: Bug #14361 - SourceIPAddress is received but not shown on screen [-] GPF if logon without sender or target is received [+] AdminSessions: Added SessionsSnapshot command [*] b2b_globex: interface of the class SecurityDefinitionListener was changed, channelID was added to onSecurityDefinition function [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in processing non incremental message [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug with incorrect channel check (using if statement instead of assert) [-] b2b_globex: correct work with multicast UDP socket [+] Bug 14362: Storage Type and HBI parameters are missed in [+] AdminSessions: Fixed parameter [-] Remove point while encode float numbers to string [*] AdminSessions: EstraSessionParams structure updated according to new protocol [-] Pure virtual function call has bee fixed. [-] InSeqNum should be increased only if Application::process returns true [+] AdminSession: added createInitiator command [*] CMEGlobexClient: Set checkUDPSender_ = false [-] AdminSession: Fixed exception in SessionParams command [+] AdminSession: Command CreateAcceptor [+] AdminSession: Command SessionStatus [*] FixProperties: IntradayLogoutTolerance type changed to bool [-] FixProperties: Missed HandleSeqNum parameter processing [+] "Aggressive receive" and "Aggressive send and receive" modes have been implemented for "fix" and "fast" sessions. [+] Socket priority default value has been changed. Now it's AGGRESIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE_SOCKET_OP_PRIORITY. [*] License timer delay has been changed from every 10 milliseconds to every hour. [*] SessionExtraparameters, SessionExtraParameters: Chnged char* to std::string [+] Session: added methods getActiveParameters(), getBackupParameters() [+] AdminSession: implemeted SessionParms command [+] ConnectToGateway: Add option to recreate session [*] AdminSession: updated SessionStatus command response [+] Benchmark: Added 'delay' parameter to control messages sending/processing time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-12-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] AdminSession: Bug 14327: Incorrect tag in SessionsListData [-] AdminSession: Bug 14326: Engine should unsubscribe to all subscriptions if admin session is terminated [+] AdminSessions: Added RequestID parameter [+] AdminSessions: Changed SessionsList command. Added subscription for session changes [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in natural refresh playing queue [*] Improve parser performance [-] Memory leak in FixSessionUProtocol::bind [-] Allow user to call Session::addRef ater Session::release inside event handler [-] b2b_mdengine: fixed bug in UDP connecting to multicast group [*] b2b_globex: MDApplicationParams::logIncomingFIXMessage_ was renamed to logIncomingMessages_ [-] Samples: Remove ForceReconnect parameter from engine.proeprties --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-10-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug #14292 - Incorrect behavior of parameter IntradayLogoutTolerance [-] ClientSocket ctor does not initialize send buffer [-] Extend precision of the float numbers to string conversion [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in Natural Refresh processing [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug in snapshot processing with wrong input data [+] AdminSession: added 'RequestId' attribute processing for all administrative commands [+] Add some details about ThirdPartyRoutingIsEnabled parameter [-] [Bug 14242] An exception error is occurred in workers, if for registered acceptor session parameter IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon is set to true [-] Parser: User defined messages should be parsed with prohobit-unknown-tags = false [+] Add SessionExtraParameters::reconnectMaxTries_ [-] Dispatcher: Remove assert and do nothing for second soccket subscription [+] Add SessionExtraParameters::reconnectMaxTries_ [+] Added extended FixEngine properties support [*] b2b_system: new function bool setReuseAddr(bool reuse) was added to SimpleUDPSocket class [*] b2b_globex: option SO_REUSEADDR was added to udp-sockets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-10-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Globex: Socket::bind should be called before addMembership [-] Fixed bug in AdminSession creation processing [-] [Bug #14066] Session isn't switched to backup connection in case Primary connection lost and "RecreateOnLogout" is set to true [-] Fixed reconnects counter [-] Remove Emptily::empty because of .NET warnings. Use Utils::empty instead. [-] Remove NullableValue::empty because of .NET warnings. Use Utils::empty instead. [-] Remove NullableValue::undefined because of .NET warnings. Use Utils::undefined instead. [-] Fix error test for UndefinedField exception. RefMsg* attributes was listed twice. [-] Application::onReconnectTryEvent was called for first attempt after connection swithing. [+] Add Utils::Exception::reason method. Use it instead of "what" method. [+] Added Application::onSwitchConnectionEvent event [+] Added Application::onReconnectTryEvent notification [*] Disable some debug messages [*] Globex: Update template.xml and config.xml from the Next TID is 79 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-09-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Changed Engine::SessionExtraParameters POD-types to support "not initialized" stated to prevent session properties overwriting [-] ListenInterfaceIP should be passed to SimpleUDPSocket::addMembership [-] b2b_globex: fixed bug with unsubscribe twice [-] Samples: Benchmarks show 0 msg/sec result [-] [Bug 14051] Actual number of reconnect attempts is less than specified in file. [-] [Bug 14048] Connection should not be switched to backup if value of "EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection" is set to false [-] [Bug 14044] Session is not transitioning to backup connection in case Primary connection lost [-] [Bug 14045] Connection should not be switched to primary connection if value of "EnableCyclicSwitchBackupConnection" is set to false [-] Session's conf file was rewritten after connection restore [-] Memory access violation in Session::ctor if exception was raised [-] Pointers of the index file were not syncronized [-] [Bug 14109] ConnectToGateway sample shows exception when try to run it after reconnect attempts [-] Session's conf file was rewritten after connection restore [-] Memory access violation in Session::ctor if exception was raised [-] Pointers of the index file were not syncronized [*] Improve parser performance [*] b2b_globex: MDApplication::resolveInstrumentBySecurityGroup/MDApplication::stopSecGroupListener were added [*] b2b_globex: InstrumentListener is used instead of MDApplicationListener [*] Improved perfomance of Time::UTCTimestamp [*] Improved performance of the StringFixMessage [*] Optimized file writing [*] Files Empty.h, Emptily.h and NullableValue.h moved from fast to utils. According types moved from FastImpl to Utils namespace [*] Improve StringFixMessage::toRaw performance [+] Added abstract class Utils::Properties::PropertyDecoder. [+] Enabled cyclicSwitchBackupConnection and EnableAutoSwirchBackupConnecton parameters in engine configuration [+] Add Fixopaedia::FixDictionary::getRootElement const [+] Add Fixopaedia::ProtocolDescription::getFieldTags --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-09-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] New parameter has been added to FixProperties: Measuring.Enable [-] ApplicationImpl prints incorrect value of the ListenInterfaceIP parameter [-] Memory access violation in ~DynamicFixMessage [-] uintFields were not calculated in FixToFastAdapter [-] FAST: Remove assert from Fields::reset [-] Fixed Backup Close-Reconnect bug [-] Bug in copy ctor of AutoPtr [*] Replace generated parser RAW FIX with dynamic. Decrease size of binary. Improve parsing performance. [*] Replace static/dynamic parser with generic dynamic parser [*] Utils::AutoPtr: Make ReleaseMethod const for constant objects [*] Measuring.Enable = true by default [*] FileProperties, FileLogger, FileMsgStorage refactored for use with FileEx class. [*] Move FIXMsgFactory ctor to cpp file [*] b2b_globex: Globex::NRMessage is renamed to Globex::Increment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-08-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added large file support for Directory::list() [*] Implemented backup connections support [-] CMEGlobexClient: fixed bug with AV at exit from application [-] b2b_log: fixed bug in FileLoggerBase::registerCategory [-] For ClientType=CMEClient password should be read from 96 field for incoming logon [-] parser: fixed bug in FieldConverter::toDouble [-] C++ Samples: CmeClient::onNaturalRefresh should return value [-] FAST: DynamicFixMessage::toString buffer overflow error [-] Samples: Linux portability issues [-] b2b_globex: double value parsing was changed to Engine::FloatSerializer method in MockDataReader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-08-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Interface of the class MDApplication was changed, added RecoveryOptions as parameter for all subscribe function. [!] Interface of the class MDApplication was changed, parameter MDApplicationListener* was added to all subscribe functions [!] Interface of the class MDApplicationListener was changed, added new functions onError, onNaturalRefresh. [!] Interface was changed to allow convert into custom protocols [!] Move AdminSession properties to the Monitoring section [-] "Runtime Library" settings in some samples projects have been corrected [-] [Bug 13712] Incoming sequence number restores incorrectly [-] [Bug 13714] First Logon message is not logged to the *.in log file of the Acceptor. [-] [Bug 13875] AllowZeroNumInGroup does not work for custom repeating groups [-] BackupConnection: unable to turn off autoswitching [-] Deadlock in Dispatcher [-] FastConnectToGateway: fix version in bat files has been changed from FIX44 to CME [-] FastConnectToGateway: target port has been changed to 5555 to connect to FastEchoServer [-] Fix g++ warnings. Treat warnings as errors. [-] Fix warnings in the RawBuffer and FileMsgStorage [-] Fixed bug of the Natural Refreshing processing [-] Fixed CMEFIXML covertor: Same nested XML elements resolved incorrectly into FIX tags. [-] Fixed deadlock in Dispatcher::handleReciveTask [-] Fixed debug build parameters for samples [-] Fixed warning C4251(MSVC) from Engine::FIXEngine and Globex::MDChannelParams [-] Samples: Fixed deadlock in EchoServer [-] FAST: DynamicFixMessage::toString buffer overflow error [*] Added synchronous Session::disconnect method to FA.C++ [*] Corrected EchServer, FastEchoServer and TrEchoServer ports description [*] Default value was added to method MDApplication::subscribeAll [*] Destructor of the class ReferenceCounter was declared as protected [*] FAST: Change FIELD_VALUES_POOL_SIZE = 0 [*] FAST: Optimize memory usage [*] For clientType == CMEClient store password value to the RawData field of the Logon message. [*] Group iterative Gap Fill messages to one Gap Fill message. [*] Removed several warnings from headers [*] Server port chaged to 6555 [*] Unique listen port for each sample [*] Globex: Compile FAST templates at start before instrument subscribe [+] Added default values to command line parameters for all samples [+] Added HandleSeqNumAtLogon parameter processing [+] Added individual settings