FIX Antenna Java ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [!] Important [+] New [-] Fixed error [*] Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.23 (2017-06-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Decoding logic for Millennium It system has been fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.20 (2017-05-30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Support for templates with references have been added [*] Encoding logic has been fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.8 (2015-10-30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed loading of channel configuration FAST Decoder: [*] Update FIXAJ up to 2.12.31 [*] Replace com.epam.xml.anotations imports with javax.xml.bind.annotation - migrate from FIXAJ annotations to standard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.7 (2014-10-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Decoder: [-] Fixed hashing fields during creating deep copy of FIXFieldList -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.6 (2014-08-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Decoder: [-] "Id" attribute isn't required for template -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.5 (2014-05-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor Cert Tool: [-] Remove default security description(ESZ8) on subscription by Security ID [-] Bug: First snapshot is not applicable to the book(subscription by Security ID) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.4 (2014-05-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Bug: Snapshot does not reach client listener on second subscription to instrument [-] Bug: "unsubscribeAll" is not affect on subscription to instrument by security description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.3 (2014-04-23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] BBP-1713: [BovespaFASTAdapter] Change logs folder name for advancedExamples and selftest [-] BBP-1860: Linux shell scripts are not included to FIXAntenna Java Bovespa adaptor package CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Bug: Snapshot does not reach client listener on second subscription to instrument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.2 (2014-01-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor Cert Tool: [-] BBP-1915: Test tool doesn't handle trade statistic from snapshot messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.1 (2014-01-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor Cert Tool: [-] Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException for book by order functionality [+] Added NewReader sample for handling news stream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.14.0 (2014-01-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] BBP-1861: Nullpointer exception when subscribing/unsubscribing to securities in CME adaptor [-] BBP-1849: Error when subscribing by securityID with CMEChannel Bovespa FAST Adaptor Cert Tool: [+] Added support order depth book -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.5 (2013-12-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME Market Data API: [+] Added hasMinLotSize(LotType) in SecurityDefinition interface in CME Market Data API CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed possible ConcurrentModificationExceptions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.4 (2013-12-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME Market Data API: [+] Added optional attributes "networkInterface, networkInterfaceA, networkInterfaceB" to Configuration. CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Updated configuration files in examples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.3 (2013-11-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [+] Added maxRequestDeltaForTCP property for TCP recovery. [-] Fixed NullPointerException in benchmarks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.2 (2013-11-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [+] Implemented UMDF 2.0. [-] Fixed StateChangedException and ConcurrentModificationExceptions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.1 (2013-09-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated FIXAJ dependencies up to 2.11.13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.13.0 (2013-08-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] BBP-921: Add notification about start and end securities list for CME Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [+] BBP-920: Add notification about start and end securities list for Bovespa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.12.2 (2013-03-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed paths to configuration files in samples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.12.1 (2013-03-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated FIXAJ dependencies up to 2.10.27 [*] Updated FIXML dependencies up to 2.4.25 CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed disconnection from Instrument Replay after listening few full cycles [-] Fixed recovery with TCP on channel API [*] Added logging about unresolved instruments [+] Implemented subscribeAll functionality for CME adapter [+] Implemented CME High Level Market Data API Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed SelfTestApp: passed Network Interface into application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.12.0 (2012-04-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Updated public adaptors API: added callback on end of increment message processing [*] Updated FIXAJ dependencies up to 2.10.9 CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Update CME InstrumentListener interface: added seqNum parameter to onIncrement method [-] Fixed issue with initial synchronization, when received "old" snapshot [+] Added the possibility to set the network interface for A and B feeds separately -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.29 (2012-04-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Deprecate some CMEChannel and CMEApplicationParam constructors. fast-docs: [-] Added missed CME classes to JavaDoc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.28 (2012-04-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed processing of snapshots in UMDF PUMA environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.27 (2012-04-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed resolving instruments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.26 (2012-03-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed ordering of onSubscribed and onUnsubscribed callbacks after resubscription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.25 (2012-03-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Added forcedRecovery mode for TCP Recovery (check gaps with SeqNum(34)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.24 (2012-03-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed processing of maxGapForTCP property -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.23 (2012-03-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [+] Added maxGapForTCP option for limit max gap for recovering by History recovery manager [-] Fixed processing of several increments in one message [-] Fixed running script for self-test tool with dumping UDP data [*] Configured to use transient FIX sessions for TCP recovery -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.22 (2012-03-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed recovery with Snapshot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.21 (2012-03-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed initial synchronization [-] Fixed recovery with Snapshot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.20 (2012-03-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed TCP Recovery -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.19 (2012-03-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed synchronization of recovering streams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.18 (2012-03-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed duplicated start recovery event when switching from History recovery to Market [-] Added queuing of recovery request during TCP connection starting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.18 (2012-03-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed processing of TCP Recovery request -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.17 (2012-03-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed packaging of self-test tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.16 (2012-03-02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed duplication of SecurityDescription messages Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed subscription for several instruments (issue with concurrent snapshots) [-] Fixed passing SeqNum(34) to IncrementListener.onIncrement() callback [-] Fixed recovery [+] Added self-test tool with dumping [*] Increase internal queues to be able store increments between snapshots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.15 (2012-02-22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed subscription for all data on channel (via CMEChannel API) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.14 (2012-02-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Send onRecoveryStarted\onRecoveryStopped in initial recovery mode CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed subscription for all data on channel (for UDS Instrument Delete test) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.13 (2012-02-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed disconnection from Snapshots after listening few full cycles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.12 (2012-02-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed disconnection from Instrument Replay after listening few full cycles CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Updated FIXAJ dependencies up to 2.10.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.11 (2012-02-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added configuration for active channels in config [+] Fixed subscription by channel ID [+] Added disconnection from Instrument Replay after listening few full cycles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.10 (2012-02-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added subscription by channel ID (subscribe for all data on the channel) [*] Passed all messages from incremental feed to MessageListener -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.9 (2012-02-08) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed setting buffer size for UDP transport [-] Fixed initial recovery [-] Fixed processing overflow of instrument's queue [*] Increased default size of queues [*] Added build script for sample tool [-] Fixed premature finishing of Market recovery process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.8 (2011-11-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added several samples to package CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Updated FIXAJ dependencies up to 2.10.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.7 (2011-12-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Updated license information for logging [*] Updated license mechanism: added optional check of environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.6 (2011-12-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added forced recovery mode [*] Added discarding of duplicated TCP recovery requests CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [+] Added disconnection from snapshots after listening few full cycles (for instrument without initial data) fast-cme-certificate-cmd-tool: [*] Autoadjust book depth for subscribed instruments fast-bovespa-certificate-cmd-tool: [*] Add subscribe to all option [*] Add run many cmd file Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fix error with parsing config while use market recovery [-] Fix error with processing component error messages [+] Add recovery after overflow [-] Fixed disconnection from feeds [-] Fixed gap detection in case of single feed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.5 (2011-12-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added disconnection from snapshots after listening few full cycles (for instrument without initial data) CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed processing of reordered packets Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed possible problem with playing queue after snapshot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.4 (2011-12-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed processing property for changing default socket reading buffer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.4 (2011-12-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed problem with processing out of order (mixed) increments CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Optimizing perfomance [+] Added property for changing default socket reading buffer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.3 (2011-12-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed transport-level logic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.2 (2011-12-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Added filtering of unexpected snapshots [*] Improve recovery logic [-] Fixed decoding of package ID CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Change the way of filtering duplicate mesages [-] Fixed decoding Delta operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.1 (2011-12-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Add property for configuration minimum hole in messages [*] Minimize change to init recovery [*] Separate "Initial Snapshot" recovery reason Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [*] Optimize strategy for processing snapshots [*] Updated FAST templates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.11.0 (2011-12-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed recovery adaptor [+] Added logic for effective gap detection [-] Fixed Market recovery logic CME FAST Adaptor: Bovespa FAST Adaptor: [-] Optimized decoder [*] Replaced global decoding pool to pool per stream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-12-02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Clean code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-12-02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed configuration files for package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-12-01) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed stopping the adapter [+] Added earlier filtering of duplicated UDP packets -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-11-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added TCP recovery [*] Optimized CME FAST Decoder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-11-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Moved decoding of messages in blocking thread pool [+] Added configuration for main parameters of thread pool [+] Added benchmark test for CME decoder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-11-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [*] Improved parallel processing of incoming messages. [+] Added logging of gaps in stream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java (2011-11-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Added parallel processing of incoming messages (based on ThreadPool) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.18 (2011-10-26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed parsing of CME config with leading/trailing spaces in IP description [-] Fixed NPE during Natural