FIXML Converter Plugin


FIXML Converter Plugin created for easy customize FIXML converters according to dictionaries. It replaces generate-tools module. It has two goals: generate-jar and generate-source. By default it executes on phase generate-sources

Goal generate-source

This goal generates FIXML Converters source code for passed dictionaries. Input parameters:

Goal generate-jar

This goal generates FIXML Converters source code, compile and package it to jar. Jar will be named as fixmlconverter-model-VERSION.jar Input parameters:


Configure plugin something like this if you want generate sources of FIXML converters



Configure plugin something like this if you want generate source of FIXML converters, compile it and package to jar:


                <!-- Install jar to local maven repository-->
Generated on Wed Feb 21 01:14:15 2018 for FIXMLConverterJava by  doxygen 1.6.3