for sessions [+] Extended debug output(for Windows) [+] Extended information about ::accept error [+] Fixopaedia: Add ProtocolDescription::getFixVersion [+] Fixopaedia: Export public classes and methods [+] Session: Added backup connections support --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-07-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] All functions of the class MDApplicationListener become to pure virtual [-] Bug #13605 - Trouble with 99 Initiators on FA C++ [+] New implementations of the system events were added [!] Interface of the class MDApplicationListener was changed, two params security description and security ID were added to methods onRecoveryStarted and onRecoveryStopped [!] Interface of the MDApplicationListener was changed, parameter SecurityID was added to functions. [+] New subscribing function was added to class MDApplication (subscribeBySecurityID), which accept security ID and channel. [-] LSS: IP address waswritten incorrectly to stream --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-07-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Update Fixopaedia to the lastest version of FIX50SP1CME [-] Samples: Wrong file name in the EchoServer [+] Samples: Add shell scripts for CMEGlobexClient, CustomAdminApp, FastConnectToGateway, FastEchoServer, FixMTStatistics, TransientSession, TrEchoServer [-] Fix segmentation fault in CustomAdminApp [+] Add makefiles for CMEGlobexClient, CustomAdminApp, FastConnectToGateway, FastEchoServer, FixMTStatistics, TransientSession, TrEchoServer [+] Add run/clean bash scripts for benchmark, CTGW, EchoServer [-] Fast_QuickStart: Cannot encode message [-] Fast_QuickStart: Memory access violation [*] SessionExtraParameters support in transindent sessions [+] FASTQuickStart - added makefiles for linux [*] SessionExtraParameters support in transindent sessions [*] CME Sample: Update config.xml and template.xml [*] CME Sample: Update additional.xml to the lastest version of FIX50SP1CME protocol [+] CME Sample: Add symbols with the space support [-] Engine: Null reference exception if sessionExtraParameters is null [-] MemoryMsgStorage could not save ClientType and EncryptMethod properties [*] Documentation review [*] Changes were added after code reviewing of the class InstrumentMatcher, also interface of the B2BITS_MDApplication was changed [-] Bug #13493 - Connection gets lost if send message with Component Block without fields. [*] Changes were added after code reviewing of the class InstrumentMatcher [-] Samples: Error in sentence [-] Bug #13383 - Only source files in Fast_QuickStart Sample folder [-] Bug 8267: *.conf file should contain all properties for a session [-] Bug 8016 - Valid year for (c) B2BITS should be set in all license texts in .Net package [+] b2bits.globex: method unsibscribeAll was added to MDApplication class [+] b2bits.globex: method unsibscribeAll was added to MDApplication class [-] Globex: 55th field is not required for d message. [-] Samples: CMEGlobexClient cannot read symbol with space [+] Samples: CMEGlobexClient add incoming message logging [*] Types: Remove assert in MonthYear while CME sends 0 as month-year value. [-] C++ Samples: Set MDd for Debug and MD for release configuration. [+] Added btostr() function // Converts bool to string value [+] Samples: Default target all was added, target clean was changed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-06-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Windows: Updated to the openssl v0.9.8k [*] The message now is stored to the .in file as soon as it is received from socket however it does not mean that it is “considered processed”. The incoming sequence number is increased only AFTER message is processed. In case of failure the InSeqNum is recovered from .conf file, not from .in file (that is actually why .in file is not required for consistent work). Therefore store-and-forward approach is preserved. [+] FileProperties: Check return code of the fseek function [-] FAST: Warning: NULL used in arithmetic [-] Utils: void MTChannel::destroyReader should not lock Mutex [+] Fixopaedia: Correct comparison of the Variant type was added to function Compare::compare [+] Globex: Changed of the interface of class MDApplicationListener were applied. [+] Globex: Interface of class MDApplicationListener was changed, added Engine::FIXMessage const& as last parameter to onIncrement method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-06-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Bug #8014] Valid year for (c) B2BITS should be set in all license texts [-] [Bug #13349] ConnectToGateway: Two messages in file follows to Windows's debug window [-] [Bug #13412] Benchmark: division by zero during calculation when time period is small [*] [Bug 2395] Session::getState is desired to be const [+] SecurityGroup, MinPriceIncrement were added to FIXField namespace (B2BITS_FIXFields.h) [+] b2bits_globex: correct processing f-messages [+] b2bits_globex: logging incoming FIX messages was added as configurable parameter to struct MDApplicationParams [-] Segmentation fault in FIXSCPSessionsMgr::removeInitiator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-06-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add new ForceSeqNumReset mode [-] [Bug #13404] Unexpected file in 'logs' folder of EchoServer sample [-] [Bug 13376] No 'backup' folder will be created after 'run*_9.bat' file run [-] [Bug #13439] Logging information should be extended with list of properties with which engine is started [*] MsgParserDispatcher uses direct path to the protocol dispatcher [+] Globex: Test cases of the methods virtual void onRecoveryStarted()and virtual void onRecoveryStopped() were added to test application [+] Globex: Calling of the methods virtual void onRecoveryStarted()and virtual void onRecoveryStopped() were added to implementation [+] Globex: Methods virtual void onRecoveryStarted()and virtual void onRecoveryStopped() were added to class MDApplicationListener [-] [Bug #13430] Unable to re-establish session between EchoServer (Acceptor) and ConnectToGateway(Initiator) [-] Acceptor should remove itself from list of acceptors in WaitForFirstLogon state [*] engine.proeprties:: replace ON to true, OFF to false [-] Globex: Linux portability issues [-] ParserGenerator: Incorrect '\' symbol processing [-] ParserGenerator: Linux portability issues [-] [Nug #13397] No Reject message after receiving message with 43=Y and tag 122 not specified [-] [Bug #12435] engine to write path to engine.license to log when being initialized [-] Bug - Messages with incorrect seqNum wasn't logged in *.in file (re-fix) [-] Globex: delete ask/bid was incorrect. QuoteCondition processed incorrectly [-] [Bug 13294] No warning message in engine*.log file about garbled message [+] CME FAST Cert: Add possibility to enter symbols with spaces [*] DataReader: Uncomment FIX Message logging [-] [Bug #10763] Checking of required group fields in invalid message (conditionally required tag is absent) in not working IN ESRV [-] [Bug #10781] Checking of required group fields in invalid message (conditionally required tag is absent) in not working in CTGW [*] IntradayLogoutToleranceMode, StoreForceSeqNumResetMode: Rename ON->true, OFF->false [*] Utils: Workaround for assert in destructor of ReferenceCounter [*] FIXSession: Replace assert with Exception in FileMsgStorage::logLocalImpl [*] Globex: Signature of the methods InstrumentMatcher::stopResolveBySecDesc, InstrumentMatcher::stopResolveBySecID and InstrumentMatcher::resolveBySymbol was changed, return value becomes to void. According to this implementation of the stopXXXListener methods in the class ApplicationImpl were changed. [*] Automated documentation was changed for doxygen tool [-] Typo in comment [+] Add options to the Session::put method [+] Add listenInterfaceIP parameter [+] install script for vs2008 [-] output directed to platform-dependent folder ( fixed conflict with vs2005) [-] XmlConfig parameters was written to log incorrectly [+] Implementation of the function virtual bool SecurityDefinitionListener::onSecurityDefinition( const Engine::FIXMessage& dMsg ) was added to class ApplicationImpl. According to this files of InstrumentMatcher and file ApplicationImplCommands.inl were changed. [*] Interface of the class SecurityDefinitionListener was changed, method isNeedToStop was deleted, instead of virtual void onSecDesc( const Engine::FIXMessage& dMsg ) = 0 using virtual bool onSecurityDefinition( const Engine::FIXMessage& dMsg ) = 0; [-] Install script fixes [*] Fixed doxygen comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-05-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug #13049: Execution Report-Cancel(8) without tag 41 was rejected [-] Method FIXMessage::set(int, int64) truncates 64bit value to 32bit. [+] Added Application::onInvalidResendRequestEvent [+] Added Application::onResendRequestLoop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-05-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] SocketDispatcher: incorrect max_fd passed to the ::select function [*] Make refactoring for Properties class. Remove streams from class [*] Logger rafectoring. Remove exception in initialization process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-04-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FixProeprties: m_messageMustBeValidated, m_reasonableTransmissionTime and m_reconnectInterval are not initialized properly [*] MessageMustBeValidated, AllowZeroNumInGroup and AllowEmptyFieldValue properties are used for disabled Communication Level too. [+] Globex: added support of the fetching an entire security description message by SecurityDesc, Symbol, or SecurityID [-] .NET: Access violation is Session::Dispose() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-04-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Event::auto_ and state_ are not initialized in linux. [-] .NET: ConstTagValue::pNative_ is not initialized [-] FoF: SendMessageMediator2::tryToCreateSendTask is not well syncronized. [-] SessionsMgr::removeAndCloseConnection is not well syncronized [-] Acceptor reregister itself twice if error happenes in send and receive task simultaneously [-] .NET: Segmentation fault in MDApplication::!MDApplication [-] Globex: DataReader::interfaceIP_ is not initialized [*] .NET: Change character case of public methods [*] Globex: Make MDApplicationParams::activeConnections_ as vector. Remove activeConnectionsCount_ [*] Globex: Make DataReaderAbstract as referenable [-] Memory leak: FIXGroup::release should be called for FIXGroup instance [-] Memory leaks in FixEngine [-] Memory leaks fixed in FIXSCPSessionMgr::~FIXSCPSessionMgr --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-04-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] CME Globex protocol updated to support 1.11 revision [*] MAX_ALLOCATED_BUFFERS set to 15 [-] Application::onLogout is not called for Session::disconnectNonGracefuly [-] Session should clear outgoing queue before connect to remote side or accept incoming connection [+] Globex: Add extra information about Unexpected message event [-] FAST: Memory leak in Template::initialize if exception [-] Make refactoring of reference counted objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-03-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Bug 12345] New: Weird behaviour at Resend Request is observed [-] Access to the conf file is not syncronized in FixSessionUProtocol::process [-] [Bug 12375] Monitoring.enable breaks