recovery process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.17 (2011-10-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [-] Fixed hanging during processing increments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.16 (2011-10-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CME FAST Adaptor: [+] Added several samples for CME Channel [-] Fixed growing of queue for incoming increments fast-cme-certificate-cmd-tool: [-] Fixed running script [-] Added building scripts [+] Added loading instruments from file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.15 (2011-09-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed splitting of Secure List messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.14 (2011-09-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bovespa: [-] Fixed detection of losing of the last chunk of message [-] Fixed splitting of Secure List messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.13 (2011-09-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bovespa: [-] Fix errors in processing increments [-] Fix incorrect stopping recovery [+] Add simple skipping duplicate message [+] Add hole detection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.12 (2011-08-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Add possibility to customize natural refresh on CME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.11 (2011-08-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed processing of trade statistic from snapshots in CME certification tool [*] Discard display factory for quotes in CME certification tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.10 (2011-08-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed decoding of sequences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.9 (2011-08-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added possibility to set network interface for CME certification tool [-] Fixed infinite loop on snapshot processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.8 (2011-08-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added processing of Empty Book ('J') entries in certification tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.7 (2011-08-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Added more information about recovery [*] Make configurable instrument corridor size -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.6 (2011-08-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed decoding values with delta [-] Fixed synchronization issue with opening/closing snapshot channels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.5 (2011-08-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed sample for BOVESPA adaptor [-] Fixed NPE in case if absent SecurityGroup(1151) in message "d" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.4 (2011-07-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Add samples for converting BOVESPA FAST to FIX [*] Print license information into log [-] Fixed synchronization of sequence processing by parallel feeds. [-] Fixed decoding of large sequences (with length > 500) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.3 (2011-06-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fixed API documentation [-] Fixed FAST engine: tag of the repeating group exists more then once -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.2 (2011-06-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Fixed obfuscating of fast engine library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.1 (2011-06-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.10.0 (2011-06-08) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Updated documentation [*] Updated public API: added methods stop to Channel interface [*] Add to public api package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.9.3 (2011-06-01) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fast-engine: [+] Added adaptor module [*] Marked bovespafastadaptor api module as deprecated fast-bovespa: [+] Added subscription by sec group [*] Updated batch message processing of history replay feed [-] Fixed bug: abnormal behavior after receiving of snapshot message fast-bovespa-cert-tool: [+] Added news manger for cert tool [+] Added book depth parameter [-] Fixed print of security status fast-cme-xmlbeans: [*] Made channel id as string type fast-docs: [*] Added doc for bovespa adaptor [*] Updated documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST Antenna Java 2.9.2 (2011-05-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Exclude fast projects from fixaj fast-bovespa: [+] Added network interface for udp transport [+] Added finder methods for instrument searching [+] Added cert tool [-] Fixed double subscription to instrument [*] Updated backup and main feeds logic of message processing [+] Create package for EBS FAST Adapter [+] Add sample for EBS FAST Adapter [*] Updated documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.9.1 (2011-05-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-bovespa: [*] include samples into release package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.9.0 (2011-05-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-bovespa: [+] Added bovespa fast adaptor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.7 (2011-05-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Made enabled Nagle's algorithm by default (TCP_NO_DELAY=false) - fot better throughput. fixaj-docs: [*] Update description of enableNagle option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.6 (2011-05-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-testtols: [*] Fixed configuration of heartbeat interval for initiator session fixaj-engine: [*] Fixed latency tests transport to be affected by enableNagle option [-] Fixed processing of enableNagle option from config: now it uses as !TCP_NO_DELAY. [-] Disabled verification of license's restrictions via UDP fixaj-cme: [+] Added network interface for udp transport fixaj-docs: [*] Updated FAQ and Configuration topics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.5 (2011-04-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Show stack traces only for debug logging level fixaj-validation: [-] Fixed behaviour of function FIXUtil.getMessageFieldDefHier() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.4 (2011-04-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-validation: [-] Fixed behaviour of function FIXUtil.getMessageFieldDefHier() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.3 (2011-04-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-validation: [-] Bug 16851 - Conditionally required rule should not be used for message validation if the new rule loaded from additional dictionary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.2 (2011-04-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Refactored API for session scheduler. fixaj-docs: [*] Updated documentation for session scheduler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.1 (2011-03-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed filtering of scheduled incoming sessions fixaj-docs: [*] Added API description for session scheduler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.8.0 (2011-03-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Updated license mechanism: added optional check of environment [-] Fixed reloading dictionaries via ValidationEngine [+] Added scheduler for start/stop sessions [*] Added more utility methods for work with dictionaries [+] Made possible to create indexed incoming storage ("incomingStorageIndexed" option) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.7.2 (2011-03-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Bug 16830: ByteBuffer exception when trying to encrypt large message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.7.1 (2011-03-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed customization of dictionary for acceptor session [-] Bug 16817 - Incoming msg with invalid SecureDataLenght should be ignored fixaj-testtols: [+] Add possibility to choose custom dictionary for session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.7.0 (2011-03-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Add possibility of dictionary customization for each session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.5 (2011-03-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Bug 16796 - Reject was not sent for message that cannot be decrypted [-] Bug 16815 - Encrypted messages saved to incoming log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.4 (2011-03-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed problem with messages decryption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.3 (2011-03-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Send reject for invalid SecureDataLength [-] Bug 16796 - Reject was not sent for message that cannot be decrypted [-] Bug 16798 - [DES]: Unclear reaction on encrypted message if passkey is different -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.2 (2011-03-01) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed behaviour for origSendingTimeChecking option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.1 (2011-02-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed resetting sequences on acceptor [-] Fixed Signature and SignatureLength place order for encrypted messages [-] Fixed reopening of persistent queue fixaj-docs [*] Update manual for FIX messages encryption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.6.0 (2011-02-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Bug 16702: FIXAJ should send Logon with 1137 tag for FIXT.1.1 after ResetSeqNumTime [-] Bug 16705: The session was not restored after reconnect [+] Added messages encryption [+] Added passing of validation errors for incoming messages to ErrorHandler [+] Added passing of notification about rejected messages to ErrorHandler [+] Added option for checking OrigSendingTime: origSendingTimeChecking [+] Added option for heartbeat reasonable transmission time: heartbeatReasonableTransmissionTime [-] Fixed resetting sequences for offline sessions fixaj-docs [*] Updated docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.5.0 (2011-02-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Added cleaning of message storage during sequence reset (storageCleanupMode option) [-] Fixed daily sequences reset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.30 (2011-01-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Added scheduler [+] Added daily sequences reset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.29 (2011-01-26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed parsing messages from the middle of byte buffer [-] Fixed storage processing of messages when the storage is closed [-] Fixed hung when engine connected/disconnected [+] Added "turn of" mode for session [+] Add maxDelayToSendAfterLogon option to config [-] Fixed synchronization problem in persistent storage fixaj-docs: [+] Updated docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.28 (2010-12-30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Set expiration date for demo license to 1.02.2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.27 (2010-12-28) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Bug 16499: Incorrect value of 36 tag in the SeqReset-GapFill was received if EndSeqNo of ResendRequest greater than current sequence [-] Bug 14711: FIXAJ should resend all messages with SeqNum <= LastSentSeqNum if EndSeqNum in Resend Request is too large fixaj-examples: [-] Bug 16487: Pause dialog should be added in the "console" samples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.26 (2010-12-22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [!] Changed logic for resendRequestNumberOfMessagesLimit parameter [-] Bug 16486: Retransmitted application level messages should not be skipped [-] Bug 16482: SeqReset-GapFill messages should not be skipped fixaj-examples: [-] Bug 16489: Some messages were not generated using the SimpleFlatOrderSender example -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.25 (2010-12-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [+] Added storageType parameter for autostart sessions [-] Bug 16421: [AdminSession]: New type of status "reconnecting" should be implemented fixaj-engine: [!] Added maxRequestResendInBlock parameter [*] Updated logic for resendRequestNumberOfMessagesLimit parameter [-] Bug 16341: FIXAJ should send Logout if message with sequence number too low without PossDupFlag has been received [-] Bug 16303: FIXAJ sends incorrect Sequence Reset-GapFill message [-] Bug 15718: Logout message should be sent when after Resend Request engine received message with SeqNum=fixaj-message: [+] Added removeTag method to FIXFieldList fixaj-examples: [-] Bug 16399: FIX_QuickStart sample must send ERs back [*] Updated samples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.24 (2010-11-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Added maxMessagesToSendInBatch parameter [-] Bug 16333: Logon message was sent without 141=Y for FIX.4.1 [-] Bug 16337: The completive Sequence Reset GapFill message sent with incorrect sequence number [-] Bug 16334: Validation error for 7 and 16 tags in the ResendRequest message [-] Bug 16344: Attribute LastRRSeqNum should be removed only if unreceived message was stored in the in.log fixaj-validation [-] Bug 16336: Incorrect NumInGroup value caused "Not a number" exception fixaj-examples [-] Bug 16346:Incorrect messages were generated using other examples fixaj-docs [-] Bug 16347 Difference between the documentation and component in the engine-addons package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.23 (2010-11-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Updated license functionality fixaj-testtols: [+] Added tester module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.22 (2010-11-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 16289: Unreceived sequence has not been saved in the properties file [-] Fixed 16303: FIXAJ sends incorrect Sequence Reset-GapFill message fixaj-admin: [*] Updated fixadmin protocol to 1.0.3 version fixaj-docs [*] updated Programer's Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.21 (2010-10-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 16268: FIXAJ rejects FIXICC requests if RequestID is lower than previous [-] Fixed 16269: FIXAJ should not reject ChangeSeqNum command with one parameter [-] Fixed bug: FIXAJ should send message with one 141 tags when ResetSeqNum command received [-] Fixed 16271: FIXAJ terminates session if Logon with 34=1 and 141=Y is received [-] Fixed bug: ConnectAddress parameter does not work correctly for multiply clients fixaj-docs: [*] Updated docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.20 (2010-10-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [!] Priority of call of the system RR handler was changed in view of the RR problem [-] Fixed 16259: License expiration or invalid license information should be changed [-] Fixed bug: Synchronization of outgoing queue is not working properly fixaj-docs: [*] Updated docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.19 (2010-09-08) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [*] Updated substitution for storageDirectory property [+] Use system properties for substitution in configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.18 (2010-09-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Added ConnectAddress parameter for multi-homed host [-] Fixed 15990: OrigSendingTime differs from the original and caused problems with sending SequenseReset message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.17 (2010-08-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Added substitution for storageDirectory property [-] Fixed 15981: Incorrect behavior after receiving a SequenceReset message [-] Fixed 15990: OrigSendingTime differs from the original and caused problems with sending SequenseReset message [-] Fixed 15993: After session restart, incorrect storing of outgoing messages was detected [-] Fixed 15763: Logon response was accepted with same SenderCompID and TargetCompID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.16 (2010-08-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [+] Pumped flat message storage [-] Fixed 15970: After Logon exchange FIXAJ should not send resend request with 34=1 [-] Fixed 15823: Setting "timestampsInLogs" should be added in the FIXAJ engine [-] Fixed 15843: License: using sessionExpirationPeriod license expiration mechanism has not been executed in the required time [-] Fixed 15837: License: using enginesLimit parameter, only last launched session should be disconnected [-] Fixed 15842: License expiration should be on the local time [-] Fixed 15845: License: using openedSessionsLimit parameter, license expiration mechanism has been terminated all session [-] Fixed 15841: New line characters (\n) should be removed in the messages about license expiration [-] Fixed 15795: Setting "timeZone" should be added in the FIXAJ engine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.15 (2010-07-30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-docs: [-] Fixed 15801: Information about parameter "forceSeqNumReset" should be added [-] Fixed 15182: ResultCode description should be added in the documentation fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15795: Setting "timeZone" should be added in the FIXAJ engine [-] Fixed 15595: Incorrect calculation of the length of message in the resent message fixaj-testtools: [-] Fixed 15789: Exception "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" appears after 15 minutes of work fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15512: Description for SessionsList command should be changed [-] Fixed 15749: Session was not immediately switched to backup connection using command "ToBackup" fixaj-engine-examples: [-] Fixed 15791: Exception appeared after starting some examples from \examples\base fixaj-fixmlconverter: [-] Fixed unix scripts for samples and benchmarks [-] Fixed 15719: Incorrect around conversion FIX-FIXML-FIX for MsgType=l (lowercase L) FIX.5.0SP2 [-] Fixed 15720: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=m FIX.5.0SP2 [-] Fixed 15721: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=V FIX.5.0SP2 [-] Fixed 15722: Incorrect conversion FIX-FIXML for MsgType=Z FIX.5.0SP2 fixaj-fast: [-] Fixed unix scripts for samples and benchmarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.14 (2010-07-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15754: Outgoing logging problem [-] Fixed 15764: Reasons and messages "Invalid Sender or TargetCompId" should be changed fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15746: Values for parameter "ForceSeqNumReset" should be changed in the response message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.13 (2010-07-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15754: Outgoing logging problem [-] Fixed 15729: FIXAJ sent Logon response with 141=Y on the Logon from initiator without 141=Y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.12 (2010-07-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15751: Session was not created using command "CreateInitiator" with parameter HBI fixaj-fixmlconverter-generate-tools: [*] Updated generate guide fixaj-engine: [!] Performance optimization [-] Fixed 15729: FIXAJ sent Logon response with 141=Y on the Logon from initiator without 141=Y [-] Fixed 15716: Logon should not be send with 141=Y after reconnect if forceSeqNumReset = OneTime [-] Fixed 15607: Information about parameter "maxMessageSize" should be expanded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.11 (2010-07-02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-fixmlconverter: [-] Fixed 15698: FIXML with the batch of messages should be converted to FIX [-] Fixed 15703: Warning message appears in the transformation process in the module "compile.src" fixaj-fixmlconverter-generate-tools: [!] Added merge xsl script for fixml full generation (fixml 4.4 - 5.0sp2) [*] Updated docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.10 (2010-06-30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-fixmlconverter: [+] Added generate-tools module [-] Fixed 14155: Two or more messages should be parsed and FIXML should be created [-] Fixed 15635: FIXMLconverter can not convert the message where repeating group meets without first tag [-] Fixed 15670: Messages FIX.5.0, 5.0SP1, 5.0SP2 with TZTimestamp datatype are not converted in FIXML fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15616: List of supported command and Help response should be generated in alphabetical order [-] Fixed 15515: Unsupported command should receive the appropriate ResponseCode and Description [-] Fixed 15511: "Subscribe only" parameter for SessionsList command should send information about new sessions [-] Fixed 15614: "SessionSnapshot" is absent in the "Help" response [-] Fixed 15620: Incorrect value for parameters " EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection" and "CyclicSwitchBackupConnection" in the response message [-] Fixed 15619: Incorrect value for parameter "EnableMessageRejecting" in the response messages fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15645: Session was not restored after reconnect [-] Fixed 15526: Information about maxMessageSize should be recorded in the fixaj.log [-] Fixed 15626: Setting "forceSeqNumReset" should be added in the fixaj-validation: [-] Fixed 15582: Suspicion: validator considered 381 tag as 38 fixaj-testtools: [-] Fixed 15613: Settings "Preload Dictionaries" for FIX.5.0SP1 and FIX.5.0SP2 should be added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.9 (2010-06-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15198: "DeleteAll" command should not terminate the Admins session [-] Fixed 15514: "Seq reset to: for session " message should be recorded in the fixaj.log after execution of command "ChangeSeqNum" [-] Fixed 15511: "Subscribe only" parameter for SessionsList command should send information about new sessions [-] Fixed 15552: "Fails" should be changed to "Failed" [-] Fixed 15515: Unsupported command should receive the appropriate ResponseCode and Description [-] Fixed 15218: Response "HelpData" should be added [-] Fixed 15201: Logout was sent without a text for tag 58 fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15551: Incoming message was lost after the Logons exchange [-] Fixed 15483: Message with garbled trailer caused session termination [-] Fixed 15522: Unexpected exception appears after parse long messages after session reconnect [-] Fixed 15527: Common level logging caused Message is too long exception should be replaced [-] Fixed 15319: Message without tag 35 caused NullPointerException and session termination fixaj-docs: [-] fixed small misprints fixaj-testtools [-] Fixed 15439: Raw tags list are not supported for FIX.5.0SP1 and FIX.5.0SP2 sessions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.8 (2010-05-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Removed onlyContentValidation parameter from fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15466: Unexpected message type caused session terminated if onlyContentValidation=true [-] Fixed 15470: "Resend Request -- Sequence reset" mechanism is broken fixaj-samples: [-] Fixed 15465: Unexpected reason for the Logout message in the Base Samples fixaj-fast: [-] Fixed 15069 : runSimpleFastClient.bat from \fixaj-fastengine-2.4.1\examples\bin is not started fixaj-testtools: [-] Fixed 15035 : Error appeared after starting