property naming convention [-] Incorrect parsing of non null-terminated string --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-03-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAST FIX session added [-] Replace B2BITS_XMLSTR with true XMLCH constant string. B2BITS_XMLSTR is incorrect on linux. [-] Session::disconnectNonGracefuly should not wait for outgoing messages --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-02-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] [Bug 12288] Session cannot be reestablished after disconnection [-] Fixopaedia: Memoryleak in the ConditionalReqiredExpression [*] Reset SeqNum before reconnect if ForceResetSeqNum is on [-] SessionState::onTimer: Disconnect to quickly [-] SessionState::onTimer: Stop HB after TR [*] TcpUProtocolConnectionAdaptor::makeUnactive() should call shutdown [*] testHB time corrections [*] FixEngine::createMDApplication: Check input parameters [-] LSS: string parameters parser is not cross-platform [-] LSS: MsgParser should be able to parse bad formed messages [-] [Bug 12076] Sequence Reset response for Resend Request is generated without 123=Y [-] Fast: DynamicFixMessage incorectly parses decimal string [*] Fast: Extra zeros for decimal [+] FastSession: Log outgoing messages [+] Fast: Mapper::Fast2App returns incorrect string size. [-] TotalOutgoingStorageMemoryLimit processed incorrecty. [-] Engine::String: remove template constructor from BasicString [-] Decimal: incorrect assert. [+] Add operator<< for WideString [-] onLogoutEvent is not called is disconnectNonGracefully --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-01-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed session disconnect while session sends Logout message. [*] Added parameter TotalOutgoingStorageMemoryLimit that specifies total amount of the memory that active sessions may use. When it overheads - the hardest session closed nongracefully. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-02-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] $(BOOST_NETLIB_INCLUDE) macro was added in licenseSystem for correct build you need to install 3d party library "cpp-netlib" last version you can find there: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2009-01-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Fixed IntervalTimer, time of the scheduled Tasks wasn't compared correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-12-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FieldAllocator: totalAllocated_ should be incremented in both cases [-] FieldAllocator: reserve, allocate: in case of malloc == NULL we should return NULL and nothing do [+] Add release to the RawBuffer [+] Add FIXVersion_Last item and change Version.cpp to use it --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-11-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] System::ClientSocket: connection on non-blocking socket is supported. [+] System::ClientSocket::untilConnected() added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-11-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Refactoring for GroupEntry::getFieldByIndex [+] Updated to the CME Globex v0.0.0.4 [-] Threads overruns to write binary log files. [-] remove NumberOfWorkers from ApplicationFactory [-] Add info about recovery to log [+] Support of multiple host-ip in configuration file was added --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-11-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] System::Socket::untilReadyToWrite(): parameter "timeout" is added. [+] System::InetAddress::cleanup() is added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-11-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Change Ferryman to work with Event directly because Condition has bug [-] Linker error: duplicate symbols. Remove inline methods from Exception and TagValue [*] The CmeFast was enabled [+] Correct comments for a set of identifiers [*] Ferryman: Refactoring, merge POD and Ptr versions [-] Ferryman: Twice unlock for quard [+] Ferryman: Add limit for queue [+] Utils::Logger: Add UTC/Local time output for Console and File [*] Move FIXMessage to parser [*] Globex: Turn on recovery [+] Utils::Ferryman: Add stop method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-10-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed message rejecting - incorrect protocol used to create HB message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-10-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The CmeFast was disabled --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Instance of AdminApplication was deleted twice in case of exception in FixEngine::init. [*] FIXMessage.cpp moved to fixParser [*] FIXGroup.cpp moved to fixParser [-] Parser: Add posibility to turn off protocols --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] IntervalTimer was corrected to handle timer overflow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Utils: FileProperties: Add ftell and fseek are not syncronized. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Redesigned Parser and CompositeFixMessage methods to reduce library size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FIXMessage::toString and setHBInterval() methods implementation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Parser 2005: Splitted into several library files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Misprints were corrected in output messages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-09-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Types: AsciiString, WideString, ByteVector has incorrect implementation of <, > operators [+] Fast: Add FIX44 toRaw and toString to DynamicFixMessage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed session-acceptor hang up during connect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] LocalMktDateType renamed to LocalMktDate [*] MonthYearType renamed to MonthYear [*] UTCTimestampType renamed to UTCTimestamp [*] UTCTimeOnlyType renamed to UTCTimeOnly [*] UTCDateOnlyType renamed to UTCDateOnly [*] Add more ways to create UTCDateOnly, UTCTimeOnly, UTCTimestamp, MonthYear and LocalMktDate [*] Globex: Correct mapping for month-year [+] FAST: Add FIXT11, FIX50SP1CME toRaw support --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] DynamicFixMessage: get/setSeqNum refers to TargetCompID [*] DynamicFixMessage refactoring [*] regenerate sources for fix50.sp1.cme for dictionary [*] rename System::Int32, Int64, UInt32, UInt64 to System::i32, i64, u32, u64 resp. [+] FixEngine:: Add initialization of FastAcceptorsSingleton [+] FastMessageAdaptor: add support fox FIXMessageEx [+] Initialize FastAcceptorsSingleton::pInstance_ with nullptr [+] add FIXMessageEx* FIXMessage::extend() method [*] Move FIXMessageEx to parser [*] Change inhertitance for CompositeFixMessage [+] Add samples for Fix-over-Fast session [+] DynamicFixMessage: Add support for FixMessageEx [+] FAST: Add start_tag to Group [*] UTILS: Move Reference impl to cpp [*] UTILS: Make reference as generic class --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected AdminApplication XMLCh usage to mak it compatible with Unix. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected message receiving, session may lost message received with Logon and send retransmit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Error strings are now public in Engine namespace. Currently used by AdminApplication --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-08-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Parser was corrected - romove() wasn't remove group tags correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Parsing was corrected - parser locates 1128 tag in message for FIXT11 protocol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Messages constructor was corrected - invalid value of BeginString tag assigned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] LicenseSystem::decodeString() optimized. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed message cloning, cache was not copied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Implementation corrected to build on Linux platfrom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected CompositeFixMessage::get() implementation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Monitoring. If monitoring is disabled, sessions with TargetCompID equal to FIXADMIN are processed as usual [*] Monitoring. Separator of AdminSessionNames parameter is changed to ',' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] AsciiString: removed default conversion to std::string operator [*] AsciiString: corrected operator[]. Now it returns value by reference. [+] Added SocketBinaryReader [+] Added classes for FIX serialization (refer to ::Engine::Serialize NS). [+] Fast::FixToFastAdapter: newSkel method added [+] Fast::FixToFastAdapter: Raise TemplateNotFoundException exception if remote party sends data for unknown template [+] Fast::FixToFastAdapter: Find message type by MsgType field too. [+] Fast::RawDataFieldValue: add more toInt implementations [+] Fast::Scp11Parser: add Alert parser [+] Fast::GroupEntry: interface improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] All extra parameters are set for administrative session. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Monitoring. Corrected info about AverageSentStat command [*] Monitoring. AdminApplication uses NA version if element is empty. Behaviour is applied to commands with not reqiured version. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] corrected work with empty value of xml node in AdminApplication::getChildNodeValue [+] Logging of monitoring events is added [*] Parameters AdminSessionDef are not required [*] Parameters AdminSession.*.Version are required [*] Parameter Monitoring.configFile is removed [*] Parameter AdminSessionDef.Version is removed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-07-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Monitoring was extended with commands: SessionsList, SessionStatus, GeneralSessionsStat, AverageReceivedStat, AverageSentStat, AverageValidateStat, ReceivedStat, SentStat, ProceedStat, ToBackup, ChangeSeqNum, ResetSeqNum, TestRequest, Heartbeat, SendMessage, DeleteAll, Help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Add more typified getters/setters to FIXMesage/FIXGroup [*] Some reorganization between FIXMessage and CustomFixMessage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Monitoring was extended with xml commands - createAcceptor, delete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected session disconnect - OnLogoutEvent fired when session unregistered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected session statistics calculation - it may cause deadlock. [-] Corrected unregistered acceptor creation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] AdminProperties storing method changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] AdminProperties storing method changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected unregistered acceptor creation and incoming connection processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Administrative and monitoring functionlity added: commands are Not implemented! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-06-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Removed FixSession. [!] Changed Session interface - added methods getReceivedMessages, getMsgStorageName and getSessionEx. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-05-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Removed MsgBody parser and fixopaedia. [!] Changed FIXMessage and FIXGroup interface - added get() and set() methods with different types, added contant getGroup() method, release() becomes constant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-05-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] LicenseSystem verifies license file existance and if it unable to load file fires exception with corresponding error. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-05-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Added FIX50 and FIXT11 protocols. [+] FIXEngine, Session interfaces were updated, FixTcpParameters and FixT11TcpParameters were added. [+] CompositeFixMessage and CustomFIXSession were implemented --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-05-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected session reconnect - session doesn't change state to Reconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-04-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FIX protocol in dictionary were extended with B2BITS_SMH and B2BITS_SMT auxiliary messages. [-] Dictionary implicitly add SMH and SMT tags to custom messages added via additional.xml --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-04-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected ProcessMsgExecTimeSensor implementation - on the multi CPU Windows platforms QueryPerformanceCounter may returns counter from different core. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-04-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FixSession::connect() behaviour - if forcesReconnect enabled but reconnectTries equals 0, exception is fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-03-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Updated FA project - duplicate rejecting mapping was included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-03-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Updated Reject mapping for the application messages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-03-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added IntervalTimer for the periodical tasks and AbsolutTimer for tasks with fixed execution time. Timers support clock adjustment. [*] FixTimer incapsulates IntervalTimer instead of Timer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-03-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected error message when confirming logon isn't received during LogoutTimeFrame. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-03-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added exception handling and logging at the Application callback calls. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-02-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Improved perfromance of the FileMessageStorage creation - it loads messages using index file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-02-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected Fast session behaviour - HB message was sent instead of TestReq [*] Added exception handling at HBTask::run() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-02-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Parser remember sequenses of raw data tags [*] Re-generate parser with new version of XML files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Length of RawBuffer checked while parsing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed static parser - it was unable to create user defined messages. [+] Improved performance of clone opration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected manual switch connection - it was start seperate reconnect procedure. [-] Updated log messages, note contains information about manual or automatic reconnect was executed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected the session reconnection procedure - it may executed incorrectly while session switch connection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected switch connection trace message at keepConnectionState mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected switch connection trace message - the target connection name is used. [-] Corrected Session::connect method when backup connection is active, parameters were copied incorrectly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The Lss fires exception if license is invalid (Lss was terminated). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2008-01-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The SessionExtraParameters extended with new parameters enableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection_ and cyclicSwitchBackupConnection_ to automaticaly switch to the backup connection. [+] The Session::connect() method was extended with new argument - ActiveConnection to allow connect to the primary or backup connection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] The spaces in values at are trimmed. [-] The misprint in notification messages were corrected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected message rerouting - the 370 tag is not updated for the FIX44 protocols. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Parser was extended with new function - fixMessageParser that allow to extract fix-like message from byte buffer, parse it split into the tag-value set. [-] Corrected implementation of the RWLock::unlock() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Updated error handling at Session creation when Sender (or Target) is invalid and file storage couldn't be created. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FixDictionary extended with FIX50 and FIXT1.1 metadata classes. Added new FIX50 types and validators. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-12-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Implementation updated to build on Linux platform --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-11-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Locking was be absent in some methods of FastFixSession --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-11-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] The event Application::onSessionLevelRejectEvent fired out of scope of FIX(FAST)Session lock. [+] Added methof FixSession::locateSentMessage() to locate outgoing message by seqNum [+] Added class AsyncFileStorageHandler to retrive messages from outgoing storage without blocking file message storage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-11-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] The Sequence GAP upper bound was added, if during seq Gap resolving session receives message with seqNum less GAP bound and without 43 tag - session will be closed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-11-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The event handler onUnexpectedMessageEvent was added into the Application and FastApplication. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Added synchronization lock at FixSession::connect() and FastFixSession::connect(). [*] Added method restoreSeqNum into the FixSession and FastFixSession - changed notification message when seqNums restored from storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Client type algorithm changed [-] Av in NewInLinkTask --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Implementation was updated to build under Linux. Version::fromString were updated - bsearch was removed. [+] For Windows platform System::Thread attaches SEH translator when created. [*] StatisticsProvider was extended by the getSessionState() method. [+] Added ExclusiveWorker for aggressive send mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Changed FAST - used Decimal instead of double inside FAST messages. Added Decimal::fromString() method. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed bug with EmptylyByteVector and PMap reader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed bug in FAST AsciiString and ByteVector parser. [-] NewInLinkTask behaviour was restored. [*] NOMINMAX macro added to B2BITS_SystemDefines.h. min and max macroses are disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-10-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FAST message parsing method is changed. Messages are not grouped in blocks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-09-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed seqGap handling - the PossDup flag added into SequenceReset message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-09-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added logging for the application messages that coudn't be processed by the seqGap issue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-09-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added licensing of dependent products. [-] Corrected Unix implementation of Socket::setNonblocking --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-09-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected *FastMessage::parseFix() methods, removed split call after 10 tag. [-] Corrected FastMessageAdaptor::get(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Removed macros FAST_ENABLED. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Additional logging was added at Utils::Dispatcher, Engine::FixSession and Engine::SendTask. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed issue in SendTask, when socket was closed and task unable to send messages session isn't terminated and removed from SessionMgr. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug in getFields() for FIXMessage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug with toRaw() for groups with changed start tag [+] Start tag can be changed in additional fields --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-08-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed issue in FileMessageStorage - when unable to load message from storage it will be skipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-07-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated Fast template, added tag 5675 into the X --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-07-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated Fast template - 5676, 5677, 5678 tag were added into the X. [*] Added exception handler at SessionState::processResendRequest(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-07-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed memory leak at FAST to FIX converion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-07-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] New FAST templates generated, X extended by the NoMDEntries->6075 tag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FastSession destructor implemented in header file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add tcpBufferDisabled and maxMessagesAmountInBunch parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected logout reason when Initiator unable to process confirming logon after reconnect or session restore --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add more diagnostic about invalid additional fields file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] New FAST classes generated --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Block loading from additional fields --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FastSsnMessageEvent event. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Generate FAST classes based on new template --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-06-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fix bugs in FAST Codec implementation [+] Add try/catch in ConcreteFastMessage::ConcreteFastMessage(const Engine::FIXMessage * fixmsg); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add more diagnostic for invalid Additional Fields file [-] Fixed some requred fields verification in Parser [-] Fixed uint32 FAST encoding --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed memory leak at FIXSession::enqueue() method. [*] Corrected MsgBody::exchangeField, when new and previous values have the same size the new block isn't allocated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] When session receives message with SeqNum that was handled earlier - corresponding warning will be wrote into the log. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected misprint at FIXProperties 'tryes'->'tries'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug with order of additional fields [+] Add more diagnostic in case of errors in additional fields file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug with toRaw() for RawData fields in groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add notification about additional fields loading --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Clone messages with user-defined fields fails [-] Fix test with DateTime Verifying --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Unknown exception with user-defined messages --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Remove DateTime verifying from FixMsg::set(), FixGrp::set() and static parser --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fix testMsgProcessor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Add pure virtual method - void checkFields(const FIXMessage& fixMessage) const into class Engine::FIXMsgProcessor (B2BITS_FIXMsgProcessor.h) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-05-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FAST decimal to string converting error [*] Removing check DateTime field values every time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] User defined fields lost while cloning --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] When LastSeqNum in ResendRequest message greater than existing, messages will be resent until existing SeqNum --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FAST message sending - WOULDBLOCK error handling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Check field values with checking required tags --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Bug with required additional groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed erase procedure of the sent buffer in ItemToSend --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FAST template was updated - SettlDate and SettlType were added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] In FAST templates 'int32' for char tags substituted by 'string' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Memory leaks in Fixopaedia [-] AdditionalFieldsFileName parameter with relative path - incorrect file opening --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Change parser implementation for "V" message --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FastMessage and FastGroup interfaces changed - RawBuffer removed from public interface. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Changed FAST template for "h" message [*] double to decimal convert [*] Improved toString() for FAST groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected implementation of the FastMessageAdaptor and FastGroupAdaptor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] getType() result for FAST messages --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAST session level was optimized --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAST messages implementation for "B", "C", "n", "h" FIX messages [*] Increase speed of FAST messages processing (removed temporary objects, Utils::RawBuffer instead of std::string) [*] Optimize FAST codec --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed conf file properties overwrite during session's reconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Test of FAST encoding/decoding [*] FastMessage and BinaryWriter use Utils::RawBuffer instead of std::string --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-04-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Removed 141 tag usage for FIX40 protocol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Decrease size of Parser lib (exception classes changed) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FixMessages project configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Added Fixopaedia library [*] Additional Field format changed to XML [*] 'Validation.AdditionalFieldsFileName' in instead of 'Validation.AdditionalFields' property [*] New version of the parser with two components: static parser (without Additional fields) and dynamic (using Fixopaedia) [-] Fix two test failed on Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected license days left text - when days=0 showed "License is expired today", added B2Bits phone number. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected changing CorrectlyTerminated property, when unregistered acceptor created and session closed in Initial/WaitForFirstLogon states. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fast implementation was made up-to-date. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Improved performance of the FixMessage::parse() and toRaw() calls. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FA writes corresponding error message into the log when unable to initialize license system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Messages sending optimization implemented - several messages joined and sent as one buffer. Memory manager implemented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Session registration at SessionManager is corrected - Manager verifies that same session already exists. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-03-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added notification at session creation about IngnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon enabling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] System::Condition is exported now. B2BITS_Condition.h was added, Condition.h becomes obsolete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] B2BITS_FIXMessages.h was added. Exported headers and implementation were changed becuase of the adding FixMessages library. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FIXMessage::setLastSentOutSeqNum() was optimized - lock was moved into the FilemsgStorage::setConfigInfo(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] FIXMessage::getFields and FIXGroup::getFields were changed - they returns FixFieldsContainer now. [*] FixFieldsContainer added into the B2BITS_PubEngineDefines.h --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Refactored FixSession enqueue() implementation to improve performance. [*] MsgProcessor interface changed to improve performance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected SendTask starting - when it restarts it self the SendTaskMediator will not be reset. [*] If send fails because of the WouldBlock error - SendTask will waits for ready to write and retry send operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FileProperty extended by the getProperties() method. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected SessionMgr::removeAcceptor() and removeInitiator() - sessionId removed from snIds_ container. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added method for getting remote address for session initiator. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected SendMessageMediator behaviour - SendTask will not started when previous just finish execution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] SendTask creation was corrected - SendMessageMediator contains state and decides when SendTask has to be created. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-02-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FixSession::enqueu() method - SendTask wasn't created when message enqueued and canSendMessages_ true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FixSession::markAsTerminated - when session already terminated nothing will be done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Updated NewOrderCross - the NoLegs group contains InstrumentLeg group intead of UnderlyingInstrument. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] When session disconnected at Reconnect state OnLogoutEvent fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Utils::FileProperty was extended by the registerProperty method. [*] New property - 'LastSentSeqNum' was added into the Session's conf file, it contains SeqNum of the last sent message --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] When at WaitForConfirmingLogon state LinkError appears - session going to the Terminate state --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected session restoring from TransientStorage. [-] Fixed TransientStorage's name construction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Changes LS error message when engine was terminated because of the FA version error. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Exception handling was added into the FixSession destructor. [*] Increased number because of the major changes since 1.3.3.* version --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FixEngine implementation was refactored. [*] FixSession puts information about session's params into engine.log when created --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FixMsgFactory::newSkel() behaviour - when protocol disables the attempt of the sessionLevel message creation will fire exception. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected FAProperties interface - methods were returns string instead of InetAddress object. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Logout event fired from Session::executeSessionTermination() to avoid session locking duting event handling. [+] Function ciStrCmp() added into the Utils. It performs a lowercase comparison of ASCII strings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Locking session at SessionMgr::active2terminate() call to avoid any session method calls while active2terminate executes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Implementation was updated - some redundant macros "ifdef CBUILDER_". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2007-01-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Implementation was updated to build FA by the BuilderC++6.0. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected FIXSession reference counting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added backup connection. Session extendad by the switchConnection method. Parameter backupConnParams added into the Session::connect() method. Property BackupDirectory was added into the --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Setters remover from FastSession, refactored setters implementation in FixFastSession --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added setters to FastSession: setEnableMessageRejecting, setIntradayLogoutToleranceMode, setForcedReconnect, setSenderLocationID, setTargetLocationID, setSenderSubID, setTargetSubID. Implemented in FixFastSession [+] Add setInSeqNum, setOutSeqNum to FastSession --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Added locking in Session setters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added pure virtual setters in Session, implemented in FixSession: setEnableMessageRejecting, setIntradayLogoutToleranceMode, setForcedReconnect, setSenderLocationID, setTargetLocationID, setSenderSubID, setTargetSubID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added FAProperties class that incapsulates FixAntenna property set. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Method Session::registerApplication extended by the delay and triesAmount parameters. When session unable to register new application, it will sleep for the delay and tries again (until triesAmount ends). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Message classes for FIX42, FIX43, BOX, ESFIX were regenerated to support AllowZeroNumInGroup property --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added AllowZeroNumInGroup property into the file. FixProperty was updated. Parser::Options and MsgProcessor were extended by the allowZeroNumInGroup member. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Into Timer memebers added verification that Timer wasn't cancelled, if it was exception was fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Member SessionExtraParameters::ignoreSeqNumTooLowAtInLogon_ renamed into ignoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon_. [-] Added synchronization locks into FixSession methods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added V12_API for exported entities [*] The printf and scanf calls were removed from System::Time methods - custom readers/writers used. [-] Corrected rollback of the engine::init() when it fails. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Parser was modified to able destroy messages after engine::destroy() call. MsgGroup call resize method that used additionalField structure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Code was refactored --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated unique file name construction - timestamp with AttemptCount used instead of GetTempFileName API call. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-12-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] const SessionExtraParameters* instead of SessionExtraParameters* prototypes and implementations of the methods createAcceptor in Engine::FixEngine class --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-29) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected session's reconnect tries counting. [-] Message reject convertor filters session level messages and doesn't create reject messages for them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected MT sensors behaviour when message isn't contains required tags. [-] Fixed message reject convertor - incorrect enumeration used for FIXVersion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FA adds unique suffix to the value of the LogFileName property. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Messages from license system logged into the TimeBreaker storage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added message rejecting for FIX44 protocol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] New Fast codec integrated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FastSessionState implementation refactored. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed Reject messages generator - message created for the specified protocol. For other protocols - message was cloned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Refactored implementation of the ReceiveTask, SendTask, FixSession, SessionsMgr. [*] When session receives Logout message, the Logout event fired at the end of the message handling --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Added macro FAST_ENABLED. Fast implementation wrapped with this macros. By default Fast implementation disabled --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Removed message coping when Fast message procceed in FE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FixSession reference counting when session reconnect fails. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FixSession reference counting at session's unregistered acceptor creation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FixSession reference counting at session's reconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-11-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed FixSession reference counting. [*] Method FixSession::put() and enqueue() takes FixMessage instead of FixMsg - static cast removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed SeqNum overflow - when SeqNum is going up to the MAX_INT - 1: 1) for FIX44 - Logon message was sent with SeqNumReset flag. 2) for FIX40 - Logout message was sent with corresponding description. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected W message - NoUnderlyings and NoLegs have to be inside NoRelatedSym group. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Parameter 'ResendMessagesBlockSize' added to able resend messages by blocks (at ResendRequest). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FixSession statistics collector was fixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Changed interface of toRaw method [+] Realisation of toRaw method [*] Optimization done for the Fast implementation: - clone() method use memcpy instead of cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Optimization done for the Fast implementation: - reserve() added at toString() method - cycles modified at FastTypeAux::prepareEncoding and FastTypeAux::flushEncoding - FastTypeAux::bool2String returns const string& - first send removed at SendTask --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed issue with sessions statistics data - localtime mixed with UTC time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Leading tag not setted in presence map --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fast binary encoding of signed numbers [-] FIXFieldValue to bool converting bug --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] At Market Data Request message groups NoUnderlyings and NoLegs moved into the NoRelatedSym group. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fast performance optimization executed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] memset in Fast constructors instead of loops --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fast and FIX sessions returns balansed trought put statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Tags in block changed to optional state (Fast messages template) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FastAllocator used for allocating and releasing memory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FAST parser updated - clone method fixed [*] FastFixSession clones message before enqueue for sent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FAST parser updated - added BusinessReject message [-] FAST parser updated - fixed nested group encoding/decoding [-] Fast codec fixed - decimal encoding corrected --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FAST parser updated - FastHello, Reset and Alert removed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fast interfaces updated to use in FixEdge - FastApplication::onSessionLevelMessageEvent removed FastSessionExtraParameters added --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed bug with not required groups [+] Added methods resetIncoming, resetOutgoing into DictionaryRepository --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed session reconnect. [*] Added session's throught put data into the session statistic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Corrected FAST template - generated code was updated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added methods FIXMsgProcessor::convertToFix() and FIXMsgProcessor::convertToFast(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed error at generated Fast code - 8 tag isn't represented at decoded message. [-] FastCodec calculates size of the Long variables. [*] Severity of the message rejecting notification changed to the debug. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added FAST session support. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added parameter UnregisteredAcceptor.IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon to handle seqNum too low problem. When it true - session continue with received SeqNum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-10-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Implementation was corrected to build on Linux platfrom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Added SessionExtraParametersImpl constructor with member's initialization. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] At method Socket::untilReadyToRead() argument timeout isn't constant (because of the cross-platform issue). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Dispatcher, MT and FixMsg was changed to improve performance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed session level messages processing when session gone to the Terminate state. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Forced reconnect disabled when session closed by the disconnect() call. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Changed mapping of the Reject messages - Condition for 37th tag for AC->9 was removed. 54th tag for AB->8 now is always taken from the 624th tag of the first "leg". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Changed mapping of the Reject messages - 461 tag replaced by the 201 tag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed uninitialized parameter ForceSeqNumReset for unregistered acceptors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Reject convertor was added - allow to create reject message for the initial message. Method FIXMsgProcessor::createReject() was added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] InitiateRejectTask started as nonnamed task - there are several InitiateRejectTask could be scheduled at the same time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-09-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Message rejecting added. Initiator and acceptor enable to reject application messages, when session unable to sent them. Added properties MessageTimeToLive and UnregisteredAcceptor.RejectMessageWhileNoConnection. [*] Peroperty CreateUnregisteredAcceptorSession renamed to the UnregisteredAcceptor.CreateSession. CreateUnregisteredAcceptorSession is obsolete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Tag 789 was added into Logon message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Performance optimization was executed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed UnabletoRouteMessage description. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed session reconnect - in cached Logon message removed tags PossDupFlag, PossResend, OrigSendingTime, LastMsgSeqNumProcessed,OnBehalfOfSendingTime, ResetSeqNumFlag, NextExpectedMsgSeqNum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed Logon message caching - when outSeqNum more than 0, tag 141 removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-08-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] SessionExtraParameters::forcedReconnect_ initialized to false by default --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Increased d number because of the major changes since version [*] MT Sensors changed from Utils::LazySingleton to Utils::Singleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated MT usage in MsgProcessor and MsgFactory to buil on Linux platfrom. [-] Fixed PersistentTransientStorage::remove_if broken iterator used in cycle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] When message with DeliverToCompID tag received and roing session isn't found - session isn't closed, FA fires onUnableToRouteMessage event that should be handled by application (create reject message for example). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] LicenseSystem and engine implementation updated to build on Linux platform. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] 'forcedReconnect' Initiator start reconnect at Initial state, when there were no acceptor exists. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Accepter before sending confirming logon synchronize session and storage inSeqNum --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-07-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added 'forcedReconnect' parameter for the session-Initiator. Session will reconnects in following situations: 1) In WaitForConfirmLogon state when session received not a confirming logon 2) In WaitForConfirmLogon state when logon frame expired 3) In Reconnect state when sesion was closed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-06-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Added exception handling in FileMsgStorage and MemoryMsgStorage at retrieveRemote() method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Stopping SessionMng before destroying EngineDispatcher to resolve situation when FixTimer executes tasks that use dead EngineDispatcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed acceptor crash when ForceSeqNumReset used - local SessionExtraParametersImpl passed to FIXSession, but it doesn't copy it - it takes ownership. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Renamed methods FixEngine::set(get)UnregSessionStorageType() into FixEngine::set(get)SessionStorageType() [*] Renamed parameter UnregisteredSessionStorageType into SessionStorageType. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] ForceSeqNumReset parameter moved into SessionExtraParameters structure. Parameter UnregisteredAcceptorSessionForceSeqNumReset (in renamed to ForceSeqNumReset. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added ForceSeqNumReset parameter into FixSession interface and UnregisteredAcceptorSessionForceSeqNumReset into to automaticaly resolve sequence gap problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed connection losts when huge message was sent (parsing takes too long). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected UDP socket behaviour under NT4 - fixed UDP socket initialization. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] WouldBlockException thrown when WouldBlock socket error appears, class declaration was moved into exported header B2BITS_SystemException.h --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Parser able to create user defined messages with types that doesn't begins from U. UD message should be defined in additional fields. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-05-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added set of definitions for sprintf, fopen, etc to fix security issues of VS2005. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected Logon method creation - tags UserName and Password added in FIXSession:enqueue(). [+] Added session parameter EncryptMethod. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed TransientMessageStorage behaviour at the session reconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] New property added into - UnregisteredSessionStorageType. This property specifies type of the session storage. [+] Added methods FixEngine::setUnregSessionStorageType() and FixEngine::getUnregSessionStorageType() into B2BITS_FIXEngine.h --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added transient sessions that use memory storage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added MT sensors to measure performace. [*] Engine::Statistics provides detailed statistics using MT data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-03-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed LS crash during long execution - problem was in LSCommPublisher, mutex didn't used for syncronization. [-] Corrected LS initialization for the FIXAntenna with 0 port. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-02-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected LS behaviour - LS terminates all redundant sessions [*] When engine stopped, creation of new sessions prevented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-02-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Corrected requirement attributes for following fields, blocks and groups: FIX 4.2 MsgType = E, HandlInst(21), R -> N FIX 4.3 MsgType = r, SettlmntTyp(63), R -> N MsgType = t, FutSettDate(64), R -> N MsgType = t, HandlInst(21), R -> N --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-02-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] New version of the License System was used in Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-02-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Corrected requirement attributes for following fields, blocks and groups: FIX 4.0 MsgType = J, NoMiscFees(136), R -> N FIX 4.2 MsgType = J, AllocPrice(366), R -> N MsgType = c, NoRelatedSym(146), R -> N MsgType = d, NoRelatedSym(146), R -> N MsgType = E, HandlInst(21), R -> N MsgType = i, Component block Instrument, R -> N MsgType = T, SettlInstRefID(214), R -> N FIX 4.3 MsgType = AD, Component block Instrument, R -> N MsgType = AE, MatchStatus(573), R -> N MsgType = AE, MatchType(574), R -> N MsgType = b, QuoteSet group (NoQuoteSet(296)), R -> N MsgType = k, BidDescriptor group (NoBidDescriptors(398)), R -> N MsgType = o, RegistRefID(508), R -> N MsgType = p, RegistRefID(508), R -> N MsgType = q, Component block Instrument, R -> N MsgType = q, Component block UnderlyingInstrument, R -> N MsgType = r, Component block Instrument, R -> N MsgType = r, Component block UnderlyingInstrument, R -> N MsgType = s, TradeOriginationDate(229), R -> N MsgType = s, Account(1), R -> N MsgType = t, TradeOriginationDate(229), R -> N MsgType = t, Account(1), R -> N MsgType = T, SettlInstRefID(214), R -> N FIX 4.4 MsgType = o, RegistRefID(508), R -> N MsgType = p, RegistRefID(508), R -> N MsgType = S, Side(54), R -> N MsgType = AM, OrigPosReqRefID(713), R -> C(T$712 in(2,3)) MsgType = AT, MatchStatus(573), C(T$87=0) -> N MsgType = AU, ConfirmRejReason(774), C(T$940=1) -> C(T$940=2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-02-03) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Corrected RawBuffer ussage at string construction (when RawBuffer empty). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-01-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Removed redundant notifications at Dispatcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2006-01-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Restored sending of the HeardBeat messages during application message handling. [-] Corrected long handling of the application messages - engine doesn't verifies received HB during handling to prevent session disconnection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-12-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed behaviour of the System::RWLock::tryLock() - in case of lock free, it executes lock operation. [-] Fixed error handling at System::Thread::start(). [-] Corrected behaviour of the Utils::TaskQueue::~TaskQueue() - it waits until all workers finish. [*] Updated project's GNUmakefile to build FinAntenna under Linux. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-12-27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Dispatcher was removed from Engine into Utils library. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-12-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed error 5465 in EchoServer: Active session does not change its state when it is closed from EchoServer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed error in engine - dispatcher fails because of WouldBlock error in ServerSocket::accept(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Contact information in license was updated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] fixed issue with sessions lost during long application message handling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] fixed rude usage of the FixSession members - methods used instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] fixed Utils test - run conditions at MsgSender::run() method fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-11-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] fixed System test - bugfix was in method Socket::isValidSD(), variable wasn't initialized. [*] configuration files were updated to enable executing automatic builds at NBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-10-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] getField method fixed to handle nested additional groups. [-] clone() method fixed to copy nested groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-10-10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Methods isSupported() and getFields() were added into FIXMessage. [*] Generator was updated to generate *.IsSupported.cpp files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-10-04) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Correct file names are now used when session with specific names are created (e.g. when underscore or dash is used in certain combination of SenderCompID and TargetCompID) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2005-08-31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Several issues are fixed for 64-bit compatibility mode. [!] Tag LegCurrency (556) is not considered as required for the Security Definition Request [+] Index (.ndx.out) file is now created for each out message file. It is used for fastening the loading of outgoing messages and the latest sequence number on restart. [+] New session parameter 'IntradayLogoutToleranceMode' that overrides engine property is added to the 'SessionExtraParameters' and can be used when creating session. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-11-15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Security-related patches were added to Linux makefiles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-11-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The SessionExtraParameters::sourceIPaddress_ member was added. [+] The SessionExtraParameters::password_ member was added. [+] The SessionExtraParameters::userName_ member was added. [*] Custom group fields ordering is followed as specified in Validation.AdditionalFields property --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-10-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Meaning of the OutgoingMessagesStorageSize configuration property was changed. [*] Format of FIX fields 866, 873, 874, 915, 916, 917, 956 is now verified for correspondence to LocalMktDate type. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-07-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] The increasing of the expected incoming sequence number after each restart was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-07-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] If the link cannot be restored then the terminal state is NON_GRACEFULLY_TERMINATED now. [+] The persistent storage is checked now during session's creation (not during engine's start). [+] The optional LogFileName configuration property was added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-07-28) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The Session::getEncryptionMethod() method was added. [*] The OrigSendingTime field is set now in the Sequence Reset-Reset message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-07-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The processing on an invalid Logon message was changed. [+] The support of of the PGP_DES_MD5 encryption was added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-06-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] The invalid processing of persistent information after several consecutive non-graceful termination of the same session was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-06-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The Session::getRole() method is 'const' now. [+] The version of the custom Logon message is checked now. [+] The custom Logon message is used during the connection restore too now. [-] The invalid processing of the original outgoing messages with the PossDupFlag flag was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-06-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The Application::onResend() method was added. [*] The Session::getRemoteHost() returns the IP address now if the host cannot be identified. [!] Group separator is always considered as a required field on validation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-06-07) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The optional configuration parameter TimestampsInLogs was added. [+] The FIXGroup::release() method was added. [+] The optional ResetSeqNumAfter24hours configuration property was added. [*] The arguments of the FIXMessage::setSender(), FIXMessage::setTarget() methods were changed. [+] The FIXMessage::getType() method was added. [-] The invalid handling of linefeed characters is fixed. [-] Invalid handling of multi-line E-mail messages during Persistent Recovery was fixed. [*] The Application::onLogoutEvent(..) is called now during Session::disconnectNonGracefully(). [*] Messages without RawData field are allowed if RawDataLength value is set to zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-04-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The SessionLevel Reject message is not published in the Application::process() method any more. [-] Invalid handling of disabling network under Windows was fixed. [-] Invalid handling of Session::disconnect() in the IntradayLogoutTolerance mode [+] The optional configuration parameter Validation.CheckRequiredGroupFields was added. [+] The format verification of new timestamp values in repeating groups was added. [-] Invalid processing of a custom repeating group in the non-first entry of the parent repeating group was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-03-22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The support of custom repeating groups was added. [+] The format verification of new timestamp values was added. [+] The support of user-defined FIX messages (e.g. U1, U2) was added. [*] Log files of non-gracefully terminated sessions are now analyzed only when the session with the same <SenderCompID, TargetCompID> is created. [-] The invalid processing of consecutive connect()/disconnect() calls in the IntradayLogoutTolerance mode was fixed. [-] The invalid processing of encrypted log directories was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-03-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Support of additional fields in repeating groups was added. [*] The FIXMessagesExtention class was renamed to the AdditionalField class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-02-18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The Tag enumeration was extended. [*] The default value for the forcefullyMarkAsTerminated parameter of the Session::disconnect() method was changed from 'true' to 'false'. [*] If the ListenPort is 0 then the telecommunication level is disabled. [*] If the current session state is WaitForFirstLogon and the Session::disconnect() method is called then the new state is the same state the session last disconnected in (either NonGracefullyTerminated or CorrectlyTerminated). [+] The Session::getStateAsString() method was added. [*] Superfluous calls of Application::onNewStateEvent() were removed. [*] The resources culture was changed to "Default". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-02-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The Application::onNewStateEvent() method was added. [+] The Session::disconnectNonGracefully() method was added. [*] The AcceptorWasClosed event was replaced with the SessionWasClosed event. [*] When a Session instance reaches the CorrectlyTerminated terminal state it resets the sequence numbers to 1 now. [+] User-defined messages support has been added. It is now possible to create and retrieve FIX messages with MsgType(35) set to 'Ux' where 'x' is some alpha-numeric sequence of characters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2004-02-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] The ability to work with host addresses even if the corresponding host name cannot be resolved by DNS was added. [+] The call-back method Application::onResendRequestEvent() was added. [+] The call-back method Application::onHeartbeatWithTestReqIDEvent() was added. [+] The testReqID argument is added to Session::ping(). [+] The ability to retrieve the number of entries in the repeating group was added by means of int FIXGroup::size(). [+] The ability to retrieve the leading field tag of the repeating group was added by means of int FIXGroup::leadingField(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-12-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Absence of repeating group leaded by 'NoUnderlyings' (tag 711) in 'Trade Capture Report' message (MsgType 'AE') fixed in 4.4 version of the FIX protocol. [*] The Validation.AdditionalFields configuration property was added. [*] The LogonTimeFrame configuration property was added. [*] Meaning of the Reconnect.MaxTries configuration property was changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-12-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Support of the FIX 4.4 was added. [*] Ability to send message while the session is in the "Initial" state was added. [*] The "ExtraSafeMode" configuration property was added. [*] The performance was improved. [*] The Benchmark sample was added to the release package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-11-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The restriction of "Two sessions with the same values of SenderCompID and TargetCompID can not be created" was added. [*] The void Session::connect(int HBI, int InMsgNum, int OutMsgNum, ...) method was removed. The calls to Session::setInSeqNum() and Session::setOutSeqNum() before the call to one of another Session::connect(...) method should be used. [*] The std::string* Session::getId() method was added. [*] FIXMessage::toRaw() member was added instead of deprecated getBuffer(). [*] Interface classes to specify messages additional fields at the initialization stage of FIX Engine redesigned to be simpler in usage. [*] Repeating groups handling mechanism was improved. Now content of all repeating group's entries remains valid after any group size changes. In addition, pointer to FIXGroup object (returned by getGroup()) also remains valid after group's size change. [*] The return type of the FixEngine::init() method was changed from 'void' to FixEngine*'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-10-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FIX messages additional fields management feature added. Now it is possible to specify custom fields with requirement attributes for any message of each FIX protocol version at the engine initialization stage. [*] User defined fields access speed was improved. [*] the LinkWasRestored class was added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-09-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] the IOBufSize configuration property is now redundant [*] the "ConnectAddress" configuration property can be empty now [*] the "ListenAddress" configuration property can be empty now [*] method FIXMsgProcessor:: bool check(const FIXMessage& fixMsg) const was added [*] method FIXMessage::getFields( FieldList* pList ) const has been added [*] memory corruption after FIXMessage::toString() call was fixed. [*] 'FIXMessage::toString() changes message fields' bug was fixed. [*] memory usage reduced for FIXMessage. [*] MSGProcessor::parse method speeded up to three times. [*] memory leak was fixed in FIX message header's fields. [*] FIXMsgProcessor::parse was improved to better handle invalid repeating groups. [*] FIXMsgProcessor::parse was improved to better handle truncated messages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna (2003-07-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] method FixEngine::backupLogFile(const std::string &backupFilePath) was added [*] access violation while creating message with non-existing message type was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 2 optional arguments were added to the FixEngine::init() method [*] the configuration properties 'LogDirectory' and 'LicenseFile' can be set as obsolete now [*] the configuration property 'EncryptionConfigFile' was removed as obsolete [*] method Engine::stop() was added [*] Parser's performance was improved --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] a new parameter (const FIXMessage& logonMsg) was added to the SessionsManager::onUnregisteredAcceptor method [*] method FixEngine::getListenPort() was added --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] methods SessionError::getSenderCompID(), SessionError::getTargetCompID() were added [*] methods SessionWarning ::getSenderCompID(), SessionWarning ::getTargetCompID() were added [*] methods SessionNotification::getSenderCompID(), SessionNotification::getTargetCompID() were added --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Memory corruption during timestamp verification was fixed [*] The invalid re-send of messages that originally have 'PossDupFlag = "N" was fixed [*] The prefix "B2BITS_" was added to the header files [*] A new optional argument was added to the Engine::createSession() method - SessionExtraParameters [*] in the Engine::createSession() method the default value "FIX42" was removed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The FIXMsgFactory::newSkel method sets the SendingTime tag (52) to the pre-defined value ("99990909-17:17:17") so there is no need to set it manually anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The format of the text field in the Session-Level Reject messages was improved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The bug related to the processing of the incoming messages with invalid Timestamp was fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The C++ API was significantly changed.