runCMEFASTClient.bat fixaj-docs: [-] fixed small misprints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.7 (2010-05-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15201: Logout was sent without a text for tag 58 [-] Fixed 15238: Limitation of parameters for a single session are not supported [-] Fixed 15219: Description for incorrect command should be changed [-] Fixed 15313: Description with special xml symbol should be changed fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15287: "Only content validation is on" message should be added [-] Fixed 15286: Setting welformedValidator should be renamed and comment for it should be added [-] Fixed 15319: Message without tag 35 caused NullPointerException and session termination fixaj-validation: [-] Fixed 15284: Required tags for Header of message (49, 56, 52) must be necessarily validated fixaj-samples: [-] Fixed 15065: mySrvKeystore.key (RSA key) is not generated fixaj-fixmlconverter: [-] Fixed 15350: log4j properties should be added in the fixmlconverter pack [-] Fixed 15351: lUser-friendly information should be implemented in the fixmlconverter tools fixaj-docs: [*] updated Programmers Guide [*] updated API description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.6 (2010-04-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15222: Revised error reporting for garbled messages [-] Fixed 15226: Runtime exceptions when resending invalid messages fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15238: Limitation of parameters for a single session are not supported [-] Fixed 15262: On the incorrect xml message should be received Response message implying that the request was invalid [-] Fixed 15263: Description for missing required xml parameter should be changed and added [-] Fixed 15266: Absence of FIX-message in the "SendMessage" command should not affect in the intended session and RAI error message should be changed fixaj-engine-examples: [-] Fixed 15253: runAdditionalValidationSample44 should be added in fixaj-engine-full package fixaj-fixmlconverter: [*] Splitted examples to simple examples and conversion tools for usage in command line fixaj-docs: [-] Fixed 15258: "In the diagram below" words should be deleted [-] Fixed 15257: In the Application Versioning should be added information about FIX 5.0 SP2 [-] Fixed generation of API docs for FIXMLConverter and some adaptor modules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.5 (2010-04-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 15217: Garbled message with incorrect length of message causes incorrect error message [-] Fixed 12193: FAJ incorrectly processes valid message received after garbled message fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15179: Mechanism of server response for incorrect xml messages should be added [-] Fixed 15166: Special symbol "#" RAI mechanism considered as incorrect [-] Fixed 15221: Out of range Enumerate value doesn't cause an error Response fixaj-docs: [-] Fixed 15082: Information about negative values of several parameters should be added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.4 (2010-04-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed Unix scripts for running examples, benchmarks and tools [+] Added Unix scripts for JMSAdaptor and ICEAdaptor modules [-] Removed Sun JVM specific options from the launching scripts [+] Added Unix script to generate keys in the base examples [!] Increased default value of allowed max size of incoming messages fixaj-validation: [!] FIXTypesEnum.UTCTIMESTAMP40 and FIXTypesEnum.MONTHYEAR44 deprecated now [!] Changed version of dictionary dependencies from fixprotocol-fix-legacy to fixprotocol-fix: 1) FIX 4.0, 4.1: char type is not renamed to String now 2) FIX 4.0: time type is not renamed to UTCTimestamp40 now 3) FIX 4.4: month-year type is not renamed to month-year44 now 4) FIX 4.0, 4.1, 4.2: int type of all fields which used for string length of raw data values is not renamed to Length now fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15161: Reject is not sent trying to use the same RequestID second and subsequent times [-] Fixed 15170: Session using the RAI was not created. [-] Fixed 15178: ResultCode description should be added and changed. [-] Fixed 15199: Default value for "SendLogout" is not supported. [-] Fixed 15200: Value for "LogoutReason" is not supported. [-] Fixed 15201: Logout was sent without a text for tag 58. fixaj-docs: [-] Fixed 15038: Samples descriptions is obsolete. [-] Fixed 15156: Description for parameter "forcedLogoffTimeout" should be changed [-] Fixed 15169: New: Incorrect comment to the command "SessionParams" fixaj-model: [-] Fixed invalid conversion of month-year values for FIX 4.4 and above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.3 (2010-03-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Removed redundant dependencies between modules fixaj-docs: [-] Fixed 15034: Package structure description is obsolete [-] Fixed 15029: Removed generation of outdated state transition diagram [-] Fixed 15038: Samples descriptions is obsolete [*] Updated "Monitoring and Administration" section of the manual fixaj-engine: [-] Fixed 14837: Tag 369 should be include in message automatically if includeLastProcessed=true [-] Fixed 14835: autoreconnectDelayInMs interval should be checked before reconnect attempt [-] Fixed 15081: FIXAJ behavior if several parameters are presented as negative number [-] Fixed 15088: Correct value of TZTimestamp considered as incorrect data type fixaj-engine-addons: [+] Added benchmarks from fixaj-engine-full distribution fixaj-fixmlconverter: [-] Fixed 14967: Commission repeating group incorrectly converted for FIX.4.2 fixaj-engine-examples: [-] Fixed 15085: The Admin Messages sent by Admin Session are rejected. fixaj-validation: [-] Fixed 15090: Correct value of Month-Year considered as incorrect data type [-] Fixed 15091: Correct value of MultipleCharValue considered as incorrect data type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.2 (2010-03-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-validations: [-] Fixed 15039: FIXT1.1. sessions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 aren't created [-] Fixed 15064: Unexpected behavior after first Heartbeat for FIXT.1.1 Examples: [-] Fixed 15021: runSimpleServerWihtAdminSession should be renamed [-] Fixed 15065: mySrvKeystore.key (RSA key) is not generated fixaj-testtools: [-] Fixed 15035: Error appeared after starting runCMEFASTClient.bat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.1 (2010-03-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixaj-admin: [-] Fixed 15048: Admin session is broken. FIX Validations: [-] Fixed 15039: FIXT1.1. sessions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 aren't created Docs: [-] Fixed 15026: Incorrect hyperlink in Fill Change Log [-] Fixed 15028: File FIXMessage.gif is absent [-] Fixed 15031: Files throughput.jpg and latency.jpg is absent [*] Updated FIXML Converter page Examples: [-] Fixed 15022: Some command from \examples\base caused "log4j system properly" [-] Fixed 15019: All .bat files from \examples\command were not started [-] Fixed 15020: Change content of the *.bat file caused "The input line is too long" DOS error Fast: [-] Fixed 15036: All command from examples\bin caused "log4j system properly" [-] Fixed 15024: Exception appeared after starting runFASTBenchmarks.bat Model: [+] Added model generation for 5.0sp1 and 5.0sp2 FIXML Converter: [-] Fixed 14178: Added throwing of exception in case of unsupported message type detected [-] Fixed parsing of '1' and '0' values of xs:boolean [-] Fixed inserting of start field of repeating group into invalid position when attribute for start field wasn't in first position of the element -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.4.0 (2010-03-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Changed names of all packaged *.jar files [-] Fixed apidocs generation to cover all API classes of all distributions Message: [-] Fixed bug of invalid year-month datatype conversions for YYYYMMWW values due dependency on default locale and local timezone [-] Fixed bug when formatting of float datatype value when FR local is set [+] Added symmetric setter for FIXField(int tag, String value) constructor and FIXField.getStringValue() getter [+] Added symmetric getter for FIXField.setValue(long value) Tags: [!] Changed package of generated classes from com.epam.message.constant to com.epam.fix.message.constants to match with package for FIXT11 from the Message module [!] Changed names of some classes [+] Added generation of classes for FIX 5.0 SP1 and 5.0 SP2 Model: [-] Fixed datatypes of fields: 239, 250, 243, 208 [+] Added parsing of YYYYMMWW values of year-month datatype for FIX 4.4 FIXML Converter: [!] Refactored API and implementation JMS Adaptor: [!] Changed package and class names to use adaptor instead adapter CMEFAST Adaptor: [!] Changed class name to use adaptor instead adapter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.18 (2010-02-23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAJ: Added rejecting model functionality [+] FAJ: Added Third Party Message routing [+] FAJ: added functionality for Nagle algorithm [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14795: Validation of tag values does not function for FIXT.1.1 protocol [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14775: TZTimeOnly validation should be implemented [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14724: Application message with wrong tag datatype was not rejected (ignored) [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14794: SeqReset After 24 hours logon message is not properly processed with seq num (34) > 1 [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14026: Incorrect message example for most of the samples [-] FAJ: fixed bug 12178: Incorrect checksum message should be written to logs [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14817: Message which contains tag with only spaces was not rejected [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14835: autoreconnectDelayInMs interval should be checked before reconnect attempt [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14837: Tag 369 should be include in message automatically if includeLastProcessed=true [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14840: Misprint in "58=SendingTime acccuracy problem" rejecting reason [-] Tools: fixed bug 14796: On "Create new session" dialog FIX.5.0SP2 version should be added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.17 (2010-01-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAJ: added FIX 5.0sp2 [-] ICE: fixed bug 14752: Unnecessary FIX Dictionaries are included in the ICE Adaptor package [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14712: SequenceReset-GapFill should be sent in case when engine receives Resend Request with BeginSeqNo>LastSentSeqNo [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14775: TZTimeOnly validation should be implemented [-] JMS: fixed bug 14765: JMS Bridge does not accept the messages from the Active MQ [-] JMS: fixed bug 14764: Missing library from the JMS package [-] JMS: fixed bug 14762: Exception after connecting to the JMS Bridge [-] JMS: fixed bug 14763: Messages are not sent JMS Bridge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.16 (2010-01-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] EPAM B2Bits license agreement packed to releases [+] JMSAdapter added to build [-] Tools: bug 14695: Disconnected session was not removed from sessions list by Remove Session command [-] RAI: fixed bug 14657: Connection was not switched to backup [-] RAI: fixed bug 14687: Admin Session terminates if CreateInitiator command contains duplicate Sender/Target [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14699: Error on HBI=0 [-] RAI: fixed bug 14674: Help command is rejected [-] FAJ: fixed bug 14720: Incorrect reaction on Logon with HBI < 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.15 (2009-12-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] FAJ: Added cyclicSwitchBackupConnection and enableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection to [*] FAJ: Updated switch to backup functionality [*] AdminTool: Added Help command, removed StartSession command [-] AdminTool: fixed bugs: 14650, 14651, 14654, 14657, 14668, 14655, 14667, 14671, 14673 [-] Bug 14656: Message is rejected even if sendRejectIfApplicationIsNotAvailable=false [-] Bug 14419: Very lardge HBI cause antenna to close session [-] Bug 14672: RuntimeException appears on admin session removing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.14 (2009-11-27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FIXEngine: added FIXSessionManagerListener to FIXSessionManager [*] AdminTool: Updated functionality for Admin protocol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.13 (2009-11-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FASTEngine: EBS implementation added [-] Removed obfuscation from some API classes in engine [+] FIX version 5.0SP1 added to AppTester GUI. Updated fixdict11.xml has been added to required modules. Added dictionary for FIX 5.0SP1. [-] Bug 13524: FIXAJ should send Logon with 34=1 and 141=Y in response to ResetSeqNum request -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.12 (2009-10-23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Fixed packaging of samples and benchmarks [-] Fixed initialization of storage for autoreconnect session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.11 (2009-10-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] CME handler sample should be added [-] Improve fast encoder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.10 (2009-10-08) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added functionality for load dictionaries in run-time mode [+] Added functionality for load additional dictionaries in run-time mode from custom directories [-] Fixed bug related to re-cennect functionality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.8 (2009-09-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Fixed critical error: Conversion from FIXML to FIX generates checksum of incorrect format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.7 (2009-09-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FAJ: Update logic of XMLEngine and added append functionality [-] FAJ: RAI: Special symbols "&", "#" and "]" RAI mechanism considered as incorrect [-] FAJ: RAI: Incorrect xml tag in the Response message [-] FAJ: RAI: Unexpected behavior after incorrect command -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.5 (2009-09-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] FAJ: Reject message was sent with invalid tag for RefTagID [-] FAJ: Programmers Guide: Remote Admin Tool minor enhansements [-] FAJ: Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag of the Repeating Group repeated the correct number of times [-] FAJ: Validation Benchmark is executed for too long -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.4 (2009-08-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] FAJ: Fixed blocked errors related to validation process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.3 (2009-08-14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAJ:Added caches for FIXValidation module [-] Cannot connect to SSL server [-] Backup connection generates seqnum too low error and session drops [-] Added FIXAJAdaptor.jar to light and full packages and ObjectModel to javadoc [-] Change configuration page in manual of FAJ [-] FAJ: Fixed some problems with manual -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.2 (2009-08-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] FAJ: Redeveloped module XMLBinding for serialize XML documents to the object speed of serialization(XML document has more than 200 000 lines) up from 5 sec to 0.5 sec [+] Added new functionality for use FAJ without validators module [+] Redeveloped benchmarks module [-] Fixed some minor errors and adds docs into java code [-] Benchmarks display exceptions [-] The Create New Connection dialog is not automatically resizable [*] Renamed mySrvKeystore to mySrvKeystore.key -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.1 (2009-07-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Samples: Added FIXML convertor, Validation API and Object API examples [+] Redeveloped all parts releted to the FIX Errors [+] Added CMEAdapter and FIXMLConvertor packages [+] Added Backup connection properties to the create new session dialog in the test utility [+] Added copyright information to all java classes [-] Invalid message with 35=@ and non-FIX44 message causes Internal error [-] Trade Capture Report Request has incorrect TradeRequestType [-] Command ChangeSeqNum causes unexpected Reject message with incorrect text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.3.0 (2009-07-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Re-developed the algorithms for Conditional and Group validators [+] Added functionality for create ICETradeCapture package automatically [+] Added UNIX shell scripts for the start benchmark tests [+] Samples: Added FastDecoder and FastEncoder examples [-] The UNIX Shell Scrip files do not execute (incorrect path) [-] Validator: correct message validated as incorrect (msgtype AC) [-] Changed text in the Reject message for one reason: incorrect count for RepGr [-] Changed text in the Reject message for one reason: incorrect count for RepGr inside in the another RepGr [-] FIXAJ Validator don't recognize the end of RepeatingGroup [-] Validator: correct message validated as incorrect (msgtype AC) [-] Validator: FIXAJ sends Reject with incorrect tag in the reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.8 (2009-06-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added bat files for compile and run benchmark tests [-] Fixed problems with Nimbus L&F [-] Fixed problems with Validation: Conditional requirement for tag 280 and 55 are incorrectly implemented for MsgType=X [-] Message with incorrect datatype value for NumInGroup count considered as garbled [-] Message in which NumInGroup count is absent validated as correct [-] Changed text in the Reject message if NumInGroup count = 0 [-] Incorrect reference in the Programmers Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.6 (2009-06-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] Incomplete Package [-] Two tags cond requiring each other are incorrectly parsed from fixdic [*] Benchmarks FIX Dictionaries was updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.5 (2009-06-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Two tags cond requiring each other are incorrectly parsed from fixdic [-] FAST (Decoder) Benchmark displays incomplete information [-] Help command only displays one command [*] FIX Dictionaries was updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.4 (2009-05-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added benchmark for the FASTDecoder module [-] Message text (invalid No.Rep.Gr.) should be changed [-] FIXAJ Validator: messages with incorrect value No.Rep.Gr (tags 453, 802) is validated as correct [-] In the admin session sends not 35=n message -- FIXAJ sends unexpected Logout message [-] Incorrect disconnect of the session causes an error on reconnect of session [-] FIXAJ Validator: messages without req-d tags (555, 600) is validated as correct -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.3 (2009-05-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Expected test request ID now displayed in the disconnecd reason if disconnect was because of the missing test request reply [+] (Remote Admin Interface) Added posibility to load custom commands for the AdminTool [-] Version history should be added to the package [-] Change Seq Num without Sender/TargetCompID generates an exception [-] FIXAJ Validator don't recognize the end of RepeatingGroup [-] DeleteAllSession without logout causes incorrect behavior -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.2 (2009-04-24) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] HelpData.xml cannot be located in the package (abnormal behavior) [-] Delete does not function [-] Empty request returns exception [-] For incorrect command, a more notifying message should be applied [-] Exception while using [-] Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag of the Repeating Group repeated the correct number of times [-] SeqResetNum does not function correctly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.1 (2009-04-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Destination with no actions allowed is created in the active state [-] Message without Req.Tag for Repeating Group is validated as correct [-] The dictionary file is incorrectly parsed [-] After validation failure, FIXAJ closes connection. MsgType l (lowercase L) [-] Incorrect validation -- Reject is sent if tag (311) is present [-] Conditionally required tag is absent - message is validated as correct (tags 780-172) [-] SessionStat returns information for incorrect session [-] Receive and Sent Stat commands do not function [-] Create Session request does not function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.2.0 (2009-04-10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Added CME FAST adapter [-] Incorrect MultipleValueString is validated as correct [-] Message with incorrect value for No Repeating Group is validated as correct [-] FIXAJ sends Reject (session level) after receiving a valid message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.1.2 (2009-03-23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Old engine compatibility adaptor [+] Added file for obfuscate of FAST Engine [-] Incorrect order of repeating group is validated as correct [-] Message with SOH inside a Raw Data field is considered as Garbled [-] Data Field length is not validated [-] Non repeating group tag inside repeating group is validated as correct [-] Start field for repeating groups is incorrectly validated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.1.1 (2009-03-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Admin tool [+] Load balancing [-] Garbeled message is written to session logs (condition: first tree tags are incorrect) [-] After rejecting message due to SendingTime error, inbound SeqNum is not increased [-] Cannot create session FIXT.1.1 for FIX 4.0 - 4.4 protocol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.1.0 (2009-02-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FIX Engine Configuration [+] Backup connection support [-] FAJ sends incorrect SeqNum in logon message (FACTS 2.0 realted bug) [-] Logout timer is incorrectly set after Test Request -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.0.4 (2009-02-18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Missing tag 35 causes critical error [-] Valid Resend Request causes unexpected Reject [-] Resend Request is sent after logout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.0.3 (2009-02-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] FAST encoder API [+] FAST templates [+] FAST decoder [-] Test Request timer is incorrectly reset after receiving inbound messages that is not the TR Response [-] Resend Request is sent after logout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX Antenna Java 2.0.2 (2009-01-29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Core FIX Message API [+] Transports UDP/TCP client and server implementations [+] Session logic implementation for 4.0-5.0 [+] FIX Message validation 4.0-5.0 [+] FIXML conversion 4.0-5.0